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Minutes of session of June 3/30 continued.!
(Reports of ff oers wont nued
Said communication was referred to the Committee on Water and Drainage.
Water and Drainage.
Water Supt. Report: Committee on Water and Drainage submitted the following written report:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Port Townsend, Wash., June 3rd, 1930
of the City of Port Townsend.
Your Committee on Water and Drainage to whom was referred the matter of Water Superinten-
dent's reporttfor month of April, 1930, would respectfully report as follows: We findsame to be
Wm. Lammers Sr.
W. B. Smith
Treasurers Report. Committae on Finance and Claims submitted the following written report:
Port Townsend, Wash., June 3rd, 1930.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
of the City of Port Townsend.
Your Committee, on Finance and Claims, to whom was referred the matter of Trensurers Re-
port for month of April, 1930, would respectfully report as follows: We find same to be correct.
W. B. Smith
Wm. Lammers Sr.
Said reports were ordered filed.
Applications for Building Permits were presented, read, and disposed of as follows:
From Mrs. Sherlock, per 0. L. Allen, to -wit:
Port Townsend, 1Yash., flay 28, 1930
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Permission is requested to build a porch to the dwelling house known as tl:e Sherlock house
on Cherry Street in Pottygrove Park Addition and also to re -shingle the house. Cost is estimated
at $225.00.
Respectfully submitted,
0. L. Allen
From A. G. Sarchet, to -wit:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Nash., May 23, 1930
Permission is requested to make general repairs to the building at 920 Washington Street
(on Lot 3, Block 57, Original Towrnsite) at an estimated cost of $115.00. Building Trill also be
lowered to street grade.
Respectfully submitted,
From Louis Fischer, to -wit:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash., June 3, 1930
Permission is requested to build an eddition to my residence on Lot 8, Block 3, Webster
Additiin, at an estimated cost of 31CO.60
Respectfully submitted,
'.lotion to grant: Louis Fischer.
It was moved by Councilman Lammers and seconded by Councilman Diller that the said
permits be granted. '!Otion declared carried.
From Edcrin InLrnham
to ',-track Building.
Application from Edwin Ingraham, to wreck s building was presented and read as follows, to -writ:
To the Honorable Ya;or and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash., June 3, 1930
Permission is requested to wreck and remove the old barn situated on Lot 7, Block 83, of
Original Townsite. A deposit of >,5.00 has been made to guarantee removal of all debris.
Respectfully submitted,
Ddwrin Ingraham
It T:as moved by Councilman Lammers and seconr.'ed by Councilman Miller that said permit be granted
Notion Declared Carried.
From 17iiiism bcott
to Move Gas Tank.
Applicct o:: from rilliam Scott for permission to move a gasoline tank was nresen ed foI lowz, t. •:'_''. zu:dread us
e 0
Minutes of June 3130 continued,
ommunications continued
City Council, Port Townsend, Port Townsend, Wash., June 3, 1930
Permission is requested to move my gasoline tank and pump from its present location, #607
Water Street, to 1/633 'Hater Street, lately known as groats tire shop, and to install the tank under
the sidewalk in accordance with rules and regulations of the City.
William Scott.
It visa moved by Councilman Lammers and seconded by Councilman Miller that said permit be gran-
ted, tho'1voTk,.tdebe::done underdthe supervision of the City Engineer. Motion declared carried.
From Rollie Stahl,
for leave of absence.
Application of Rollie Stahl, truck driver, for leave of absence, was presented and read as fol
lows, to -wit:
To the Honorable Mayor and City .Council, Port Townsend, Wash., June 3, 1930
Gentlemen: -
.Application is hereby made for 10 days leave of absence to be taken whon my services can
best be spared.
Respectfully submitted,
Rollie Stahl, Truck Driver, Street Dep
It was moved by Councilmen Robbins and seconded by Councilman Smith that the said application
be granted. Motion ddclared carried.
From Grace•Pitcher, for
Leave of Absence.
Application of Grace Pitcher, City Treasurer, for leave of absence, was presented and read as
follows, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Wash., June 3, 1930
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
I hereby make application for my annual vacation, same to be taken when I can beat be
spared from my duties.
Grace Pitcher, City Treasurer.
It was moved by Councilman Lammers and seconded by Councilman Miller that said application be
granted. Motion declared carried.
From Glendale Dairy
ro: Street repairs.
Communication from Glendale Dairy relative to street repairs was presented and read as follows
to -wit;
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash. May 14, 1930
Port Townsend, rrn.
Dear Sirs: -
I an appealing to you gentlemen, who are all interested in the progress and welfare of
our city, and as citizens our aim is to uphold at least the past record of progress which visa as-
peciall-Y given to business interests in our.city, whereas our factory employs Seven men and it is
essential that the Trucks which bring our Cream and Milk from the Country have a place to unload on
to, and knowing that the street and part of old Adams street Dock is in an unsafe and delapidated
condition, We the Firm known as the GLENDALE DAIRY, Ask that this request be referred to the proper
committee for investigation and as prompt action is imperative we trust your Honorable Body will ex-
pedite this action, thanking you in 'advance for your Cc Operation,
we are Respectfully,
Per Paul H. Sather, Mgr.
Said communication visa referred to the Street Committee, the Building Committee, the City Engi-
neer and the City Attorney.
Requisitions for Materials and Supplies were presented, read and disposed of as follows:
For Fire Department, to -writ:
1 Barrel Blue Stone, (Roy Seavey)
For 'dater Department, to -wit:
2 shovels
1 automobile tire
carbon paper
loose leaf note book paper for meter books
For Engineer's Department, to -wit:
stamps .50
1 lb. Typewriter copy paper .40 .90
For Polico Department (R. S. rleppner) to -writ:
4 puncture proof tubes 36.00
allowance for my tubes 7.10
Less lOf to City 2.89 26.01
(Approved by R. E. Richards, Clark Aldrich, Harry W. Robbins, Police Committee)
It was moved by Councilman Robbins and seconded by Councilman Lammers, that said requisitions
be granted. Upon roll call, all six councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motion was
declared carried.