HomeMy WebLinkAbout00461t �1 kti j I1 � j(( 1.i i' baid communication was referred to the Fire and Light Committee - REQUISITIONS Requests for material and supplies for various departments of the city were presented, read ind disposedof as follows. For Water Extension Cuonstruotion Fund, to -wit: 213 Fittings McCracken air valve 213 Pieces V Std. Blaok iron pipe 2' -0" long 9 " 3" Std. Black iron pipe 2'-0" long 9 to 900-3" Black iron elbows 25 Q" #26 Gal. iron stems for McCracken air valves 152 1" #26 Gal. iron stems for-%Uraoken air valves. 36 2" 9f26 Gal. iron stems for McCracken air valves 1 Can Creosote Lip 1 Pair chain tongs The above is needed for the frost proofing'of air valves. W. J. Sadler dity Engineer It was moved by Councilman kuenell and seconded by Councilman Lammers that the requestober granted. Upon roll call, all seven councilmen voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried. For Engineer's Department, to -wit: 1 Box paper clips 200 Later heads 200 envelopes 200 Sheets copy paper 50 2y Stamps 1 pick handle 1 Lock for uffice door It was moved by Councilman Aldrich and seconded by Uouncilman smith that the request be granted, Motion carried. For Water extension Construction Yund, to -wit: 2 $" Morse twist drill 2 y ° Pipe thread tap 2 Rolle tar paper A/C Frost proffing Air valves It was moved by Uouncilman 4uenell and seconded by Councilman Lammers that the request be granted. Motion declared carried. For Police Department, to -wit: 2 30 x 3z 0. S. Tires and Tubes R. S. Weppner It was moved by Councilman Robbins and seconded by Councilmen Aldrich that the request be granted. Upon roll call, all seven councilmen voted in favor thereof and motion was declared carried. RESOLUTIONS A resolution to transfer excess money was presented and read as follows: Resolution July 16, 1929 Whereas, there is now on hand in the City Treasurer the sum of 44.83 in Local Improvement Fund for District No. 10, and Whereas, there is now no outstanding bonds in said district fund, Now therefore, be it unanimously resolved and the said Uity Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer said sum of 44.83 from the fund of Improvement District No. 10 to the Current Expense Fund of said city. Approved: Dr. Geo. Bangerter mayor Attest: C. Y. Christian City Clerk. It was moved by Councilman 1�uenell and seconded by Councilman Lammers that the said re- solution be adopted. Upon roll call, all seven councilmen voted in favor thereof and motion was de- clared carried. . , E NEW BUSINESS Camp Equipment: 297 Councilman Quenell brought up for discussion the matter of bringing out the camp equipment from the big Quileene pipe line, but no action was taken in the matter at this time. Water Street Sidewalks: Councilman Robbins brought up the matter of the dilapidated condition of certain sidewalks on Water Street and also on other streets. Top ,oil for Paper Mill: Councilman bobbins brought up the matter of the request of the National Paper Products Company for top soil from the streets of the city as a covering for the sand on the grnuhds of their plant, and moved, seconded by councilman Peach, that Contractor Coyne be granted permission to take the top soil from San Juan Avenue and 19th Street and such other streets as may.be necessary for the said purposep alllundernthe direction of the Street Superintendent. Motio carried. Old Pump -House: Councilman Lammers brought up the matter of the condition of the old pump -house stating that he believed it should be torn dawn. The matter was referred to the building committee TO RECESS ((tUWae moved by Councilman Robbins and seconded by councilman Peach that the Councilm recess for a short time. Upon roll call, all seven councilmen voted in the affirmative, and motion was declared.carried. AFTER RECESS Council re -convened at 10:40 P. M., Mayor Bangerter presiding. ROLL CALL Upon roll call, there were present Mayor George Bangerter, City Clerk C. F. Christian, Deputy City Attorney W. J. Daly, Jr., and Councilmen W. B. Smith, Edward Quenell, William Lammers, Jacob Miller, Harry W. Robbins, Clark Aldrich and b. V. Peach. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED Eire Chief Convention: It was moved by Councilman Robbins and seconded by councilman °mith that J. J. Lafferty, Chief of the Fire Department, and Councilman o. V. Peach, Chairman of the mire and Light Committee, be authorized to attend the convention of the Pacific Uoatt Association of Fire Chiefs to be held in Vancouver, B. C., July 23rd to 26th inclusive, at the expense of the city.' Upon roll call, Councilmen Smith, �,iuenell, Lammers, Miller, Robbins and Aldrich voted in favor thereof and Uouhcilman Peach was excused fromvotin. Motion declared carried. VOTE TO PURCHASE TRUCK RE -CONSIDERED Bringing up the matter of the purchase of a truck, it was moved by councilman Robbins and seconded by Councilman Peach to re -consider the motion to purchase a Chevrolet Truck passed at the last session of the council. Upon roll call, all seven councilmen voted in the affirmative, and motion to re-oonsider was declared carried. Motion to procure truck: It was moved by Uouncilman Robbins and seconded by Councilmen Miller that inas- much as there is not enough monebr in the budget to purchase a truck in accordance with the speci- fications as per requisition of the street departmont,that the city procure a 8hevrolet truck for the u'se of the street department, said truck to be 6 Cylinder, 12 Ton, with 32 x 6 heavy duty rear tires and equiped with Wood's Hydraulic Hoise Lump °ody of 12 yards capacity, with cab -control. Upon roll call, all seven councilmen voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried. To Bring out Camp Equipment: R lative to the camp equipment, it was moved by Councilman quenell and seconded by Councilman Peach ;hat 11r. Rose, Superintendent of the Pipe Line Patrol, be instructed to bring out the camp equipment belonging to Mr. Coyne, at a cost not to exceed U5.00. Upon roll call, all seven councilmen voted in favor thereof and motion was declared carried.