Committee to hold a meeting in the Council Chambers, Mayor Bangorter explained that the
Council Chambers was a Public Building open to the Public for Public Meetings.
Councilman Siebenbaum referred to the letter previously received from the Engineering Firm
of Howard T. Harstad & Associates reference Engineering for the City's Water Distribution
Lines replacement. He informed the Council that the water Committee, the City Engineer and
the water Superintendent had mot immediately after the last Council meeting and that it
vies their decision that all the Engineering necessary for the replacement could be done
It was moved by Councilman Siobonbaum and seconded by Councilman Sullivan that the
astthe prlojoetLLwaaconlyya matteraofcreplacementatheTEnHinooring wouldibeetaken care ofhom
Councilman Siebenbaum informed the Council that earlier the subject of the borrowing
of money at a small rate of interest for tho replacement project had been looked into and
he had found out that only if the City vies completely broke could the City borrow money,
and that seeing that,that, source was out he would make a motion that the City accept the
offer of Blyth & Co.Inc. to buy the City's water Revenue Bonds in the amount of
0525,000.00. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sullivan and unon roll call vote all
five Councilmon present voted in the affirmative and motion carried.
Councilman Siobonbaum told the Council that the City planned to replace first all
the 16" line and moved that the City Engineer be given permission to go ahead for drawing
up the plans for the 16" line replacement. The motion was seconded by Councilman Muollor
and upon roll call vote all five Councilman present voted in the affirmative and motion
Councilman Siebenbaum informed the Council that some people had said that they would
rather see the City replace the City water Distribution lines on a pay as you go basis.
He explained to the Council that in replacement of the 16" Line the City would only have
about $30,000.00 on hand and that it would cost about $150.000.00. and at that rate it
would take about five years to replace the 16" and about 18 years to replace all of it.
Councilman Steve Chairman of the Streets & Sewrors Committee reported on the request
of Vera Barber that Jefferson Street between Van Buren & Harrison be graded, he stated
that the Street Supt. would got to it as soon as it was Possible.
Councilman Steve also reported also that he had investigated the request of the
Standard Oil Co. of California requesting the lease of that portion of Adams Street from
Water Street to the Water. A motion was made by Councilman Steve bbconded by Councilman
?dueller that the City Council agree to lease that portion of Adams Street between Water
Street and the Water to Standard oil Company of California at the usual rate for street
leases of like ]rind. Upon roll call vote all five Councilmen present voted in the affirmat
ive and motion carried. q�ti
Councilman Steve reported that in regard to tee request of Y i.a Carroll'Plat to
Carroll's Addition and stated that the City Engineer, the City Street Supt. and the
Street and Sewer Committee had investigated the area and had decided that the following
corrections and additions be added to the Plat before consideration be given to it by the
Council. 1. No dwelling to be build on less than 5000 sq. ft. lot or partial lot.
Add to 2. No dwelling shall be placed on n lot or partial lot that does not .face a
Dedication: 60, Street.
Furnish City: Maps showing ester lines and shut offs, also provide shutoff for each
water service on the street.
Maps of Sewer line showing location of sewer, all "Y's", manholes, and any
other appurtenances. pp
It was moved by Councilman Steve and se�Irdad by Councilman Sullivan that the City
Clerk be directed to write a letter to Mr-4-4. Carroll informing him of the findings of
the Committee, the City Engineer and the Street Supt. Upon roll call vote all five
Councilman present voted in the affirmative and motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the C uncil at this time, it was
moved by Councilman Steve and seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum that the meeting adjourn.
?Motion carried.
O �
+.ayor �
C ty C r -
Port Townsend, Washington
October 1, 1956
T,-e City Council of the City of Port Townsend, 111a3hington, met in Statutory (Budget)
session this first day of October, 1956, at 7:30.P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City
Hall, +'iisyor George Bangerter presiding.
Officers and members present were as fellows: "Iayor George Bangerter, City Attorney
Stevens,. City Clerk Ryan and Councilmen Steve. E1lis,Mueller, Avery, Siebenbaum,Sullivan
and Lindsey.
Mayor Ban-arter announced that the purpose of the meeting wes for the consideration
of the budget of the City of Port Townsend, as reouired by statute end that no other
business would be considered at this meeting.
The Council considered each item of the Budget, making changes as necessary, changes
to be confirmed after full consideration.
Under the division City Treasurer, the item Salary,Deputy (6 months) was increased
$150.00. Social Security Coverage was increased from $99.00 to w115.00. Under the division
City Engineer Social Security Coverage was increased from N12.00 to $13.50. Under the
division Police Court Social Security Coverage 'was increased from y?24.00 to 627.00. Under
from 912.00 to
the division City hall building Social Security Coverage was increased
&13.50.Under the division Police Department the item Salary, Chief of Police vies increased
�r300.00,tho items snlaries,4 Patrolmen was increased $300.00 each, the item Extra Patrol-
man $1,000.00 was deleted entirely, the item Social Security Coverage was increased from
'M5.60 to4?479. 25. Under the division City Dog Pound the entire division was deleted and
incorporated into the Humane Society. Under the division Fire Department, the item
salaries 4 Truck Drivers was reduced to 3 truck drivers and salaries were raised $300.00
each.After the item Relief Firemen the amount of w25.00 was inserted this to constitute
three two weeks periods of vacation pay.Under the item 1-2-wa7 Radio (Ladder Truck)$425.00
the item was deloted.Under the Division Humane Society the item City Contribution, Olympia
Health District was increased to a total of $1200.00 Under the division Garbage removal
service the item Salary Superintendent was increased N300.00, under the item Salaries
2 Collectors the item was increased $300.00 each.Under the item Salary -Dent, Clerk(6 monthsO
the item was increased $150.00, The item Social Security Coverage was increased $283.00 to
$344.25. Under the division Sewer Department the item Wages Labor was increased from u`335.00
to $350.00, the item Social Security Coverage was increased from $6.70 to ?'7.68.
Under the division Operation J Maintenance the item Salary, 1'iater Superintendent vies
increased $150.00, the item Salary Repair man (2) was increased $300.00 each.tne item
Salary Dept. Clerk was increased d300.00, the item Social Security Coverage was increased
from (G419,80 to $512.10
It vies moved bV Councilman Steve and seconded by Councilman Lindsey that with the
exception of the Social Security Coverage the Library budget be accepted. Upon roll Call
all seven Councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motion carried.
Under the division Operation & Mnintenence the item Salary, Caretaker •vas increased
]. $300.00, the item SoriaSecurity Coverage was increased from y94.60 to ;113.40, the item
Tools &.-Supplies for Maintenance r. Improvement to grounds & Building was reduced from
$l,OnO.00 to N600.00. It was moved by Councilman Steve and Seconded by Councilmen Lindsey
that with the above corrections the Park Budget be accepted. Upon roll call all seven
Councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motion carried.
Under the division Operation & Maintenance the itom. Salary, Street Superintendent
was increased $150.00, the item Salary Graderman (11 Months) v-s increased �IP5.00 per
month for 11 months. The item Social Security Coverage was decreased from to
$475.00. Under the division Capital Outlay Neu Truck Guard Rail and oiling were combined
and decreased from $4500.00 to $3000.00. It wes moved by Councilman Steve and seconded
by Councilman Siebenbaum that with the corrections as listed above the City Street Budget
be accepted. Upon roll call vote all sever_ Councilmen present voted in the affirmative
and motion carried. City Street Tax Levies were increased to 2.60 mills for year 1957.
All other funds were accepted as presented.
It vies moved by Councilman Mueller and seconded by Councilman Ellis that the oranges
now be confirmed.Upon roll call vote all seven Councilmen present voted in the affirmative
and motion carried.
It was moved by Councilman ;dueller and seconded by Councilman Avery that the Budget
now be odppted. Upon roll call vote all seven Councilman present voted in the affirmative
and motion carried.