HomeMy WebLinkAbout00196 Minutes of the. Regular Session of February 7th, 1933, continued. �L'tY •n
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Minutes of the. Regular Session of February 7th, 1933, continued. �L'tY •
Minutes of the Regular Session of the City Council, rebruary 7th, 1933, continued.
(Salary Warrants Continued)
Upon the Current Expenae Fund, to -wit: ; Finance and Claims.• REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES
376 Harriett E. Dobbs City Treasurer 110.00 Ir Report of the Finance and Claims Committee was presented and read, as follows:
377 C. F. Christian City Clerk 110.00
378 Jan, W. B. Scott City Attorney 75.00 Port Townsend, Washington, Feby 7th, 1933
380 Earl D. ComptSturron
ck Police Justice 09.67 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
3B0 Elmer Compton Chief of Police 109.67 of'the City of Port Townsend.
381 R. S. Weppner Patrolman 99.67 Gentlemen:
383 Roy a Aveylbr Fire Truck Driver 94.62 Your Committee, on Finance and Claims to'whom was referred the matter of City
383 Wayne Albright Fire Truck Driver 15.00 Treasurer's Report Mr the month of December, 1932, would respectfully repobt as follows:
384 J. J. Lafferty Fire Chief 15.00
385 J. H. Pollard Street Supt. 109.54 We Bind same to be correct.
386 Rollie Stahl Truck Driver 99.54 W. B. SMITHWM. LAMMERS, SR.
Total .907.66 Water and Drainage Committee:
Upon the Olympic Gravity Water Fund, to -wit: The report of the '!later and Drainage Committee on Water Superintendent's report for
December, 1932, was presented and read, as follows:
6178 Ben Green City 'latS, }
er Supt. 119.62 � �� Port Townsend, Washington, Feby 7th, 1933
6179 Alpha Baker Clerk. 70.00 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
Total of the City of Port Townsend.
• 189.62 Gentlemen:
Your Committee, on Water and Drainage to whom was referred the matter of Water
Upon the Library rind, to -wit: Your
repa, t for December, 1932, would respectfully report, as follows: We p(
1689 Emilie A. Rothschild Librarian 070.00 find same to be correct. WM. LAMANiRS, SR. ,.
1690 Hugh Richmond Janitor 18.00 - W. S. LAFFERTY
Total . . . . . . . . 88.00 Said reports were ordered filed.
Upon the Park Fund, to -wit: �I Committee Report on Parking Ordinance Petition: ,
81 Roy M. Ellis Caretaker 0 75.00 Committeesto whom were referred a petition requesting an ordinance to limit time of
Report of Chief of Police, to -wit:
parking on certain business streets, submitted a written report, as follows:
Port Townsend, Washington
The report of the Chief of Police for the month of January, 1933, was presented, read To the Honorable Mayor, and City Council !{
and ordered filed• of the City of Port Townsend: {
Main Line ?deters: Gentlemen: f
We, the Committees to whom you referred the petition of divers business men whose
%. business houses and offices are fronting on the streets named in the petition, do respect
The report of the City Plater Superintendent of the flow of water through the main line fully submit the following report:
meters for the period ending February 7th were present, read and ordered filed, First: We find that the business men themselves, along them many of the petition-
ers, are monopolizing the parking space. They are therefore asking the City Council to
regulate them; that our parking system, as it is now, is subversive•of business: that wood
The report of the librarian of the Port Townsend Public Library for the trucks, fruit and negetable trucks, bread wagons, etc., are parking with their rears toward
y year 1932 was the center of the street instead of reverse order, thus obstructing the view of other
presented and read, as follows: ; drivers, endangering life and property; That at the intersection of Water and Taylor street
too many U turns are made, endangering pedestrians crossing these streets.
PORT T011SEND PUBLIC LIBRARY, PORT TOWNSEND,YlASHINGTON We, the Committees, therefore recommend that the City Attorney draw up an ordi-
Report Edr 1932. nance regulating parking along the streets designated by the petitioners; That the aggre-
gate time limit be two hours for any day other than Sunday, between the hours of eight
To the chairman and members of the Library Board, o'clock A. M. and six o'clock P. M. That, bread wagons, wood trucks, fruit and vegetable
I hereby submit a summary of the work of the Library for 1932. trucks should be required to park fronting the street center; That taxis, care for hire,
The entire circulation for books and periodicals was 26,836 this amount being far shoal and busses that carry passengers to points in the city, may be allowed parking space if
of any previous year. Of these 17,208 were adult fiction and 5,025 juvenile fiction. (- their licenses .are paid, provid6dithe adjacent business manager is willing. Physicians
During 1932, there were 256 added to list of borrowers-180 adult and 76 juvenile. L may be allowed to park all hours in the restricted districts.
We were open usual number of hours, closed only for general holidays and one day for Signed by the Committees:
floor renovation. Our new catalogue system has proven very helpful in many ways. SS
The number of new books added by purchase and binding, 74 juvenile and 134 for adults. W.
SLafferty C. P. Aubert
S. Lammers, Sr. Sam McGee
7 books were withdrawn leaving 5807 volumes, W
Jacob Miller
Receipt; Following the reading of said report, it was moved by Councilman Aubert and seconded
Balance on hand, January 1, 1932 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0432.39 by Councilman Townsend that the said report be adopted. Councilman Aubert stated that
From Taxes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1775.90 since the report had been written, he understood that business men along a portion of
Interest 6n bank deposit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12.73 Washington Street desired that it be included in the parking district., After some argument
Sale of County property- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 47.02 for and against the adoption of the report, Councilman Smith moved to pay the matter over,
Fines _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 132.20 Y but received no second. It was then moved by "ouncilman McGee and seconded by Councilman
Subscriptions_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 98.60 Aubert to amend the report to include Washington Street, between Taylor and Adams Street.
8.00 Upon roll call, Councilmen Townsend, McGee, Lafferty, Lammers, Miller and Aubert voted in }•,'
the affirmative and Councilman Smith in the negative. Motion declared carried.
Total - - - - - 2X A call was then made for a vote upon the original motion as amended, and.upon roll cal
Expenditures;- _ - _ -$2506,84 �,.
RRR s Councilmen Townsend, McGee, Lafferty, Lammers, Miller and Aubert voted in the affirmative
Books- ------------ s rur•�;,*a
-i? 262.88 f, and Councilman Smith in the negative. Motion declared carried.
Periodicals -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38.45Ya+..
Binding _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , has Additional Street Lights: i
6- ----- - 94.83
Salary, Librarian_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 880.00
Salary, Janitor_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 240.00 Councilman Townsend, reporting on the matter of installing additional street lights, Jl
Salary,balance to Cataloguer - - - - - - - ' rr}, stated that b installing eight more lights, the City would be entitled to a lower rate per
g------- 16,80 �r;,z._, k' Y B B 6 , Y
Heat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 179.90 v r'af:, light and recommended that standard street lamps be installed in the following locations:
Supplies_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44.02
20.16 One at the entrance to the Fish Haven on the State Highway.�„�
Postage _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.50 One on the Stato-Highway at the bridge. flt��-+..r x ?fta.7✓� (-
Insurance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ »` ,y One on the State Highway on the railroad trh`cks.
Miscellaneous- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 82.50 y,+ One on the State Highway at Thomas Street.
- - 45.75 a .
Permanent Improvements - - - - _ _ _ _ _ ' One on the State Highway on Sheridan Avenue.
p - - - - - - - - 118.50 y One in the vicinity of Manresa Hall.
Total - - - _ K One at Blaine and Monroe Streets.
Balance on hand - - --$2481.55 One at Lawrence and Benton Streets.
Respectfully submitted, 8155
EMILIE A. ROTHSCHILD It was moved by Councilman Townsend and seconded by Councilman Aubert that the said
Librarian. Approved by Board, report be adopted, and that the Puget Sound Power & Light Company be requested to install
G (Mrs. Tedd) May B. Marriott new street lights at the points as stated in the report. Upon roll call all seven Council -
Librarian. Said report was ordered filed. ( men voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried.
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