HomeMy WebLinkAbout00560Minutes of.July 1, 1930, continued.
Water for Old Summer's Property:
The question of a,supply of water for the houses in what is known as the Old Summer's
Tract on 19th Street, Eisenbeis Addition, was brought up and after somo discussion it was referred
to the Water Superintendent with instructions to submit an estimate of the cost of.an entire new
Upon motion of Councilman Robbins, seconded by Councilman Peach, Council adjourned.
Mayor 6'�
T" Minutes of Regular Session of July 15, 1930
r „ „
Port Townsend, Wash., July 15, 1930
h I G The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, met in regular session this 15th
day of July, 1930, at 8:00 P.M., in the Council Chambera of the City Hall, Councilman Willism.1em-
�,,'1 morn Sr., Mayor Pro•Tem., presiding in the absence of Mayor Bangerter.
+ b p ROLL CALL.
G Upon Roll Call, there were present City..Clerk C. F. Christian, City Attorney Jae. W. B. Scott
and Councilman R. E. Richards, William Lammers Sr., Jacob Miller, S. V. Peach and W. B. Smith.
. k131Sr`', Councilman Barry W. Robbins arrived during Reports of Officers order of business.
g' F34rq��` The minutes of the regular session of July let were read and approved as read.
sjkr gp fi": City Engineer.
Main Line Meter Readings:
p H The City Engineer submitted reports showing the weekly flow of water through the main line
a" meters and same were ordered filed..
�` Estimate on main line Water Main.
k+ In accordance with request of the City Council, City Engineer Sadler submitted the following
report and communication relative to completing the Water Street legof the water supply mains, to-
{ ' wit:
To the Mayor and City Council,
Port Tovmsend, Wash., July 15, 1930 F
. +t', Gentlemen: ;
I herewith submit m estimate of the cost of construction of what is to be known as Loop
'n� No. 1 of the proposed Distribution System
n �". .
�>;stimate No. 1 is from the .end of the present 20" steel pipe at the City Limits and par-
allel to the present 14" wooden main to the intersection of the West line of Eisenbeis Addition and
nr +� 9th Street" along 9th St., to its intersection with Sheridan Street; Nort on Sheridan Street to the
a( :& intersection of 19th Street;ialong 19th Street to Blaine Street; along Blaine Street to Kearney
Street; from Blaine Street to the North side of Jefferson, on Kearney Street the end of the new 12"
Cast Iron pipe recently laidi From the West side of Tyler Street on Water Street to Monroe Street;
v�� f on Monroe Street to Roosevelt Street; from Monroe to Jackson on Roosevelt Street; from Roosevelt to
Pfc��j� r Root Street on Jackson; from Jaokspn Street to Reservoir No. 1 on Root Street.
*a♦1,��,� The sizes of pipe; valve fittings, etc., are shown on the accompanying plans. This line
1Fad'�'y`' j(} will be all wood from the City Limits to the North.side of Jefferson Street. Cast Iron pipe from
01",,c the West side of Tyler Street to Monroe Street, and from Monroe to the reservoirs, wood pipe. All
wood pipe will be what is known as wire -wound, untreated wood pipe.
In view of the fact that Water Street will be paved in the near future, this estimate Ipro-
vides for the renewing of all water services now in. Also new services to property that is not co
1'c ^4FiL ASi P• �f .
{fir h�; vy NYY r ; nected at the present on Water Street. Also for five (5) new fire hydrants together with manhole
Yr{ for auxiliary valves and manholes for the main valves.
As Taylor and Adams would probably be included in the Y p y paving program, provisions have been
made for a 6" connection on Taylor..Street and an 8 " on Adams Street. 12 inch on Adams Street if
Estimate No. 2 is used.
In Estimate No. 1 there has been no provision made to extend either the 6" Cast Iron on
Taylor Street or the 8 Cast Iron on Adams; -Street. In Estimate No. 2 I have provided for the 12
k4 m btu?ut.+1 line to be Cast Iron from Water Street to the North side of Washington because if this bloch should
--be paved in the near future, if laid with wood pipe at this time would have to be replaced with Cast
Iron pipe when paved and I believe it would be more economical to lay Cast Iron now.
In regard to the service taps I have allowed for renewing taps that are shown on the rec-
ords but as these are not complete I have made an estimate of the probably number that are in use
at the present time.
It has been suggested that it would probably shorten the -line and reduce the cost of con-
struction some to bring the line along the State Highway, but I think the cost of Construction would
S exceed the difference in the saving in the length of the line, viz: If the State Highway department
}} would alloy the City to' lay this pipe along the shoulder I am satisfied that it would have to be
east iron pipe. This would require careful work in laying same and protecting the pavement" also
the shoulder would have to be built up and rolled and placed in as good condition as it is at the
1ITI I er present time. Ifthe City could not lay the pipe along the shoulder, they might get permission
y , a ,creU g from the State to lay it in the right of way which is 100' wide. But across the swamp for possibl
?fib a thousand feet or more, the line would have to be carried on piling. This would mean not only ex-
r. tra expense at the present time, but extra maintenance in the future, and I believe should any in- (.
)`k dustrial development take place in the future, in the flats, it would be cheaper to lay smaller main
M and connect with the proposed loop.
Any new construction across ungraded streets would also be more expensive. Cost of Clear
ing would have to be added; also the extra cost to the contractor in hauling his material where
there are no streets and possibly there would have to be some right of way procured over private j
property. 4.
.` I think also as the city grows the Eisenbeis Addition and vicinity is going to build up.
Sheridan Street and 19th make good base lines where you can get any combination you want for a grid
system for distribution.
The present 14" line will have to be used from Blaine and Kearney to Taylor and Roosevelt
wr, Streets until such time as this line is replaced by a new and smaller line. At Sheridan and 9th
Street, the new line will be connected to the breaent 4" line which supplies the Sisters Hospital,
Manresa Hall and 3rd Street to Hancock Street. Provisions have been made to renew this with a 6"
line in the future. At Sheridan and 19th Street at the present there is a 4" line running North