Finance and Claims:
The committee on r*inance and Claims presented the following written report, to -writ:
Port Townsend, Washington, Nov. 26th,
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
of the City of Port Townsend.
Your Committee, on I''inaneo and Claims, to whom was referred the matter of Treas-
urer's Reports for Months of August, September and October, 1929, would respectfully report as
follovrs: We find same to be correct.
Clark Aldrich
Wm. Lnmmers, Sr.
Water and Drainage:
A written report was submitted by the committee on rater and Drainage as follows, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Washington, Nov. 26, 1929
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
of the City of Port Townsend.
Your Committee, on Water and Drainage to whom was referred the matter of Water
Superintendent's Report for month of October, 1929, would respectfully report as follows:
same to be correct. Clark Aldrich
Wm. Lammers, Sr.
Applications for building permits were presented, read and disposed of as follows:
From Mrs. Joe Newman, to -writ:
Port Townsend, Wash., November B, 1929
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
Port Townsend, Wash.
Permission is requested to make additions to my residence at 1118 Blaine Street, at an
estimated cost of 350.00. Respectfully submitted,
Mrs: Joe Newman
Frnm Mra. Anna 0. Lake. In -writ:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, 'trash.
Permission is requested to make certain general repairs which will include making an
enclosed porch of the present porch, to my dwelling house at 1252 Garfield Street, at an estimated
(cost of 4160.00.
Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. Anna G. Lake
am Claude E. Stevens, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Washington, Nov. 22, 1929
the Honorable Mayor and City Council
t Townsend, Wash.
Permission is requested to make general repairs and to add a bath room to my premises
422 quinsy Street at an estimated cost of 4400.00.
From E. S. Remmert, to-wi
Respectfully submitted,
Claude E. Stevens
Port Townsend, Wash., November 26, 1929
the Honorable Mayor and City Council
rt Townsend, 'Nash.
Permission is requested to erect a four -car
area Street, at an estimated cost +150.00, half of the
e remaining half at a later date. building will be set
garage, 20
building to
back three
x 321, on the premises at 438
be constructed at present and
feet from the street line.
Respectfully submitted,
E. S.
a of'
From J. M. Thomaa, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Washington, Nov. 26, 1929
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Washington
Gentlemen: ,
Permission is requested to erect a small porch, size 8' x 6" on my residence at 744
Filmore Street, at an estimated cost of 450.00.
Respectfully submitted,
J. M. Thomas
From James Thompson, to -wit:
Port lownsend,,Wash. -uec. 2, 1929
To the Honorable Mayor and City council,
Port Townsend, wash.
Permission is requested to erect a frame dwelling on Lots 2 and 4, Block 8, Kuhns
Ranch, at an estimated cost of 42500,00.
Respectfully submitted,
James Thompson.
It was moved by Councilman Peach and seconded by Councilman Smith that said permits
be granted. Motion carried.
From.James Dalgardno:
A communication from James Dalgardno was presented and read, as follows:
Port Townsend, Wash., Dec. 3, 1929
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.
Permission is requested to lay about 485 feet of 1 inch iron pipe in the City streets
to serve property located in Blocks 22 and 28 in Eisenbeis Addition with water. Pipe to be laid in
accordance with Uity Ordinances. Pipe to be located on Landes Street.
Respectfully submitted,
Jae. Dalgardno
Said communication was referred to the city engineer and the water coadttee.
From John DoLeo:
John DeLao made written application to purchase a house belonging to the City as
follows, to -writ:
Port Townsend, Wash. Dec. 2, 1929
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.
In relation to the house awned by the City on the old Pump House Property, I herewith
make an offer of 412.50 for the said house, and will remove the house within 30 days if 'Bold to me.
Respectfully submitted;
John BeLeo
Said communication was referred to the building committee.
From Department of rublie Works.
A communication from the department of public works addressed to Mayor Bangerter was
presented and read, as follows:
November 29, 1929
Mr. George Bangerter, '"ayor,
Port Townsend, Washington.
National Paper Product Company,
Port Townsend, Washington C-6280
On November 29th blr. John D. Phillips of Hadlock, Washington and Ltr. John Campbell of
Irondale, Washington, called at this office with reference to inadequate water service being supplied
by the city of Port Townsend; these two gentlemen indicated that they represented their respective