The City Council of the City of Port in thenCounciliChamberseofitheeCityrHall,iCouncil
on this
lath day of December, 1933, at 7 re P.N..,
men Win. Lammers, Mayor Pro Tem, presiding in the absence of Mayor Gorge Bangerter.
Upon ROLL CALL there were present Deputy City Attorney W::J.'Daly,::City Clerjc C_YF-
Christian, and CouncilmennW. S. Lafferty, Wm. Lemmors,Sr., Jacob Miller, C. P. Aubert, Geo.
F. Townsend, and Sam McGee; Councilman W. B. Smith being absent account illness.
The MINUTES of the regular session of December 5th were read and approved as read.
The report of the City Treasurer for the month of Decem-
ber, 1933, was presented, read, and referred to the Finance Committee.
Water Supt's Monthly Report.
The report of the City Water Supt. for the month ending
Nov. 30th, was presented, read, and referred to the Water Committee.
Work Report - Water Supt.
The Work Report of the Water Superintendent for the period
ending Dec. 19th, was presented, read, and ordered filed.
Main Line Meter Readings.
The reports of the City Water Supt., of the flow of water
through the main line meters, for the period ending Dec. 19th, were presented, read, and
ordered filed.
Yr, and Mrs. Lloyd being present, the matter of their petition
for vacation of parts of 7th and Jackman Streets was taken up, and being granted the privi-
lege of the floor, Mrs. Lloyd presented their reasons for the requested vacation, to -wit:
that they desired to improve the adjacent property by pinnting bulbs and fruit trees and th t
these parts of streets were needed to make their venture successful.
An informal discussion which followed showed that the Council was opposed to any out-
right street vacations but that they would favorably consider the rental of the parts of
streets sought to be vacated.
It was then moved by Councilman Townsend and seconded by Councilman Lafferty that the
said petitioners be granted the privilege of leasing the said parts of streets at an annual
rental of $1.00. Upon Roll Call, all six Councilmen present voted in the affirmative and
motion was declared carried.
Councilman Aubert reported having secured information relative
to water right filings while in Olympia and presented a list of same. This statement was
read to the Council and ordered filed.
� Councilman Townsend stated that he had CWA men available to
1 repair the tunnel at the city lake if it was found advisable, and also that the tap record
of the water system was being completed through the CWA work.
Taking up the matter of the¢pplication of R. N. Clarion for
sewer connection on Cass St., it was moved by Councilman Lafferty and seconded by Council-
man Townsend that Mr. Marion be granted permission to connect his premises with the sewer
i upon payment to the City of the regular assessment charge for property in that district.
Upon Roll Call, all six Councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motioh was declared
iApplications for Building Permits were presented, read, and disposed of, as follows:
j From L. A. Spaulding, to -wit:
4 Port Townsend, hash., Dec. 9th, 1933
i To tre Honorable Mayor and City Council
Port To•r,msend, Wash.
Permission is requested to build a small addition to the garage on the premises
lat premises at 440 Scott St. Cost is estimated at $15.00 for materials.
Respectfully submitted,
L. A. Spaulding.
From Kate E. Hughes, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Plash., Dec, 12, 1933
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coum il,
i Port Townsend, hash.
Pcrmission is respectfully requested to make alterations in the old Peoples
arket quarters on Taylor Street at a cost of approximately $500.00; including•.the temperer
piling of material on the sidewalk, not interfering with traffic.
"espectfully submitted, Kate E. Hughes.
It was moved by Councilman :dillor and seconded by Councilman Townsend that the said
(permits be granted.
"lotion declared carried.
From Dr. C. F. Kuhn, Welfare Commissioner.
Communication from Dr. C. F. Kuhn, 77elfare Commissioner, relative to funds for city
projects, was presented and read, ad follows:
Port Townsend, Wash., December 18th, 1933
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.
Gentlemen: ,
While in Olympia last week I called at the office of Mr. Tiffany of the Works
Administration, with an outline map of the proposed steps up Taylor Street Terrance.
I advised him of the age and condition of the present stepd,also necessity for new
and substantial ones as it is the main street leading down town, and stated that one reaso
for not having put them in was lack of funds.
I also stated that we wished to build at the street level two comfort stations, the
cost of the entire job would amount to $200.00 for cement and $300.00 for comfort stations
complete including sewer connections. Mr. +,ally, the man in:charge inquired what effort
had been made to raise funds. He was informed that the Chamber of Commerce and other civic
organizations, as well as certain citizens had donated, but not sufficient. His reply was
that if the City Council should write a letter to that effect and also send him plans and
maps and he would allot $500.00 cash to purchase cement and pipes, the city to furnish the
necessary gravel, the labor to come from CWA. Your immediate attention to this matter is
C. F. Kuhn, Commissi oner, CWA.
After consideration of the matter, it visa moved by Councilman Townsend and secobded b
Councilman Lafferty, that Mr. W. J. Sadler be employed and instructed to draw plans and
make estimates on the proposed Taylor Street steps and Comfort Stations and to submit same
to the CWA authorities for approval and that the City Clerk be instructed to write a letter
covering the points outlined in Dr. Kuhn's Letter, to accompany the said plans and estimate
Upon Roll Call, all six councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motion was de-
clared carried.
Width of steps.
It visa then moved by Councilman Aubert •and seconded by Councilman
Lafferty that the length of the steps be set at 8 feet. Motion declared carried.
Requisitions for supplies for various departments of the City, were presented, read,
and disposed of, as follows:
For City Clerk's Office, to -wit:•
100 - 211 stamped envelopes; 100 - 1¢ stamps; 50 - 2� stamps
For Street Department, to -wit:
1 - 33 x 0 retread tire for Ford truck, $6.00.
It was moved by Councilman Aubert and seconded by Councilman Townsend that the said
requisitions be granted. Motion declared carried.
EMERGENCY ORDINANCE, Olympic Uravity Water Fund.
To aid in the employment of people under the CWA, it became necessary to expendcmoree
money than provided in the several budgets for 1933, and in accordance with the instruc-
tions of the City Council, Deputy City Attorney Daly prepared Emergency ordinances, which
were presented, as follows:
On the Olympic Uravity Water Fund, to -wit:
An -Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance of the
City of Port Townsend providing for the immediate appropriation and expenditure of money
from the Olympic Gravity Vlater Fund and providing for an emergency."
The said ordinance was read in full for the first reading whereupon it was moved by
Councilman Townsend and seconded by Councilman Aubert that the first reading be considered
hhe second reading and that the 3rd reading be by title only. Upon Roll Call, all six
councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried.
The City Clerk read the said ordinance by title only for the third reading and it was
then moved by Councilman Aubert and, seconded by Councilman Townsend that the ordinance by
put on final passage and that ordinance do now pass. Upon Boll Call all six councilmen
present voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried.
The following is a full, true, and correct copy of said ordinance No. 1037, as passed
by the City Council Dec. 19th, 1933, approved by the Mayor Dec. 20th, 1933, and published
in the Port Townsend Leader Dec. 21st, 1933, to -wit:
An Ordinance of the City of Port Townsend providing for the inmediate appropriation
and expenditure of money from the Olympic uravity '.Pater Fund and providing for an emergency
Whereas, under the unforseen donation of gratuitous labor under the provisions of the
Civil Works Administration of the United States of America, it was ,impossible for the City
of Port Townsend in the preparation og the budget for the Olympic Uravity "ater Works Sys-
tem for the year 1933 to provide for and appropriate money for the unforseen contingencies
and free donation of labor under the Civil Works Administration, and,
Whereas, it is economically inadvisable for the City of Port Townsend tp fail -to, -aid
in"the carrying on of this necessary public work, therefore, the