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Minutes of May 6, 1930, continued Cost is estimated at $100.00. Respectfully submitted, M. C. DeLeo From P. H. Peterson: Port Townsend, Wash., May 6, 1930 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Permission is requested to erect a dwelling house for Jack W. Miller on property owned by him in Pettygroves let Addition, near-Fort+.Worden. Cost is estimated at $2500.00. Respectfully submitted, P. H. Peterson It was moved by Councilman Lammers and seconded by Councilman Miller that the said per- mits be granted. Motion declared carried. From Mayor of Victoria: The following communication from the Mayor of Victoria, B. C. was presented, read and or- dered filed, to -wit: I 16th April 1930. His Honour Mayor G. Bangerter. Port Townsend, Wash. Dear Mayor Bangerter; - Allow me, before it is too late, to extend a cordial invitation to yourself and members of your Council, to come to Victoria on May 24th and take part in our annual Celebration. I can assure you of a splendid days entertainment and we shall be delighted to have you or any representatives from your City with us on this occasion. Hoping you will be able to pay us a visit on the 24th and with kind personal regards, I am, Yours faithfully, H. ANSCOMB Mayor. From City Engineer: Communication from the City Engineer Bras presented and read as follows'. May 2, 1930 To the Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: At the time the policing and maintenance of the Big 4uilcene Pipe Line was taken over by the Paper Mill, they were supposed to have received a complete set of Plans,, showing the right of way, Profiles, and a copy of the Specifications under which the line was built. To date they have not received any of this information except a small scale profile which was given to Mr. Lowenstein. Mr. Simpson, the Resident Engineer, wishes that steps be taken to supply the above as soon as possible. Yours very truly, WJS:OFP W. J. SADLER City Engineer The City Clerk was instructed to write to Bear & Cunningham, engineers, for the maps, plana:eto.erequested. From F. U. Smith: Communication from F. U. Smith was presented and read as follows: To the Mayor and Council of the Port Townsend, Wash., April 28th, 1930. City of Port Townsend) Washington. I hereby ask that I be granted a renewal for one year of the lease in which I am the lessee and the City of Port Townsend is the lessor, which lease was granted to run from July 1, 1929, to June 30, 1930, granting and authorizing the use of a part of Front Street for dock and boat land- ing purposes, said area being described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the intersection of the West line of Union Dock located on the Westerly .line of Taylor Street, with South line of Front Street, thence southerly along said west line of Union Dock to a distance of Fifty-four (54) feet, this being the initial of this description; thence at a right angle running westerly Thirty-five (35) feet; thence at a right angle running poutherly w Twelve (12) feet; thence at a right angle running easterly Thirty-five (35) feet; andthence at a right angle running northerly along the said West line of Union Dock to plan© of beginning. I also ask that I be granted the right to sublet,to.tho U. S..Quarantine Service the area covered by the lease.. Respectfully submitted, F. U. SMITH It was moved by Councilman Robbins and seconded by Councilman Peace that the said request be granted. Motion declared carried. From Puget Sound Power & Light Company: Communication from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company was presented and read as follows: Port Townsend, Washington. G To the Honorable Mayor., . and City Council, Port 'lownsend, Washington. Gentlemen: - There is an epideinio of Street light breaking going on in the city, and it seems impoas- ible to keep the lights burning in certain parts of town. I have been unable to -find out who is responsible for the breakage and am asking your . assistance in apprehending the guilty ones. The Fort road has to be renwed about every day, then there has been a clean .sweep on Adams Street as far as Morgan Hill. Any assistance that you can give in this mattdr will be greatly appreciated. Yours respectfully, x' TEDD MARRIOTT Tedd Marriott. Puget Sound Light & Power Co. Said communication was referred to the Police and License Committee, the Chief of Police and the Mayor.. z • From City Engineer re Reservoirs: Communication from City Engineer Sadler tolatise,to:,tho condition of the reservoirs was presented and read as follows: April 28, 1930 To the Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Mr. Green, some few days ago, called my attention to the condition of the Reservoirs on Morgan Hill. I went up there with him and looked them over and found the large Reservoir has several cracks in it. That, I think, was caused by the heavy frost that we had in January. Some water has probably seeped through these cracks into the fill.back of the lining. These can be stopped by burlap and asphalt. .,In. some oases,, it might be necessary to calk a little oakum into them. The small Reservoir is in bad shape. The overflow between the two reservoirs, The water gnd ice has caused a large crack which allows the water to get in"between the lining and the fill between the two reservoirs and has been oozing out along the bottom for possibly 211. How much damage has been done to the fill cannot be seen without cutting holes through the lining. Also along the vrest side of the Reservoir the lining is cracked and settled for quite a distance. At several other places the'action of.the frost has spoiled the finish and spallod the concrete. In its present condition it is in no shape to hold water and•,steps should be taken either to repair and reline this reservoir or make some temporary repairs for the time being. It is not good policy to have the small reservoir empty and the large one full especially if the fill between the two is saturated with water. The pressure might cause it to slide and go out. I"made an estimate sometime ago in connection with the new distribution system for repair- ing this reservoir. This was to make the necessary repairs. and reline it. The cost would be around $9650.00. I would also like to call your attention to the condition of the overflow pipe from Root Street to McKinley Street on Jackson Street and from Jackson Street to Clallam Street. This was old pipe when it was put in and is in such condition that it will not handle the overflow from the reservoirs without a large amount of leakage. This leakage, I think, is part- ly the cause of the trouble on Clallam Street and Col. Merriam's place. There is about 7801 of pipe required and the cost would be about $700.00. The lower end of this line from McKinley Street to the park was renewed about three years ago. This is the only overflow we have now since the one over the bluff has been shut off. Yours very truly, WJS:OFP W. J. SADLER City Engineer Said communication was referred to the Water Committee for immediate action. 4 From Jones and Crouten,.for:Extention: Communication from Jonas and Crcuten requesting exted.ion of time on Water Street Im- 0