HomeMy WebLinkAbout00647 Minutes of Regular Session "pril 2, 1940, continued.624 Minutes of Regular Session "pril 2, 1940, continued. Invitations have been extended to various civic, fraternal and veteran organizations of the Olympic Peninsula to join with us for the occasion by sending a representation. An interesting program has been arranged, and early word of your interest and acceptance is desired. The Army Day luncheon, limited to 80 men, will require reservations with the committee by April 3rd. An entertainment program and short addresses by Army and Civic leaders will feature this event. The Army Day progr:+m follows: 12:45- Army Day lundheon, Battery "A", 14th C.A. Barracks, 35� Reservations limited to men. 2-3:30 Public inspection coast defense battery, mobile anti-aircraft guns and searchlights. 4:45 - Battalion evening parade and retreat Yours very truly, For Resercations: Chamber Commerce Committee Call 28, or write Richard McCurdy Robert U'Ren, Union Dock David E. Rhea Port Townsend, Washington Robert U'Ren Morris Starrett, Chr. From Olympic Pile Driving Company, to -wit: To the Honorable Mayor and Council April 2, 1940 of Port Townsend, Washington. We hereby make application for renewal of our franchise on Madison and Front Streets, Signed Olympic Pilo Driving Co.' By - Harry A. Cotton This matter was referred to the Street Committee for report at the next regular sessio From E. A. Escheid, to -wit: 1375 Dexter Horton Bldg. Seattle, Washington City Council March 27, 1940 Port Townsend, ?lash. Gentlemen: I am enclosing an excerpt from a Tacoma newspaper in regard to rates on the Narrows Bridge. We were all hoping that the new bridge would be a means to giving access to the peninsula at a price which would not be prohibitive to the thousands who would like to summer over there. When the ferry companies combined thus cutting out all competition, and the rates were raised, many of us found it impossible to use our summer homes and therefore had to close them. It seems now that the rates on the bridge are going to be kept high enough so that there will be no competition with the ferry system. It is ridiculous that the rates on the Narrows bridge should be 60 cents for a car in comparison to the 25 cent proposed rate on the Lake Washington bridge, which coats more than the Narrows bridge. It also seems improbable that traffic can be built upon the Narrows bridge if it does not offer some inducement in the way of low rates. So long as rates are prohibitive, it is impossible to attract people to the peninsula. We will continue to close up our summer homes and leave them boarded up. Just why should the Narrows bridge have to pay off its indebtedness faster than any other bridge? Who in the State government is interested in seeing that it is no competition to the Puget Sound Ferry Company which is charging such outrageous rates to Bremerton? We can get no relief from the Public Utilities Commission, and our only hope of competition goes glimmering. Let's get together and see to it that we are not discriminated against in order to help the Ferry Company along. If we are willing to pay six cents a gallon tax on the gas it takes to go from Seattle to the peninsula, five of which goes to the state, the state is making up any difference between a twenty-five cent rate and the sixty cent fare proposed. It is up to every community on the peninsula to fight for a fare over the Narrows bridge wh ich will build up that section of the state and not throttle it, as has been done since there has been no competition in ferry rates. I suggest that you appoint a committee of three citizens to meet with like communities from other communities on a date to be fixed, in order that we might present the matter to the Toll Bridge Authority to the end that the rates fixed shall be sufficiently low to build up the peninsula. Yours very truly, E. A. Eacheid 1.. 0 625 Minutes of Regular Session April 2, 1940, continued. 4 From H. T. Hayden, to -wit: April 2, 1940 Mr. C. F. Christian, City Clerk, City of Port Townsend, Wash. Subject: Insurance of City Police Car. Dear Sir: Police No. 18202 The Commercial Union Fire Insurance Co: insuring the 1939 Chevrolet Coach used as an Emergency Police Car will expire on April 14, 1940. Last years This years The present coverage.is: Rates. Rate. Fire and `theft Actual Cash Value $5.25 $5.00 Collision or Upset 050.00 Deductible) 34.00 28.00 $39.25 $33.00 The same coverage for one year from April 14, 1940, will take a premium of thirty-three and no/100 Dollars. ($33.00). Please refer to the proper committee, and advise me of the decision of the City Council. Yours sincerely, H. T. Hayden From Pacific Coast Plumbing Inspectors Association A communication from Mr. Stephen I. Smoot, Secretary of the Pacific Coast Plumbing Inspectors Association, soliciting the membership of this City or appropriate representative employee in that body, was read and referred to the Water Committee. From Department of Highways A letter to the City Council and copies of communications to the Board of County Commissioners certifying approval of the estimates of road surfacing projects and showing obligation of gas tax allotments in the estimated amounts, were briefly outlined and ordered filed. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS City Attorney Daly addressed the Council stating that it had been brought to his attention that Mrs, Ella Brown wished permission and the authority by the City Council to place a board sidewalk across Quincy Street at the point South of Franklin Street where the said Quincy Street terminates at a bluff, in order to enable pedestrians to cross from the top of the "Zig Zag", to the West side of Quincy Street, without wading thru wet grass. This matter was referred to the Street Committee for action or report. Attorney Daly also reported on requests of various home owners in the vicinity of the Burden home for sidewalks, as heretofore obtained by various residents of the city under a WPA project. Mayor Hirtzler explained that such a project was at present awaiting approval and that many others wished to take advantage of such a program, but that such work must necessarily be subject to approval of the proposed project. Re: Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau Attorney Daly reported having contacted the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau by telephone in accordance with the wish of the Council as expressed at the previous session with a view to re -locating the First and Second Fire Zones of the City, and that he had been informed that a representative of the said Bureau would be in town in the near future, at which time proper action could be taken. Re: Girl Scout Cabin Attorney Daly reported verbal assurance by Mr. John Kirsh, of the preparation of the necessary forms for presentation to the State in order to obtain monies requested in order to properly carry out the program.of a proper meeting place for ft Girl Scout Troops of this conunity. Re: Tyler Warrant Councilman Lewis stated that the work called for by contract with Idr. E. V. Tyler for pointing up the South and West sides of the City Hall Building, had been completed and it was thereupon moved by Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Lewis, that the warrant pre- viously drawn upon the preceeding year's budget and held by the City Clerk in accordance with an order of the City Council, be released at this time and delivered to the proper payee Motion carried. Re: Insurance On Equipment After a short discussion relative to renewal of insurance on city owned equipment as brought to the attention of the City Council in a communication from Mr. H. T. Hayden, it was moved by Councilmen Maroldo and seconded by Councilman Sullivan, that the City Clerk be authorized to renew those policies expiring in the near future, with the agents now writing the same. Motion carried. i I I