HomeMy WebLinkAbout00455Both of said communications were referred to the Water Committee.
Pipe Line Patrol:
The report of G. A. Rose, Superintendent of the pipe line patrol for the week ending June
23rd, was presented, read and ordered filed.
Certificate of Completion of Contract:
Bear and Cunningham, consulting engineers, filed the following certificate relative to the
work at the city lake, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Washington Juno 8, 1929
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Washington
This is to eertif� that Mr. Jae. H. Coyne has completed the work at City Lake as
prescribed in his contract dated March 30th, 1929 in full compliance with the plans and specifics-
Yours very truly,
JOB/LK By J. 0. Bear
It was moved by Councilman Robbins and seconded by Councilman Bmith that said certificate of
completion be accepted. Upon roll call all five councilmen present voted in favor thereof and
motion was declared carried.
From Bear and Cunningham regarding final estimate:
Relative to the final estimate of James H. Coynds contract, Mr. Baer, of Baer and Cunningham
submitted the following communication:
Port 'Townsend, Washington, July 2, 1929
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Port Townsend, Washington
We are submitting to you herewith final estimate of work performed by Mr. Jas. H. Coyne
at Uity Lake. bince this was completed and accepted on June 8th and the 30-day period after which
final payment is to be made expires on the Bth of July, we suggest that payment on this estimate
be withheld until July loth, when the full amount, including retained percentage, is payable.
Yours very truly,
JOB/LK By J. 0. Baar
This communication, together with the said estimate, is to be considered later in the ses
Finance and Claims:
The committee on finance and claims presented the following written report:
Port Townsend, `Nashington July 2nd, 192!
To the Honorable Mayor and city Council
of the City of Port Tow-nsend.
Your Committee, on Finance and Claims to whom was referred the matter of Treasurers
:Report for month of Lay, 1929, would respectfully report as follows: we find same to be correct.
Ed. (4uenell
BSn. Lammers, Sr.
Report of Street Committee:
Councilman Robbins, reporting verbally, stated that a special effort had been made to clean
down -town streets before the 4th of July, and requested the assistance of the Council in keeping the
streets clean.
a of Julv 2
F� Applications for building permits were presented, read and disposed of as follows:
From J. Harry Y H bers:_
Port Townsend, Wash., July 2, 1929
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
Port Townsend, Wash.
Gentlemen: " +"
Permission is requested to erect a 7 room frame dwelling on Block 15, Brackens Addition, ;
4. at an estimated cost of 41700.00.
! ts. Also to erect a garage and workshop and a separate laundry shed on the same premises.
Garage will be set back three feet from the street line.
" Respectfully submitted,
J. Harry Hybers
From Louis Donofrio:
I. Port 'Townsend, Wash., July 2, 1929
} To the Honorable Mayor and,City Uonnoil,.t '
Port Townsend, Washington
Permission is requested to reshingle my residence, situate on San Juan Avenue, ppposit
Block 12 of H. L. Tibbals Addition. Cost is estimated at $50.00. ,, w
Respectfully submitted,
T}� Louis Donofrio
From Paul W. Thiele -Ray 0. Scott '
Port 'Townsend, Wash., July 1,' 1929
To the Honorable Mauor and City Council
Port Townsend, Wash.,, n
L_) Gentlemen:
Permission is requested to, erect a frame garage on my premises at 927 Benton Street, at
an'estimated cost of 4150.00. building will be set back three feet or more from the street line.
1 F Respectfully submitte,
Ray 0. Scott
By Paul W. Thiele +
From Daniel Nettleton:
Port Townsend, flash., July 1, 1929 '
To the Honorable i'Layor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.
C�rYr4 rt� gr ,, Permission is requested to make an addition to my residence on Block 249, Eisenbeis
�T"�a ) ���}S'''f' addition at an estimated cost of 4800 00.
r�g,O y ,
+a rn v Respectfully submitted,
y, Daniel Nettleton
From Mrs. Chas. Guntley_ i
Port Townsend, Wash., June 27, 1929
To the Honorable Mayor and City Uouncil
Port Townsend, Wash.
t `aex Gentlemen:
Permission is requested to erect a two -room frame cottage on Lot 2, Block 27, Eisenbeis
Addition, at an estimated cost of 4200.00.
,t Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. Chas Guntley
From Mrs. J. U Bowman:
Port Townsend, Washington, June 21, 1929
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
+ � ! Port Townsend, Wash.
a i
r � �
V Gentlemen: '
Permission is requested to erect a small cottage on my property about 40 rods north of
z Hastings Avenue, near the westerly city limits, at an approximate cost of 1200.00. j
Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. C. J. ➢owman
� f I