The CITY COUNCIL of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, met in regular session this
30th day of July, 1935, at 8 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Coun-
cilman Wm. Lammers, Mayor pro tem, presiding in the absence of Mayor Bangerter.
Upon Roll Call there were present City Clerk C. F. Christian, and Council-
men Peter Naughton, Sl. S. Lafferty, Wm. Lammers Sr., H. L. Hirtzler and Sam McGee, Council-
men Paul H. Sather and Tony DeLeo arriving a little later in the session.
It was moved by Councilmen McGee and seconded by Councilman Laffor
that the minutes of the regular session of July 23rd be approved as recorded. Motion de-
clared carried.
W. J Daly Communication re: Water System Appropriation.
Corrnlun�caticn from W. J. Daly, relative to a proposed emergency appropriation, was
presented and read, as follows:
Port Townsend, Washington, July 30, 1935.
Honorable a-ayor and City Council of the
City of Port Townsend,
Port Townsend, Washington.
Gentlemen: -
The City Cloak informs ma that the principal object and purpose of the council
meeting of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, called for Tuesday evening,July
30th, is to definitely settle and formulate just exactly what type of betterments and exten-
sions shall be made to the present and existing water system.
Before any ordinance can be presented appropriating and providing for the expendi-
ture of funds to meet the contemplated improvements, betterments and extensions, it is im-
perative and necessary that the City Council adopt the following:
1. Location of the new pipe line with size and type of pipe.(In this connection permit
me to call your attention to the language embraced in Ordinance 997 of the City of Port
2. Estimated cost of the entire contemplated work computed without regard to proposed
Federal grant.
This information is necessary in view of the fact that inasmuch as public improvements'
are contemplated, with tin emergency ordinance necessary to carry the financial burden, a
full and complete opportunity trust be presented to the public to permit any person to appear
and object to any or all of the various items to be embodied in the proposed ordinance.
I had made a previous engagement to be in Seattle this evening and tomorrow before I
received the official notice of the special meeting for this evening and was unable to Chan[
my arrangements.
Very truly yours,
'Al. J. Daly, City Attorney.
It was ordered that following the consideration of the foregoing communication, it be
filed for handy reference.
Engineer Campbell reports on Water Project.
City Engineer Campbell followed with a verbal report, making suggestions and racer
mendations as to the proposed betterments and extensions with a view toward reducing the
costs to the city of the proposed work. Specifically, these changes and alterations were
as follows: that the westerly and northerly leg of the so-called loop or supply main shall
be routed on Sheridan Street, Hastings Avenue, Discovery Road and San Juan Avenue to Cedar
Street, as originally -planned, thence along Cedar Street to Beech Street, thence diagonally
across Beech Street to "P" Street, thence along "P" Street to a junction with the present
line on Madison Street, and thence,(in accordance with'the original plan), along Madison
Street to a connection with the 16" main on Root Street; estimating that this change would
result in a saving in construction costs in excess of $2,100.00. Also, that 1n renewing
the Irondale-Hadlock line, that it not be carried beyond Hadlock, at the present time,which
would effect a reduction of approximately $3,500.00 in construction costs of that line.
Proposed Changes Adopted.
It was then moved by Councilman Sather and seconded by Councilmen Lafferty that
the changes in the route of the new pipe line, as recommended by City Engineer Campbell, be
approved and adopted, and, together with the replacement of the present old mains, shall
constitute the project or plan for extensions and betterments of the City Water System.
Motion declared carried, there being no dissenting vote or votes.
Matheson Joint Pipe sub -project.
City Engineer Campbell then took up the matter of the possibility of constructing
part of the northerly loop of the supply mains by salvaging iron pipe from the old Snow
Creek line, which, he explained, was dependent upon socuring free labor through the Works
Progress Administration and that if the project proved leasable, a further saving of approx
imately $6,000.00 could be made. He stated, however, that care should be exercised in the
matter of applying for such a grant, in that there may not be enough relief labor available
to prosecute the work and suggested that information be obtained through personal interview
with the director of the }SPA before making such application.
Engineer to see Gannon.
It was then moved by Councilman Sather and seconded by Coun-
cilman Naughton that Mr. Campbell, City Engineer, be authorized to go to Seattle and obtain
through personal interview with the officials of the WPA, all of the information and facts
relating to such work and report same to the council.
Motion declared carried, there being no dissenting votes.
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tea of Regular Session of Jdly 30/35 continued.
Emgineer to prepare data for Daly.
To comply with the request of City Attorney Daly, relative to data to be incorpo-
rated in the proposed appropriation ordinance, it was moved by Councilman Lafferty and sec-
onded by Councilman Naughton the the City Engineer be instructed to prepare the said data
and submit same to the City Attorney. Notion declared carried, there being no negative
vote or votes.
The following circular letter from the State Highway Deportment
was presented and read, as follows:
Olympia, Washington. July 29, 1935.
To All City Clerks
Boards of Co. Commissioners:
There will be a meeting to discuss the Federal Works Program in the Hlghv+ay,
Olympia, Wednesday, July 31, at 10 a.m. It is urged that all county and city officials
be present, as well as any others who may be interested.
Very truly yours,
J. W. Hamilton, District Engineer.
Said communication was ordered filed.
Emergency Ordinance Brought Up for Vote.
It was moved by Councilman Hirtzler and seconded by Councilman Sather that the
proposed emergency ordinance, introduced at the regular session of July 2nd and read in full
for the first reading, said ordinance being entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Port Town-
send declaring an emergency and appropriating and providing funds for the employment of an
engineer for the remainder of the year," be now brought up for the second reading. Upon a
viva voce vote, the motion was declared carried.
Second reading.
The City Clerk then read the said proposed ordinance in full for the
second reading.
Third Reading by Title. Sather and
It visa moved by Councilman/seconded by Councilman DeLeo, that
the third reading be by title only. Upon Roll Call vote Counvilmen DeLeo, Naughton, Laffer
Lammers, Sather and Hirtzler voted in the affirmative and Councilman McGee in the negative.
motion declared carried.
Third Reading and Vott (Ordinance fails to pass.)
The Clerk read the ordinance by title only for the third reading, whereupon it wa:
moved by Councilman Sather and seconded by Councilman Lafferty that said ordinance do now
pass. Upon Roll Call vote, Councilmen DeLeo, Naughton, Lafferty, Lammers, Sather and Hirt,
ler voted in the affirmative, and Councilman McGee in the Negative. Motion declared lost
because of lack of unanimous affirmative vote.
To Draw New Emergency Ordi:nunce.
It was then moved by Councilman 'Sather) and seconded by Councilman Lafferty that
a new emergency ordinance be drafted for presentation to the Council, appropriating the sum
of $998.50 from the Olympic Gravity eater Fund for the employment of an engineer for the
remainder of the year 1935. Upon Roll Call vote, Councilmen DeLeo, Naughton, Lafferty,
Lammers, Sather and Hirtzler voted in the affirmative and Councilmen McGee voting in the
negative. Motion declared carried.
Upon motion of Councilman Hirtzler, seconded by Councilman Lafferty
Council voted to adjourn. p