HomeMy WebLinkAbout00507According to these gentlemen the city of Fort Townsend has. recently
pipo line has been
main which supplies the plant of the atioitlaroducts ony. This the lease agreement the city
leased by the city to the paper company. appears,
, however,thaOf
had reserved the right to maintain a six inch connection
in order t enuallybdsllstheooarrenunities paid to the eii
Hadlcck and Irondale with water service. g g
of Port Townsend.
Both Mr. Phillips and i'r. Campbell state that at times they are without water service
for a period of several hours to three or four days. They state that they have taken this matter
up with the city and with the paper company without securing any relief.
The department considers this condition serious enough to warrant the sending of an
engineer to Port Townsend to obtain complete, information relative to this situation. In this con-
nection it is pertinent to point out that a somewhat similar complaint was made by lilt. W'. R. Porter
during the early part of this year. It is expected that Mr. Sinclair, assistant engineer, of the
Department will call upon you about December 4th of Sth or possibly not until December 9th or loth
in order to obtain complete information relative to this complaint. It will be appreciated if you
will furnish Mr. Sinclair with such information as he may desire and such additional information
as you believe pertinent in order that the Department may be fully advised in this matter.
Very truly yours,
John C. Denney, Director
cc: Mr. John D. Phillips
Mr. John Campbell
Said communication was referred to the council as a whole and to the city attorney.
From H. L. Plumb, Forest Supervisor:
A communication dated December 11, 1928, from H. L. Plumb, Forest Supervisor, and d
ad to Mayor Bangerter, was presented and read, as follows:
December 11, 1926
Mayor Bangerter,
Port Townsend, Washington.
Dear Mr. Bangerter,
Enclosed is a copy of Sanitation Bill #2097 which pr6vides for agreements between tho
Secretary of Agriculture and municipalities for the protection of watorsheds from which cities
secure their water supplies. I talked to you regarding this bill last wmek, but thought that you
might wish a copy. This bill has not yet passed Congress and probably will not unless interested
cities request its passage.
Very sincerely yours,
H. L. Plumb,
Vorest Supervisor
A copy of the Federal Bill referred to was attached toasaid communication and both were
referred to the water committee.
From Bear and Cunningham:
A co:mnunioation from Bear -end CunninghamA,:+relative to pipe line right-of-way, was presen
Ited and read as follows:
November 29th, 1929
Mr. U. F. Christian,
City Clerk
Port Townsend, 'Nashington
Dear Mr. Christian:
Replying to yours of the 27th instant with respect to the easement for the right
of ,,lay across unentered public lands for the City of Port Townsend pipe line, please be advised that
vie have been working on this for the last six weeks and expect to have the application completed
sometime in December, when it will be submitted to you. At that time, I expect.to come to Port
Townsend and take from your books, necessary information for completing our report to the city.
Very truly yours,
t 4
Letter from City Clerk:
p, 43
" A communication from the city clerk to Bear and Cunningham referred to in the foro-
` going communication was as follows:
}z 7
Nov. 27, 1929 ;
Bear and Cunningham
Portland, Oregon
Attention Mr. J. 0. Baer.
{i Dear Mr. Baer:-
r a ,>
Some time ago, I notified Mr. Plumb, Forest Supervisor, at Olympia, Washington, of the ,
{rysvYt construction of those buildings at the head works by the raper Company and received the following
apt f; communication in reply, to -wits
"Olympia, Washington, October 21, 1929.
z m �� ,.
QSubjeet reference)
Uses -Olympic y
City of Port Townsend
Pipe Line & Headworks
12-16-27 r `
#"t Mr. C. F. Christian, City Clerk
City of Port Townsend,
Port Townsend, Wash.
Dear Sir:
,�y�y.;3'�*},�s Reference is made to your letter of September 13.
aa� The present permit issued to you will cover the buildings that you wish to erect at the
y,'ft�tr f5 - head:vorks of the Big Quilcono water project.;;
3 rc,R,�d It - is suggested that you apply for a right-of-way easement for the Department
and pipe
3gS r line as provided by the Act of February 1, 1905. Those easements are granted by the apartment of
the Interior, and this would give you a vested right in the right-of-way, and would afford protection
to you in case of an conflicting applications or rights which might appear at an future time.
y Y g PP g F>h PP Y
Very truly yours,
L. Plumb, Forest Supervisor.
As this appears to come within the scope of four contract with the City, will you
kindly take the proper steps to sea
ure the casement as suggested by 1ti1r. Plumb,
...... �
V"i?i Very truly yours,
city Clerk
S ,
zY � ; '•�'siyg�l i Both of the foregoing communications were ordered filed.
Requisitions for supplies were presented, road and disposed of as follows:
For the Water Department, to -wit:
Wire fence at Reservoir - cost about 0460.00
'Xta•ktZ w
Meter testing Machine 260.00
a y , 12-3/4 ivloters 154.80
8" Motor for Nort Worden. Detector Type about 700.00
EYrI S"£ uPF7„ �r«�b� 4
� b74.80
> i !,T s' S • '� ��arw��'' 500 ft. 6 Inch pipe 25011 hood
600 ° 4
t , � � 3f ry F� ' •
1 coil AA lead pipe 3/4 "
24 3/4" Stop Cooks
24 3/4" Cop. "
50 Lbs. Wiping Bolder
500 Ft. 3/4" Galvanized Pipe
200 Ft. 12" Pipe
100 Ft. 14" Pipe
City I''nginoor Sadler was asked to inform the council in rolation+to the foregoing
„ t + equesition and stated that the wire tense, the 8 meter for Fort Worden, and the meter tooting
I ,w
tnachine were urgently needed, and also that the remainder of the supplies contained in the requioitio ould be needed in the near future and, that it was advisable to secure them now as provision had been
ade for same in the 1929 budget.
It was moved by Councilman Robbins and seconded by Councilman Miller that the requisi-
ion by granted, The City Enginoor to obtain bids on the wire fence and submit the same to -the
7 .ouncil at its next regular session. Upon roll call, all six eoundilmon voted in the affirmativo and
notion was declared caried.
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