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Permission is requested to build a woodshed on Lot'20 Block 93, Original Townsite. Di-
mensions about 12 x 24 feet and the cost is estimated at $50.00.
Respectfully submitted,
Theodore Pearson
From P. H. Peterson for Idea. Sarah Ashworth:
Port Townsend Waeh., March 60 1930.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.
Permission is requested to make alterations and repairs to the dwelling house situate
on Lots 5 and 7, Block 9 of Plummers Addition, at an estimated cost of $500.00.
Respectfully submitted,
P. H. Peterson
For Mrs. Sarah Ashworth.
From P. M.'Coyne:
Port Townsend, Wash., March 18, 1930.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
Port Townsend, Wash.
Permission is requested to build a frame garage, 12 x 18 feet in size, on the rear of
the lot at 1726 Blaine Street, Cost is estimated at $100.00.
Respectfully submitted,
P.'M. Coyne.
From George Wm. Beaoh:
Route #3 Port Townsend, Washington.
City Council
March 10, 1930.
Port Townsend, Washington
, I A permit to build a poultry house is
requested. This will'be a Shoup type, 120 feet
long, and will be constructed on Irving Avenue,
head of Landis Street, Fifty Ward.
Yours truly,
George Wm. Beach.
From D. H. Hill Ur:
Port Townsend, Washington, March 17, 1930
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.
Permission is requested to erect a
log oabin'hall for Boy Scout Headquarters on Block l
of Mountain View Addition, at an estimated cost
of $1250.00. Building will be 40 x GO feet in size
Respectfully submitted,
Boy Scouts of America.
By D. H. Hill Jr.
It was moved by Councilman Miller and
seconded by Councilman Lammers that said applica-
tions be granted. Motion declared carried.
Application from Starrett And Stevens:
Application from Starrett and Stevens
for building permit was presented and read, as
Port Townsend., Washington, March 12th, 1930
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council, Port Townsend, Washington
Permission is requested to repair the platforms, walks, and stairways at the rear of the
building known as the Terry Building at 919-921 Washington street, the coat to approximate $120.00.
According to the suggestions of your committee we agree to reconstruct in a satisfactory
fire -proof manner the board walk fire exit from the rear to Washington street running along the
west side of the Terry building, providing a fireproof building is erected adjacent to the same.
Respectfully submitted,
Sterret and Stevens
By E. M. Starrett
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It was moved by Councilman Miller and seconded by. Councilman Robbins that said application
be granted. Motion declared carried.
From Jacob Millers
Communication from Jacob Miller was presented and read as follows:
Port Towneend, Wash., March 14, 1930
To the Honorable Mayor h City Council
Port Townsend, Washington '
I ask for permission to lay a four inch sewer pipeline along block 21 and block 15 in O.C.
Hasting's addition, on Haynes street, and thence one black east to block 13, Hastings's Supple-
mentary, owned by me.
This is donw £or the purpose of getting rid of the sewerage that comes from septic tanks.
Yours truly,
Jacob Miller
It was moved by Councilman Robbins: and. seconded by Councilmen Smith that the said request
be -granted. Upon roll call Councilmen Smith, Richards, Lammers, Robbins and Aldrich voted in the
affirmative. Councilman Miller was excused from voting and motion was declared carried.
Insurance on Fire Truck:
A communication relative to insurance on the Mack Fire Truck and addressed to Mr. C. A.
Pragge, agent, was presented and read as follows:
Port Angeles, Wash., March 1, 1930.
Mr. C. A. Pragge,
Port Townsend, Wash.
Dear`Mr. Pragge -
The Roche ster'Amerioan has canceled the fire truck policy and our general agent
has written the enclosed policy, Zurioh -#66026, in its stead.
Apparently the companies have had bad experiences with this class of business and are loath to
carry the risk. The general agent has head this policy for two'weeks since reporting to the com-
pany and apparently, since he has heard nothing to the contrary, the company is willing to carry it.
The premium on the new policy for the year from Feb. 14th, is:$176.40, the diffsrence•in pre-
mium being due to the removal of the deviation from the fire rates Dee. let. The return premium
on the cancelled policy is $122.51, which is figured on a pro rate basis to the date of the new po-
I trust that you will'be able.to deliver:this.in place of the.oancelled one. Please have -the,
Rochester American policy returned at the City's early convenience. „.
With kindest regards, I am,
Yours truly,
Sid E..Barnes'
Action on said communication was deferred to new business.
From Natural Gas Corporation:
A communication relative to a franohise'to serve the City with gas was presented and read
as follows:
San Francisco, Calif., March 8, 1930
Mayor and City Council
City of Port Townsend
County of Jefferson ;
Port Townsend, Washington
Attention: City Clerk.
Dear Sir:
We are enclosing herewith application of Natural Gas Corporation, for the franchise, right
and privilege to lay mains for the purpose of serving gas in your city.
Attached to the application you will find copy of rough draft of an ordinance which embodie
the general provisions which we desire incorporated in whatever franchise the City Council may see
fit to grant. You will observe that we have left blank the provisions numbered 6 and 7, the reason
for so doing being to enable you to insert additional provisions which you may wish to have included