HomeMy WebLinkAbout00525424 Z I. r i r is i; I k I Minutes of 4, 1930, continued The Leader Company Printing h Publishing $ 18.00 Steel Tank k Pipe Company Dresser Couplings 42.00 Total - - - - $ 84.27 It was moved by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Richards that the said claims be allowed and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to issue warrants upon the proper funds in payment of same. Upon roll call all five councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried. Salary Warrants: The City Clerk reported that he had issued the regular salary warrants for the month of January, under date of February let, 1930, as follows: Upon the Current Expense Fund, to -wit: 9118 Grace Pitcher $ 100.00 9119 C. F. Christian 100.00 9120 Jae. W. B. Scott 100.00 9121 A. C. Alexander 12.50 9122 Elmer Compton 124.77 9123 F. A. Polk 114.77 9124 R. S. Weppner 114.77 9125 Le Roy Seavey 124.93 9126 J. J. Lafferty 15.00 9127 J. R. Pollard 114.74 9128 Wayne Albright 110.00 . Total . . .$1031.18 Upon the Olympia Gravity Water Fund, to -wit: 5420 Ban Green $ 149.77 Total - - $ 149.77 Upon the Public Library Fund, to -wit: 1446 Emilie A. Rothschild $ 75.00 1447 Richard Matthias 20.00 Total . . .$ 95.00 Upon the Park Fund, to -wit: 36ruHiramTW: Tucker $ 100.00 Total . . .$ 100.00 Report of Water Superintendent: The report?.oVcthe;;Wated Superintendent for the month of January, 1930 was presented, read and referred to the Water Committee. Meter Readings by Engineer: The City Engineer presented reports following the flow of water through the main line meters for the week ending February 3, 1930, and same were read and ordered filed. Librarian: The Librarian of the Public Library submitted a copy of the annual report to the Library Board the same being as follows: to -wit: PORT TOWNSEND PUBLIC LIBRARY PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON Report for 1929 To the Chairman and Members of the Library Board: I hereby submit a summary of the work of the library for 1929: Again activities at library will show a marked increase over previous yearsa Circulation more than 2000 in any other report. r t." f E 4;2'5 Minutes of February 4, 1930, continued 19,482 books and periodicals loaned for home and school reading - 12,638 for, adults and 6,844 for juveniles. Of thesesl0, 123 were adult fiction and 5,578 juvenile fiction. During 1929, 267 were added to list of borrowers - 173 adults and 94 juveniles. On January 1, 1929, there were 6,650 books in the library. Since then 192 have been added. Of these 173 were purchased, 14 were donated and 5 were added by binding. 21 have,been with- drawn, leaving 6821 on hand January 1, 1930/ A new furnace and an electrical pump for same were installed early in the Spring as Will be seen in the following financial statement.. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Receipts;. Balance on hand, January 1, 1929 - - - - - $1116.89 From taxes ------- -------- 1198.00 Interest on bank deposit - - - - - - - - 25.73 Sale of County property- - - - - - - - - - 97.26 Fines - ------ ------- -- - -- 148.05 Rentals - - - - --7-7----- 84.80 Subscriptions - - - - - -- - - -- - --- 7.00 Deposits forfeited - - - - - 8.00 Total - $2685.73 Expenditures: Books- - - - - - - $ 212.52 Periodicals - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46.80 Binding- - - - - - - - 141.00 Salary, Librarian- - - - - - - - - - - - - 910.00 Salary, Janitor- - - - - - - - - - - - - - •210.00 Heat - - - - - - - ---- -------- 170.00;, Light=- ---- --- 52.56 . Supplies - - - - - - - --- - ---- -- 41.78 Postage- - - • - - - - - .- - r. - - - - - - - 4.60 Miscellaneous- - - - - - - - - - - - 31.78 Insurance - - - -.- - - - - - - 53.63 New furnace and electric pump- - - - - - - 601.00 Other permanent improvements-- - - - - - - 127.50 Total - $2603.97 Balance on hand 81.76 2685. 3 Emilie A. Rothschild Fannie G. Brown, Pros. Kate M. Hill, Sec. STANDING COMMITTEES Written reports were submitted by the Standing Committees, as follows: Finance and-Oiaims,;oto-wit: January 31, 1930 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Port Townsend. Gentlemen: - Your Committee, on Finance and Claims to whom was referred the matter of City Treasurer's Monthly Reports, for Months of Novembers and December 1929 would respectfully report as follows: Vie find Same to be correct. W. B. Smith Vhn Lammers Sr. 9