HomeMy WebLinkAbout00604 session of the City Council, visa538 ORDIi:A•.:CRS Aim 1iESOLUT1O11S The ac:er;,cncy ordinance for appropriation of money for the Street Department, which wa; read in full for ::lie first reading, at the last regular session of the City Council, visa at this time read in full for the second rending, w.loreupon it Lisa moved by Councilman Lnrvm, seconded by Councilman hobt. Brown, that the third reading be by title only. Roll Call Upon roll call vote all seven councilmen present voted in the affirmative, mid the motion erns declared carried. Third Rendinr and Passage one said limergency Ordinance visa then read by title only for the third reading, where- upon it was roved by Councilman Lammers and seconded by Councilman Robt. Brown, that the said ordinance do nor., pass. Upon roll call vote, all seven Councilmen present voted in the affirmative, and the motion was declared enrried. U'':FI'.1ISIiTD AND NE'I 3USII:ESS Recess It was ::oved by Councilman MR11oldo, seconded by Councilman hobt. Brown, that the Council to now recess for a period of time. Notion carried. (8:00 o'clock, P.L.,.) Reconvened the City Council reconvened at 9:10 o'clock, P.M., with all officers and members of the Council present at their respective stations. Revert to Resolution City Cleric, C. F. Christian, stated that he had received a statement from the Depart- ment of Highways shouting the cost of painting trio and eight-tonths miles of traffic stripe in the City of Port 'Townsend, and that as it was necessary that the City authorize the transfer of this amount ($36.06), from the State Auditor's office to the Department of Highways, City Attorney Daly had drawn up a resolution for this purpose as follows: R E S 0 L U T I 0 11. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, duet the State Auditor of the State of Plaahington be, and he is hereby authorized to pay direct to the Department of Highways of the State of Washington, the sum of :36.06, reprooenting the cost of painting two and eight -tenths :riles of traffic stripe within the City of Port Townsend, which mileage and which route is a part of a primary State Highway, and charge said awn to such amount as may be due the City of Port 'Townsend under existing low. 1939. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend this 19tai day of September, Attest: City Clerk Resolution Adopted It urns moved by Councilman Robt. Boran, seconded by Councilman l-laroldo, that the said resolution be adopted. Roll Crll Upon roll call vote all seven Councilmen voted in the affirmative, and the motion was declared carried. UlIFIl:ISHED AND UESI BUSIJESS Re: 'Inter Ordinance The recormmendations of the ')later Committee, formulated with the help of the City Attorney and City Slater Superintendent, were presented and read as follows: September 19, 1939 To the Honorable l.nvor and City Council City of Port 'Townsend, Slashington Gentlemen: On Monday, the nigh day of September, 1939, the undersigned members of the Slater Committee of 'he City Council met at the City Hall with 'later Superintendant Loelchart, and City Attorney Daly, for the purpose of discussing proposed changes to the Water Ordinance o the City of Port Townsend, and as a result of said meeting, the undersigned Committee members make tine fol.lowinl; recommendations in the premises: 1. That all present ordinances affecting the use of water and the rates to be charged therefor, be repealed and that an entire nevl•llater Ordinance be adopted to become erreative Jan. 1, 1940, and that the present flat rates for use of water remain 'lie some, save and ex cent that payment by the consumer on or before the loth day of the current month will entit the consumer to a twenty-fivo cent rebuts. I 1 539 2. That the minimum rate for meter service remain toe name, out tnat the guiiuiiutu uo increased and that the price to be charged for metered service shall be: 532.25 for the firs 4,000 gallons; sixty cents additional up to 5,000 gallons; thirty cents additional to 6,000, and twenty-one cents thereafter. 3. That service charges for installation remain the same. 4. That the apartment house and light housekeeping rooms be fixed at tho minimum flat rate and a ?2.25 additional for each apartment or light housekeeping rooms. 5. That the penalty imposed upon delinquent accounts for shutoffs and turnons be fixed at the sum of $1.00 for each operation. 6. When water has bean shut off at the curb cock by the 'dater Department for any reason, it shall be unlawful for any person except an employee of the 'later Department to turn the same on. 7. Slhen consumers' bills have been certified by the hater Department and delivered to the Treasurer, the amounts thereof shall not re altered or changed, and it shall be unlaw- ful for the City Treasurer to accept any amount less than the statem,n t as fixed by the Plater Department without the consent of the hater Department. B. The Council reserves porter to curtail the use of water whon, in its opinion, such orders are necessary. 9. That cash deposits be demanded from itinerant house dwellers before water service is turned on. 10. In extraordinary cases the Water Department, with consent of the Council, may mak special contracts for the use of water, providing the same are not repugnant to the general spirit and intent of the new ordinance. 11. The Slater Department may meter premises where there is an unnecessary waste of water, and such waste is detrimental to the condition of City Streets and to the safety of private and public property. 12. For "extra lot" sprinkling, any sprinkling during a stated month, shall be con- sidered sprinkling for the entire month. 13. That all commercial houses, business establishments, and the like, be furnished dater service by meter only, and that homes be furnished with water by flat rate of meter, at the option of the consumer. 14. In all other respects as to administration and enforcement, the terns of the present Plater Ordinances remain the same. Respectfully submitted, C. E. RICHARDS P/ld. LAM1,MRS, SR. J. F. UAROLDO The foregoing recommendations were discussed pro and con for a short while, but not requiring any definite legislation at this time, it visa left to the members to consider until such a time as the new Plater Ordinance is presented with these recommendations corporated therein. Re: Traffic Enforcement Mayor Hirtzler stated that in order to make it a matter of record, he at thin time wished it understood that nbne of the names of the City Officials or members of the Council were to be given as authority for enforcing the Ordinances of the City, but that the Ordinanol in themselves were sufficient authority for performing such duties, lie also stated that it had been reported to him that members of the Police Department had asked the opinion of members of the Police Civil Service Commission in regard to matters concerning the operation of the Department, and he wished it understood that all such matters were part of the duties of the Mayor and Council and that the Civil Service Commission had merely to do with per- sonnel administration. Re: Street Lil;ht Councilman Lewis spolce of the lack of a street light in the immediate vicinity of what s commonly known as the "Richfield Station", and stated that just beyond this point on the ray to the Boat Haven there were two lights within a short distance of each other. lie ecomanended moving the light nearest to the Richfield Station of the two, to a point on tearney Street just North of the station so as to light this particular point, and moved that :he Council order this change of the street lighting system. This motion was seconded by ouncilman Sullivan, and carried by voice vote. ADJOURIKYENT IIo further business appearing for consideration by the Council at this time, it visa roved by Councilman !.:aroldo, seconded by Councilman Robt. Broom, that the Council to now djourn.• Motion carried. Attest: �— Mayor City Clerk c