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3. From Antone Del Guzzo, Montesano, Washington, accompanied by a certified chock for
$750.00. A supplemental bid on certain items was attached. It appeared in this bid
that the decimal point had been omitted in certain items and it was moved by Council-
man Lammers and seconded by Councilman Miller that the bidder be allowed to correct
the unit prices 'stated by inserting the decimal point in certain items. Upon roll
call all six Councilmen present voted in favor of the motion and the bidder thereupon
made the said correction.
4. From Motermaso & Joffredo of Seattle, Washington together with a certified chock of
$700.00. This proposal also contained w)pWrtial supplemental bid.
Correction of Keating & BadeProposal:
Reverting back to the bid of Keating & Bade it was moved by Councilman Lammers and second-
ed by Councilman Miller that the bidders be allowed to correct their bid by inserting decimals point
in the prices of certain items. Upon roll call all six Councilmen present•evoted in the affirmative
and motion was declared carried. The bidder then made the said corrections and these prices were
again read to be verified by the City Engineer.
5. From Thomas Jones and C. R. Crouton accompanied by a certified check for $800.00.O:ib)
item in this proposal appeared to lack the decimal point and it was moved by Council-
man Lammers and seconded by Councilman Miller that the bidder be allowed to make the
necessary correction. Upon roll call all six Councilmen present voted in favor there-
of and the motion was declared carried and correction made by the bidder.
6. From Joe Coluccio of Seattle, Washington, together with a certified chock for $900.00.
7. From F. N. Bgdolato of Seattle, Washington, together with a certified check for
B. From Maori & Conguista together with a certified check for $750.00.
9. From A. Scarsella, Seattle, Washington together with certified chock for $800.00. A
supplemental bid on certain makes of types was also attached. This proposal also appe
ad to lack decimal points in certain items and it was moved by Councilman Lammers and
seconded by Councilman Miller that the bidder be allowed to correct his price items by
inserting decimal points. Motion was carried. Corrections made and the proposal re-
10. From James H. Coyne of Port Townsend, 'Washington, together with a certified check for
Bids Referred:
All of the foregoing bids were referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and to the
Finance Committee for investigation.
It was moved by Councilman Lammers and seconded by Councilman Miller that the Council
recess for five minutes. Motion carried and recess declared.
The City Council reconvened at 10:15 P. M. with Mayor Bangerter presiding.
Upon roll call there were present Mayor George Bangerter, City Clerk C. F. Christian, City
Attorney James W. B. Scott and Councilmen Harry W. Robbins, Clark Aldrich, W. B. Smith, R. E.
Richards, William Lammers Sr., and Jacob Miller.
Late Bid Presented:
The City Clerk now stated that a bid for the "Water Street Improvements" from the firm of
Argentieri & Colarossi had been presented to him outside of the City C1erkSOffice and approximately
one and one-half hours after the hour set for close of bids and presented same to the Council for
their consideration. Mayor Bangerter stated that the said bid could not be lawfully received and
that acceptance was refused.
Bide Opened:
In accordance with call for bids proposals to furnish the city with six cords of wood were
now presented, opened and road, as follows:
From A. B. Sylstad, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Feb. 8, 1930
Dear Sir:
I agree to furnish the city of Port Townsend six cords of old growth red fir for $8.00 per
cords or total sum $48.00. Yours truly,
A. B. Sylstad Firgrove Auto Camp
Port Townsend, Wash.
-- -
From A. D. Swanson, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Wash#, February 10, 2930
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
Port Townsend, Wash.
Gentlemen: -
I propose to furnish the City with six cords of live, sound, old growth red fir wood, out
in 12 inch lengths, at $8.00 per cord, in accordance with the terms of the call for bids appearing
in the Port Townsend Leader of Feby 6th, 1930.
Respectfully submitted,
It was moved by Councilman Robbins and seconded by Councilman Richards that the bid of
A. D. Swanson be accepted. Upon roll call all six Councilman present voted in the affirmative and
motion was declared carried.
Councilman Smith of the third ward stated that Francis J. Black, a water consumer, had a
complaint to present to the Council. Mr. Black then presented correspondence between himself and
the Department of Public Works which was read as follows:
Port Townsend, Wash., February 7, 1930
State Supervisor,
Public Utilities Commission,
Olympia, Washington
Dear Sir:
This is a plea for the rendition of your opinion or decision to me, a taxpayer of Port
Townsend, Jefferson County.
The Water Commissioner of the City of Port Townsend has installed, unsolicited, a water
meter on my water tap, and he demands that I purchase said meter for $12.50, and pay $2.25 for each
3000-gallons of water passing through the meter.
I am informed by the City Councilman of my district, 4. B. Smith, who is also a member of
the Water Committee, that the Commissioner had no orders to install the meter in question. No resi-
dents in my vicinity have any meters installed; I am the first and there is no indication that there
will be any installations until further developments.
It is evident that I am being used as a "feeler" or bait for meter installation, or being
outrightly imposed upon, I know not which.
To my knowledge and investigation, the City of Port Townsend has no City Ordinance regu-
lating nor ordering the installation of water meters, although it has been severally discussed at
some of the ,Council Meetings but to no definite conclusion.
With the hope of an early reply or decision in this matter, and with my advance gratifies-
tion and appreciation to you, I beg to remain
Sincere and respectful:
Headquarters Battery, 14th C.A.,
FJB/hs. Fort Worden, (Port Townsend)
Olympia Washington, February 10, 1930
Mr. Francis J. Black, GF-7481
Headquarters Battery, 14th C.A.,
Fort Worden,
Port Townsend, 'Washington.
Dear Sir:
This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of February 7th with reference to installatio
and payment of a water meter by the Water Commissioner of the City of Port Townsend.
Your letter indicates that the meter was installed at your residence which is within the
city limits of Port Townsend. If such is the case, the Department does not have jurisdiction. The
matter will have to be taken up with the Water Department or the City Council.
However, if your residence is outside of the city limits of Port Townsend, the Department
does have jurisdiction. There is not sufficient information at hand to answer your inquiry com-
pletely, but the general policy of the Department is presented in the Department's Rules Regulating
Water Service, a copy of which is enclosed for your information. Rule W 8 covers the matter of
installation of meters.
If your complaint comes under the jurisdiction of this Department, it will be appreciated
if you will advise further.
Very truly yours,
BGS:ew Fred K. Baker
Enclosure. Director.
The said matter and correspondence was referred to the water committee.