HomeMy WebLinkAbout00460it July 9th, 1929. i To the Ionorable Mayor and City council, T� Port Townsend, Washington. S1';{ Gentlemen: It is to be anticipated that some algae growth might occur in City Lake. A heavy run of se the water to become unpalateable, and may become quite highly algae and similar organism would cau ,! colored. The screen box is so arranged that the lake can again be disconnected and the water taken { directly from the pipe line. When algae occur the best treatment consists of copper sulfate. This $i may be applied in two manners, one consists of putting it in sacks and dragging it through the lake from boats, the other is by using povrdered copper sulfate applied with a hand seeder. I believe the latter is the cheaper and more effective, even though the cost of the powdered sulfate is greater, because the application can be made in a shorter time. The best buy in copper sulfate is in 500 The barrel Sots. 3 em quoted locally a price bf 7y¢cpar lb. for the lump sulfate and 12,4 per lb for th 'Povderbd•oulfate: h6'hand seeders'aY'eThtttrdlbii bymail order houses and undoubtedly by local hard- ware stores and cost between tiro and three dollars. I am submitting this matter for your consideration now because conditions may require the 4 use of this material and you may wish to have a supply on hand. You may however, like to let this matter go until algae are encountered because we arc not dependent upon City Lake to supply the water to the City or the Paper Company. �i d5 k is :i d 1'. r Yours very truly, BAAR AND CUNNINGHAM By J. 0. Baar Said communication was referred to the Water Committee. From Baar and Cunningham - Re: Y�ater 'sins: Communication from Haar and Cunningham, relative to Water Mains and reservoir was presented and read as follows: July loth, 1929 The Water Committee Yr. J. W. Sadler Port Townsend, Washington Gentlemen: Supplementing our map, we are enclosing herewith Estimates of Cost to assist you in working out a tentative immediate construction program to extend the mains vrithin the City limits, tributio f;sstem. repair, the reservoir and perhaps supplement and reconstruct a portion of thedis n y During my last visit, I discussed with Mr. Sadler certain changes which were made with the exception of the line along the Olympic Highway from 9th & Sheridan to Water Street. Relocation of this line to another point will not materially effect construction costs so for purposes of es- timating, another location may be substituted if you so prefer. For repairing Reservoir No 1 we have completed our designs to.restore the reservoir to its original heighth by the construction of reinforced concrete walls with buttresses at the point where the break occurred, and relining the reservoir with concrete throughout. The plans will be forwarded to you for approval shortly and we are holding the preparation of specifications in aboyano as you may desire to incorporate this work into the contract for extending the main. The estimate for the mains and distribution system shown in red upon the map previousl furnished you are in detail for each street and are made on the basis of using wood pipes and on the basis of cast iron pipe. With the exception of the 18" size, cast iron pipe will be equal in cost or cheaper than steel, so vre did not estimate the system in stbel. The 18" pipe from the City limits will undoubtedly be wood. The Estimates of Cost include tranch excavation, backfilling, furnishing, hauling and placing Brood pipe, making joints in cast iron pipe, gate valves, and all necessary fit- tings for inter -connections vrith the old system and future connections to further extensions. -Lt in- cludes also, the connections for the hydrants now in use, but the fittings for future new hydrants are not included. "there wood is used, such fittings can afterwards be installed at no great oxpense, Where cast iron pipe is used, they should be now installed and some decision should be reached betwee ,,ourselves and Mr. Sadler where additional hydrants should be provided for on the lines that you decide to construct in cast iron. We have included also, an item of 55,000. for cutting over the services from the olc lines to the new. This is necessarily an arbitrary amount and it will depend upon the extent to which the program is novr carried out. The City may also elect to have its oven Department cut over the services and eliminate it from the construction contract, thereby possibly accomplishing a savin@ I expect to be in Fort Townsend vrithin a few days and hope that by that time you have reached some conclusion to that we can discuss financial programs and complete the plans and specifications for the work you have in mind. Very truly yours, BAAR AND CUNNINGHAM, By J. 0. Baar . Estimates of cost of construction was also submitted and said communication and estimates e�I were referred to the Water Committee. From Dr. Earle Sidewalk: it � . Communication from James G. McCurdy, relative to Sidewalk repairs was presented and read, i r as follows: Port Townsend, Wash, July 13, 1929 rr ,q Honorable City Council, :okq' 1 Port Townsend, Wash. Gentlemen: Several years ago when Mr. Fred Lewis was Street Commissioner he wired to Dr. Baylis H. Earle that the sidewalk in front of his lots corner Taylor and Roosevelt streets was in bad conditio g 4, i +r�1i�';�{ar'�•, and ordering him to fix it up at once. � Dr. Earle wired me to have the sidewalk repaired and after a conference with Mr. Lewis, ��rrq� I had the walk repaired at a cost of over $50.00. It was Mr. Lewis' impression that Dr. Earle owned both the lots and stated to me he had looked it upoon the records. About all the repair work ;,r`�; i done on the lot adjoining the corner lot. About a year ago 1 heard that someone was selling the 9,`�d43¢ft.+ lower or inside lot to Mr. Henning and remembering the transactions bout the. sidewalk make a personal examination of the records and found that Dr. Earle owned only the corner lot and not the inside Y4 lot; consequently through an error of a city Employee, Dr. Earle had paid for repairs not matte to • ��..rr; i+T a ;'�i�,���<�r,�r'J�i, r • � his property. '" Although believing at the time of the discovery of the error that some redress should be �1 a x+ ,� `a, ;F#,s�'���s; RAiNmade Dr. Earle, I did not think it best to say anything about it but await developments. It now 2 trans ires that the sidewalk in front of his corner lot is ettin in uite bad she a there are Fj t�z� j p g g fl P f 4_11112 , about Bix planks that should be renewed at once. There is a hole large enough to cause a broken t �y� r�'• leg and should be fixed at once. Under the circumstances I am asking that the City have these planks renewed at its own r•d• " expense, as it would be manifestly unfair to ask Dr. Earle to do so, seeing that the city compelled +j",<• t :` him to repair at a heavy expense the walk inffront of a lot he did not own. jx�jb 7t `. Trusting that this walk will be repaired at once as it is a dangerous in its present n, SSr fv`x S' condition, I am, ' Very truly yours, Jas. 13. McCurdy. ; RI Said communication was referred to the Street Committee. RAp,t •° r fort Worden. Water Contract: ;•�,�'� The City Clerk stated that the authorities at Fort Worden had requested that the contract � �+ for water be extended for five years, if the city could do so. Upon referring the matter to the w �fE'ai U ',�� City Attorney, he reported adversely. yx�id°, F�;ta1'7yyXt From Washington Surveying and Rating aureau: I�rx9rs: A communication from the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau, relative to the annual ;?,,;aS, 4 �;2' convention of the Pacific Coatrt Association of Fire Chiefs, was presented and read as follows: �m,v,�'.fl. E 3vN�,s 1p, Seattle, Wash. July 8,1929 Honorable 'ayor and City Council, i'a r Port Townsend, Washing -bon 3, Gentlemen: The Pacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs will hold its annual convention in Vancouver, British Columbia, July 23rd to 26th inclusive, 1929. This office has had the opportunity of attending these conventions and of observing E results achieved through them, and we take pleasure in recommending that your city be represented at the coming meeting by yourselves and your Fire Chief, J. J. Lafferty. The past fevr years there has been a material reduction in the national fire leases and credit for much of this is naturally due to the improved "pparatus and methods used in the I departments.throughout the country. The State, National and Coast conventions of mire Chiefs furnish the broadest and most up-to-date education in fire fighting methods, and serve to maintain the morale in public �! fire departments at a high standard by keeping their personnel in tough with the best methods of /�� t• contending with the overohanging problems oonndeted with their duties. t Ne sincerely hope that it will be possible for you -and your Fire Chief to attend this convention. Yours truly, �I J. E. Woolley r I Manager I , a f— III