HomeMy WebLinkAbout00521416 All of above material for Water Street Improvement except Provile PHper : B I's City Map. WJs It wns moved by Councilman Lnnanors and seconded by Councilman Miller that the requisition be granted. Votion declared carried. ' ORDINANCES Wargency Ordinance for Insurance: This being the time set for hearing and final passago of the emergency ordinance introduce at the lust session of file council, and entitled "AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend providin for the appropriation of money from the Current Expense Fund of said city, determining and classify- ing the proposed expenditure and providing an emergency", the same was now taken up and read in full for tho second readin . Payer Bangerter then inquired if anyone desired to uppear for or nLainst th said ordinanco, and there being noone, it was moved by Councilman L,:nmers and seconded by Councilman Smith that the third rending of said ordinance be by title only. Upon :-ell cull, all four councilmen present voted in the affirmative and :notion was declared carried. The City Clerk then read the said ordinance ba title only for the third reading and it -.-,,us moved by Councilman Lammers and seconded by Councilman Miller t'.u:t said ordinance do now pass. Upon roll call, all four councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried. Ordinance No. 990. The following is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 990, ns passed by the City Council January 21, 1930, approved by the Mayor Jan. 21., 1930 and published in the fort Townsend Loader Junuary Z, 1930, to -wit: AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend providing for the nppropriation of money from the Current Expense Fund of said city, determining and classifying the proposed expenditure and providing an emergency. WHEREAS, it; now appears to the City Council of the City of Port Towmsond that it is for the best interests of said city and the people thereof that the fire apparatus of said city be insured against domaEe by fire and collision, and that the cost of one year's premium is the sum of $83.80, and, WHEREAS, there are no funds available in the-1930 budget to meet such proposed expenditure and that the appropriation thereof could not have been reasonable foreseen at the time of the adoptio. of said budger for said year, and, 7,11BREAS AN enorgency now exists for the expenditure of said sum from the Current Expense Fu of said City, for the purposes aforesaid, therefore, The City Council of the City of Port Toemsend, 'Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That an emergency is hereby declared for the appropriation of the sum of $83.80 as detormined and hereinafter classified and itemized as follows: FIRE DEPARTMENT Insurance for fire truck (fire and collision)...........................y`83.80 Section 2. That the above sum is hereby appropriated for such purpose and nn emorbancy wgrrant upon the Current Exrenso Fund is hereby authorized to be drawn against said item. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Towmsend Leader and to take effect and be in force five da,s from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council January 21., 1930. Approved by the Mayor January 21, 1930. ATTEST: Dr. George Bangerter Mayor C. F. Christian, City Clerk. (SEAL) Proposed Emergence Ordinance: ?. proposed emergency ordinance to appropriate funds for the construction of lateral sewers n Water Street between Tyler and Harrison Streets, and entitled "APi ORDINANCE of the City of Port owmsend providing for the appropriation of money for the construction of 1:teral sewers on .later Stre ro-m Tyler Street to Harrison Street in said city, estimating the expenditure for the construction of time end providin;; an emergency", was introduced rrd read in full for the first reading. It was move iy Councilman Lemmers and seconded by Councilman '.'.iller that a hearing on the said ordinance be set ,or January 28, 1930, Potion declared carried. i i�I ' r 1. i E s of J 21, 1930, continued UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 417 Engineer's Report and Plans: City Engineer Sadler at this time presented Plans and Specifications for the proposed Water Street Improvements, together with the following written report, January 20, 1930 To the Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Pursuant to your instructions of January 14, 1930, I have prepared Plans and Specifica- tions, Notice to Contractors, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Contract, together with an estimate of cost for the work to be done on the "Water Street Improvements". This work will consist of constructing a 12" C. I. 'Water Main with the necessary valves, fittings, fire hydrants, concrete manholes, cast iron valve box, making the necessary service taps and laying the service pipes complete to a point inside the curb lino on both sides of 'Water Street from the West lino of Tyler Street to the East line of 'Walker Street. The 12" C. I. Water Main will be laid from the North side of Jefferson Street, South on Kearney to Water Street. This line may have to be modified by either leabing Kearney Street at its intersection with the highway to approximately the cornor of Walker Street. 'Pr.ovidingcthe-;State:.t would have,+no objection to this, and I do not think they would, as the Water Main is laid under the pnvemont along Water Street. This would save about *300.00 and one under Railroad crossing. Another alternative would be to leave Kearney Street 20 feet North of the South ,aide of Washington Street and •running East along Washington Street to Gaines Street and South on G ines Street to Water Street. The reasons I have for suggesting these changes are first: Water Street has not been brought to grade on Kearney Street. This would necessitate either loworing the pipe or making a fill and building a bulkhead to prevent tide wash. Second: It would eliminate a right angled turn. In the other alternative along Washington and South on Gaines Street would mem three (3) right angled bends and there would be,two (2) Railroad undercrossings and while a little extra material would be needed it would be cheaper than building up Water Street to Kearney and a bulkhead to protect the same from tide wash. This can be decided better when the line is staked out. From Kearney, Gains or Walker. Street the 12" C. I. Main will run East along Water Street to a point 60.35' West of the ''West line of Harrison Street and there switch to the North side of 'Water Street and from there East to the West line of Tyler Street, there connecting with the present 10" Wooden Main. The sewer work will consist of laying laterals from the main sewer now laid in water Street to a point inside the curb lines on"both sides of Water Street, from the I9ost side of Tyler Street to the East side of Harrison Street, to construct monument.cnsings in center of '.Pater Street where shown on the Plans. It is impossible for me at this time to tell just how much interference there will be of old service pipes and sewer connections so I have added 6% to the contract price to take care of any extras and inspection. The estimated cost of this work is as follows: Water Main and Connections $13750.00 Plus 6% 825.00 Total 014575.00 Sewer Laterals $1600.00 Plus 6% 96.00 $1696.00 Water $14575.00 Sewer 1696:00 Grand Total $16271.00 The Contract Price should be around $15350.00. Yours very truly, SW. J. Sadler City Engineer The said specifications were read in full by the City Clerk and it wns then moved by uncilman xobbins and seconded by Councilman Lammers that the said Plans and Specifications be opted and that the City Clerk be instructed to place the necessary advertising for bids for constru on of the work. Councilman Aldrich arrived during the reading of the specifications, and upon roll 11, all five muneilmen voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried.