HomeMy WebLinkAbout00344 Minutes of Regular Session of April 23/35.r
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Minutes of Regular Session of April 23/35.
7ygy �,�i 7f 1t'r�, closed to the public from 1, A.M. and 6, A.M. ,.Councilman Naughton submitted for the consid
'ri; ` �_+;oration of the Council, a new Ordinance to licenserpublic card rooms, and entitled, "AN OR -
PORT TO'i.NSEND, WASHINGTON, APRIL 23, 1935. x• hk*+c�xk DINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, relating to and regulating, and requiring license for
p55 'z''{` s:3 ,r "L +✓ the operation
of 'Public Card Rooms within said sit and providing a "
, Y P B Penalty.
The CITY COUNCIL of the Cityof Port Townsend, Washington, met in regular session this
23rd day of April, 1935, at 7:30o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers of the CityHall, 5+>>{t *`x ,�''iY"7 First Reading.
Xh f +, k r
residin in the absence of Mayor Bangerter.
The City Clerk ]C19�A read the proposed ordinance in full for the first
Councilman Wm. Lammers, Mayor pro tem., p g Y Bt`
therea firstreading behen moved consideredytheusecondnreading andthatcthesthird reading Councilman
by titleat
ROLL CALL. d{ iyHs £, B B B Y
Upon Roll Call there were present City Attorney W. J. Daly, City Clerk kuwjs��sy,�,i, , ., 'a only. Upon Roll Call vote, all six councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motio
C. F. Christian, and Councilmen H. L. Hirtzler, Tony DeLeo, Peter Naughton, W. S. Lafferty, 4 v, w Y.,j ` w, was declared carried.
Wm. Lammers Sr., Councilman Sather arriving lobar in the session. 35It
y� Third heading and Paesaga.
MINUTES APPROVED. )'..� " ' The Clerk read the ordinance by title only for the third
It was moved by Councilman Hirtzler and seconded by Councilman i,}s'* reading, whereupon it was moved by Councilman Lafferty and seconded by Councilman Sather Ij
Naughton that the minutes of the regular session of April 16th be approved as recorded. that the ordinance do now pass. Upon Roll Call vote, all six councilmen present voted in
Motion declared carried. the affirmative and motion was declared carried.
REPORTS OF OFFICERS.`;} ; +#z Copy of Ordinance.
* The following, is a full, true, and correct copy of the said Ordi-
Weppner - Card ;-.otice of Allowance. Hance as added b the City Council April 23 1935; approved b the Mayor April 24 1935
P Y Y > Y Y P , ,
City Clerk Christian reported receipt of card from the Department of Labor and �z x and published in the Port Townsend, Leader April 26, 1935, to -wit:
Industries, containing notice of payment to Roy S. Weppner of the sum of $35.00 for loss ("
of time for the month ending April 3, 1935. ORDINANCE N0. 1051.
x�Tt' c AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, relating to and regulating, and requiring
Water Supt. - Main Line Meter Readings. „ r ", y license for the operation of "Public Card Rooms", within said City and providing a penalty.
The reports of the Water Superintendent of the flow of water through the main �r k',{j� +o,rsy°` ,.+ i� W"
line meters for the period ending April 23, 1935, were presented, read, and ordered filed. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS F0LL0,1S:
Sedction 1. The term "Public Card Room", as used in this ordinance, shall be held an
construed to mean any place where card games are played and the public is admitted.
RE: Brinsmead Water Service. 3'°+ Section 2. It shall be -unlawful for any person to conduct a public card room within
4'+4r the City of Port Townsend, without hating first obtained a license so to do, to be known as
Councilman Lammers, Chairman of the Water Committee, brought up the matter of the �� ';`5A c F t e , a "Public Card Room License", which license shall be publicly displayed in a conspicuous
water service to the property of William Brinamead and reported that in his judgment, since within the licensed premises. The fee for such public card room license shall be, and the
Mr. Brinamead no longer personally resides on the property, it would probably be advisable i; ? is hereby, fixed in the sum of Five Dollars, per annum, for each table maintained or used
to put the service bock on a flat rate, with a charge for extra service if more than one �A• for playing cards. All licenses issued under the provisions of this ordinance shall expire
lot is sprinkled. Other Councilmen expressed the same belief. XH at twelve o'clock midnight on the 31at day of December following the date of issue: Provide 1
` however, that the fee for licenses to be issued for the remainder of 1935 for card rooms now
To put on Flat Rate._ being operated and conducted shall be the sum of Three Dollars for each table: Provided,
It was then moved by Councilman Naughton and seconded by Coun- cp further, that whenever a license is issued on or after the first dayof Jul of any year for
cilmon Lafferty that the account be taken off the meter rate and put on a flat rate, with a public card room not being conducted as such before said date of he current year,
the understanding that if more than one lot is served that the consumer pay the regular r
ges for all extra lots. Motion declared carried. therefor shall be one-half of the annual fee; Provided further, that where cards are la
,' i* ad under the auspices of any recognized charitable, benevolent, fraternal, labor organizatio
Councilman Paul H. Sather arrived at this time and took his seat in the Council. �4I,,"i - " +ir or society and the total net proceeds will be dongted for the sole purpose of such organize -
Councilman tion or society, no license shall be required.
Section 3. It shall be unlawful for the proprietor, manager or other person in charge
COMMUNICATIONS. ( of a public card room to allow or permit any minor to play cards or to remain in or about
Building Permit for Earl Matthews, any public card room licensed under the provisions of this ordinance.
R It shall also be unlawful for any minor to be in or about or to remain in a public card
Application from Earl Matthews for Building Permit was presented and read, as room after being notified by the management, or any peace officer to leave the premises.
follows: Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person connected in any way with the operation
Port Townsend, Washington, April 17/35.�; off a public card room to allow any person to conduct or engage in gambling in or about the
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, premises.
Port Townsend, Wash.
kx`: '� a '� ' Section 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deeme
�antlemen: r�%z o, q , guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to
permission is requested to make minor repairs to the interior of the building exceed One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City jail of not to exceed twenty days
next adjoining the Penney Building, on the Westerly aide, on Water Street. Cost is eati- i t t or by both such fine and imprisonment.
mated at15.00. Section 6. That this ordinance by published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in
Respectfully submitted, j;y,, force and take effect as provided by law.
Earl Matthews. t �' Passed by the City Council April 23, 1935.
It was moved by Councilman Hirtzler and seconded by Councilman Naughton that the per- Approved by the Mayor April 84, 1935.
Attest: George Bangerter, Mayor
mit be granted. Motion declared carried. C. F. Christian, City Clerk.
Chas. A. Norris granted Lease, y4iig UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS.
Application of Chas. A. Norris to lease a pant of a street was presented and read ;#ei Transfer funds and Credit Fort Warden.
as follows: z ° To correct an error in book keeping, it was
Port Towmsemd, Wash., Mar 19th, 135 {#`� moved by Councilman Naughton and seconded by Councilman Hirtzler that the City Treasurer
Mr. Councilman: transfer on the books of her office from the Current Expense Fund to the Olympic Brevity
e Fund the sum of $75.00, erroneously credited to the Current Expense Fund from moneys receive
Dear Sir:- from C.W.A. funds and actually in payment for water consumption, and that the Fort Worden
I am sending you the One Dollar for the S of street as per agreement and would
like the permission to use the little portion of the street along the West aide of Block water account be credited in like amount. Motion declared carried.
55 (Eisenbois Addition) what we have had in.
when I went to Mrs. Holders, I saw that they had a 2 wire fence on the Property �` t Water Supply Discussion.
line on the South side of Block 55 & the part on the West aide. Mr. Bolger has had a gar- sy Certain matters relative to water supply and minimum charges
den along the Vleat aide joining us, last 2 yrs. r7 were now informally discussed, but upon the presentation of the legal and political phases
Mrs. Bolser�a road is all on our side of street for o little ways then angles out1. that might arise, such presentation being offered by the City Attorney, no action of any
throu LaForgea. Z hope every thing will be allright. { kind was taken by the Council in relation to matters informally discussed.
Thanking you for your kinding, I am, p `
Yours truly, t' �' Adjournment.
Chas. A. Norris. l , Upon motion of Councilman DeLeo, seconded by Councilman Lafferty, the
Council voted to adjourn. {
It was moved by Councilman Sather and seconded by Councilman DeLeo, to lease the said
one-half street to Chas. A. Norris for one year for the sum of One Dollar. Motion 7' =r ptteat:
declared carried. �r''
"Public card Room" Ordinance.
city clerk. j
In the matter of licensing public card rooms, the Mayor.
having vetoed an ordinance containing a section requiring that such public card rooms be