The CITY COUNCIL of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, met in regular session this
16th day of March, 1937, at 7:30 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall,
Mayor H. L. Hirtzler presiding.
Upon Roll Call, those answering present were Mayor H. L. Hirtzler, City Attorney
Vt. J. Daly, City Clerk C. F. Christian, and Councilmen Peter Naughton, Robt. W. Brown,
W. S. Lafferty, Paul H. Sather, F. G. Lewis and R. E. Ammeter.
The Minutes of the regular session of March 2, 1937, were read and approved as
City Attorney, re: O'Dell claim.
City Attorney Daly reported that he had not had an
opportunity to further investigate the O'Dell claim for damages and it was ordered that the
matter be continued to the next regular session.
Re: Deed for Street.
The City Attorney further reported that Mr. A. Benedetto and hie
wife were willing to deed certain property to the city street purposes to connect E Street
with Van Ness Street, if the other property owner in the line of the proposed street open-
ing would do the same. Having in view certain circumstances which might delay the securi g
of a deed to the remaining necessary property, Y1r. Daly recommended that action be taken to
condemn the property needed to open the desired street. It was moved by Councilman Naugh
ton and seconded by Councilman Lafferty that the City Attorney take action to condemn the
said property, but withdrew the motion before it was presented to the council for vote.
Union Oil Co. Contract received.
The City Clerk reported receipt from the Union Oil
Company, of a duly executed copy of gasoline contract for the current year.
Treasurer's February hoport.
The Treasurer's report for the month of February, was
presented, read, amd referred to the Finance Committee.
Water Supt's February Report.
The report of the #atar Supt. for the month of Februar ,
1937, was presented, read, and referred to the Water Committee.
Main Line Meter Readings.
The report of the Water Supt., showing the flow of water
through the main line meters for the period ending March 15th, visa presented, read and or-
dered filed.
Applications for Building Permits were presented, read, and disposed of as follows:
From A. L. Ticknor, to -wit:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, -
Port Townsend, Washington, March 5/37
Port Townsend, Washington.
Gentlemen: -
Permission is requested to make general repairs to my dwelling house and out-
buildings, situate at 19th and Landes Streets. Cost of material is estimated at $50.00
Respectfully submitted, Mrs. A. L. Ticknor.
From School District No. 43, to -wit:
Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Washington, March 3rd, 1937.
Port Townsend, Washington.
Permission is hereby respectfully asked to make alterations in the old Lincoln
School building at a cost of approximately $50,000.00.
Respectfully submitted, Goo. Welch
Chairman of the Board
Jefferson County School District No. 43.
It was moved by Councilman Ammeter and seconded by Councilman Lafferty that the said
permits be granted. Lotion declared carried.
From E. Morris Starrett, re: proposed street opening, to -wit:
A communication from E. Morris Starrett, relative to street opening, was presented
and read, as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Port Townsend, INashington, February 26th, 1937.
the City of Port Townsend, Washington.
Dear Sirs:- For forty years, or more, the public and city have occupied and used, without
legal right, certain routes from the easterly dead end of E Street, connecting it with Van
in czar—
' L
Ness Ave., and Albert Street and the Old Discovery Road, over private properties. II Acting as agent for Mrs. Celestine Loutre, of 456 Park Avenue, San Jose, California,
and with the advice and consent of Antonio Benedetto, who recently acquired a portion of
this connecting route property from Jefferson County at a sale, I am prepared to offer as-
sistance in legally transferring certain properties on these connecting routes, particular
from E Street to Van Ness Avenue, to the City of Port Townsend for public street use.
Mr. Benedetto has signified his willingness to dded the easterly thirty (30) feet of
Lot Five (5) of John Bartlett's Addition to Port Townsend for this purpose, at no cost to
the City.
I will be glad to advise and urge Mrs. Loutre to offer an addit&onal strip of her Lots
Sixteen (16) and Seventeen (17) of John Bartlett's Addition to Port Townsend for the same
purpose. I do not think she would be interested in offering an additional city street
outlet via Albert Street, however, as this would definitely impair the value of her holdin
by reducing the total area quite substantially.
I trust the city will act immediately in this matter, as the parties concerned are bolt
anxdous to make other plans for the property in question.
Respectfullu yours, E. Morris Starrett.
Referred to City Attorney.
It was moved by Councilman Naughton and seconded by Councilman Ammeter that the
matter be referred to the City Attorney with power to act; limiting the price to $15.00,
however, if the property can be purchased from the owner. Upon Roll Call vote, all six
Councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried.
From Geo. Welch, re: Motor Equipment Insurance.
A letter from Geo. Welch, relative to Insurance on the city's motor equipment,
was presented and read, as follows:
Port Townsend, Washington, March 4th, 1937.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Washington.
Gentlemen: -
Vie wish to call your attention to the poilcy we are now carrying on your 1933
Ford 13ickup used in the Water Department the covering being only for $10,000 and $20,000
public liability and $300.00 against fire and theft, there being no coverage against prop-
erty damage, which iii this case would coat $9.00 per annum for $5000.00 insurance.
We have been advised on good authority that parties have obtained judgment agains
cities on both public liability and property damage and are writing you this letter to keep
you fully advised as to what your policy covers hoping that we may be of service to you in
adding the property damage. This could be done at this time on a pro rate basis for the
balance of the one year term ending July 24th,next.
The rate for $5000.00/$10,000.00 public liability and $5000.00 property damage on your
gravel truck would be only $22.00 per annum.
We will be pleased to write this coverage for you upon your request.
Thanking you for business in the past,
Yours very truly, Geo. Welch.
This matter was referred to the Finance Committee.
From F. G. Lewis, re: Water Service.
A communication from Mr. F. G. Lewis, relative to water service, was presented
and read, as follows:
Port Townsend, Washington, March 16, 1937.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council.
Gentlemen: -
I hereby make application to your honorable body for water to my residence on
Cosgrove and Monroe Streets.
Yours sincerely, F. G. Lewis.
The said communication was referred to the Water Committee.
Requisitions for supplies for various departments of the city, were presented, read,
and disposed of as follows:
For the City Hall Department, to -wit:
gal. Johnson G1o.Coat; 2 brooms; 2 mop heads.
For the City Clerk's Dept., to -wit:
1 copy 1937 Session Laws, State of Washington; Postage Stamps and Stamped envelopes
as required.
For the Fire Department, to -wit:
Approx 175 feet fire hose; replacements of sundry equipment ($400.00 and 100.00 rasp.
For the Water Department, to -wit:
500 vouchers; complete overhaul of typewriter.
It visa moved by Councilman Naughton and seconded by Councilman Brown that the said
requisitions be granted. Upon Roll Call vote, all six councilmen present voted in the
affirmative and motion was declared carried.
Requisition for wood for City Hall.
A requisition for 10 cords of wood for the city hall building, visa submitted by