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1. 1929, continued
Harbor and Health Committee:
Upon inquiry by the Mayor, Councilman Smith reported that conditions at the gar-
bage dump were still very unsatisfactory, owing to the fact that parties hauling their own garbage
did not dispose of it on the beach.
Police and License Committeo:
Councilman Miller reported that everything was satisfaotory•in the matter of
impounding stock.
Street Committee:
Councilman Robbins brought up the matter of opening h osevelt Street where the
city had purchased right-of-way, stating that the electric light poles were in the way of permanent
improvement. Engineer Sadler stated that he had converred with the manager of the Electric Light
Company, and that the matter would be taken care of.
Hydrant 6ti'Saint John's Hospital:
The matter of the lack of a hydrant at Saint John's Hospital was brought up and
it developed that the matter visa being taken care of by the Water Department.
Water Rate for Golf Club:
The matter of a special rate for water for the Municipal Golf 41ub came up for
discussion but tibfiniteaction on same was deferred to the next session. Officers of the Golf ulub
were to be notified to a ppear before the Council at this time and present their ease.
Applications for building permits were presented, read and disposed of as follows
From H. A. Myers, to -wit:
Port lrnvnsend, 'gash., Sept. 30, 1929
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, "ash.
Permission is requested to make general repairs to my dwelling house at 816 H. Street
at an estimated cost of 4150.00.
Respectfully submitted,
H. A. Myers
From Norman 1�. Luck, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. 25, 1929
To the Honorable b'ayor and City Council
Port Townsend, "ashington
Permission is requested to erect an addition of kitchen and bathroom to my residence
at 930 Taylor Street at an estimated cost of. $250.00. Also, to build a garage on the same premises
at an estimated cost of 4100.00.
Respectfully submitted,
Norman E. Luck
From W. H. yibble, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. 23, 1929
To the Honorable mayor and City Council
Port Townsend, ��ashinfon
Permission is requested to erect a frame garage, 14 x 22 feet, on my property at
1023 Tyler St., at an estimated cost of '100.00. Building will be set back at least three feet from
the street line.
Respectfully submitted,
W. H. Libble.
From 6. G, strong, to -wit:
Port Townsend, %sh., Sept. 26, 1929
To the Honorable Mayor and uity Council,
Port Townsend, Washington
Permission is requested to move the garage on my property at 1040 Taylor St. about 10
feet back from the present location which will be more than 3 feet from the street line.
Respectfully submitted,
W. . Strong
From John Gow, to -wit:
Port jownsend, Wash. Sept. 30, 1929
,.i To the'Honorable Mayor and City Council
Port 'owneend, Wash.
Permission is requested to rebuild the woodshed and storeroom on my premises at
g :q- 427•Benton Street, at -an estimated cost of $50.00.
;, J^ Respectfully submitted,
G John ow
From F: to Aldrich, to -wit:
i Port Tavnsend, "ash., September 27th, 1929
Csn„ 2
3. '�rv3?3n To the Honorable Mayor and Cit Council
Port Townsend, Wash.
Dear Sire:
Permission is hereby requested to construct a frame Garage 12 by 18 feet on my property
at the corner of Pierce and Garfield Sts. to cost approximately 4125*00. Building to set back three
feet From the property line.....
Respectfully submitted
F. G, Aldrich
From the Bayview General Hospital, to -wit:
4 To the City Council
Port Townsend, Washington, September 30, 1929
Jld s�; "
Port Tovmsend, Washington
�xt rermission is hereby requested for the following alteration in this hospital:
txKf ��i Ftxtension and enclosure of woodshed and construction of new room to
:.a000modate.electric laundry. Cost unostimated.
Vary truly yours,
JH/d: ::. ... - :' ,� � � By Jean Hayes, upt.
.. - .. •..
r¢a� It was moved by Councilman Lammers and seconded by 'ounoilman Peach that the said appli
cations be granted. Motion declared carried.
Lease to A. D. ..
w't z1' 3i v
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Application of A. D. Swanson to lease certain streets was presented and read as
Mayor and City Council,
City of Port iovnsend.
[ I hereby request your Honorable Body for the privelege of leasing for one year, at regular fee, the
fi-it 1�7J1l�h'(q"'r �r
following streets: Benedict, Prosper, and Hell, from State "ighway to the South, to the North line
of Jefferson Street,
krtF lit; f, Yours very truly,
A. ll. Swenson
it it_'A 5 It was moved by ouncilman Robbins and seconded by Councilman Peach that the applioatio
r, be granted, and that the mayor and the city clerk be authorized to enter into a lease of the said
r1 streets for one year at w3.00 for the three streets. Upon roll call, all seven Councilmen voted in
favor thereof and motion was declared carried.
Assessed Valuation:
y{ 8: The city Clerk reported that he had received from the County Assessor,, a=certified
AYt' statement of the assessed valuation of the city, showing the same to be $1,200,351.00.
4 i
From Bear and Cunningham:
' �..
A communication from Baer and Cunningham, consulting engineers, was presented and read,
as follows:
Portland, Oregon
k September 28th, 1929.
Honorable Mayor and City Uouncil,
u Port 'Townsend, Washington
�` �•:�' Gentlemen:
I was in Port Townsend three days ago and at that time discussed with Mr. Sadler and
others the status of the Big kuileene Water Supply Project. There is certain information which we
desire to submit to you but have held this matter in abeyance until the National Paper Products
Company took over the line and settlement was made of the account with the Company for operation up
i to the time the pipe lineswas taken over. Yee will submit to your shortly, final report, notes and
1,;;'• records pertaining to the construction of the pipe line. "e will also prepare for you the filing map
;7 for right of way across the Olympic National r•orest..,