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Minutes of July 2 -
$2071.00 F. 0. B. Port 'Townsend
150.00 House
MOO Hauling
150.00 Installation
$2491.00 Total cost
This type of meter is reliable and very simple but the time and labor to install same is quite an ite
to consider.
I have correspondence, also descriptive matter which I would be pleased to show you in order to make
the most economical selection.
I would also like to know your pleasure in metering the Hadlook line. lye have a 6" meter at Fort
Flagler that has not been in use since 1925. 6hile this meter is not the exact type that should be
used I think it would answer the purpose Bar some time to come. This meter would have to be sent to
Seattle or Portland for a complete overhauling and adjustment before installing on the line and it
might be cheaper than buying a new meter. However I would get prices on this work before going ahoad
Awaiting your further instructions I am,
Yours very truly,
W. J. Sadler
WJS/WS City Engineer
Action on the said communication was deferred for the time being.
From City Engineer Sadler and Engineer J. 0. Baer:
Communications from City Engineer Sadler and Ex. J. 0. Baer, relative to Water mains, were
presented and read as follows:
From W. J. Sadler, to -writ:
July 1, 1929
To the Mayor and City Council
At the request of Mr. E, kuenell, Chairman of the Water Committee, I have examined the plans submitte
by Barr and Cunningham, tVrtland, Oregon, for the proposed distribution system. The plan as outlined
will be alright.
There will, I think, be re-routing of some of this line and more valves plae ed in order to faeiliate
repairs. The distance between vslves being tcogroat in many places this also would avoid the trouble
we have now in some parts of the city. It being necessary at times to shut off a large district for
a considerable time in order to put in some pipe. This causes considerable uneoncenienoe to the
Patrons and also makes extra work for the Eater Department.
I would also suggest that the Fire Hydrants in the downtown district and a few on the hill be replace
by new hydrants and the old ones be moved out in the residential districts. these details can be
attended to when the City decides how much they are going to do and a definite plan decided upon.
Some lines will be governed by the building up of different parts of the City but with the main
supply lines in it should be an easy matter to make connections and avoid all dead ends possible.
As Mr. Bear suggests this matter should be taken up by the City Council and some definite program
decided upon as to the financing and what parts of the system are to be build first. At this time
I think that the 7iater Street line drill have to be considered at an early date on account of the
State Highway Department intention to pavo on the west end of Vlater Street.
While there has been nothing official from Olympia, but expect that you will hear something in a
short time.
Yours very truly,
'N. J. Sadler
WJ S/Yr'S City Engineer
From J. 0. Bear, to -wit:
Juno 26th, 1929;
The hater Committee
of the City Council,
Port Tovmsend, ',ashington.
'roe hand you herewith white print which shows in green lines the existing reservoirs and dis,
tribution system in the City of Port Townsend, and in red lines werare indicating the proposed system
of mains to feed the 4,000,000 gallon supply to the City and into the reservoirs, together with out
suggestions for supplementing the distribution system as the needs of the City from time to time may
require. Existing hydrants are shown in green circles, existing gate valves or shutoffs in green dot
and proposed new gate valves in red dots in the proposed lines. You will note in certain streets
that we indicate the present lines to be replaced by new pipes of the same or of larger and in some
cases even smaller sizes. This was done regardless of the immediate requirements but with the though
that as you find it necessary to replace the pipes in certain streets because they are worn out or be
they do not furnish an adequate amount of water to those served, that the new lines be located and of
the sizesshowh upon the plans. 'Ile might further say that the pipe sizes in the present system are
indicated by green figures such as 4" 6" etc., and the proposed new dimensions in ref figures.
No attempt was made to indicate new hydrants that should be placed. This is a matter open to wide
interpretation and depends largely on the extent to which certain territory was built up and the
fire protection justified by reason of the value of the improvements. Ve presume that you will add
fire hydrants from time to time and have so designed the distribution system that all sgoh hydrants
would be properly supplied with water when the system is completed:
While the laying out of a distribution system is not called for by our con-
tract, we nevertheless make recommendations because a proper arrangement of distribution is necessary
if 4,000,000 gallon@ per day are actually consumed, and are to be delivered under proper working
pressures to the various users. The planoutlined we. consider correct from an engineering standpoint
but it goes without saying that you may wish to supplement it now or in time to came, to meet the
requirements of a growing oommgnity. Extensions of the distribution system within the territory
bounded by the distribution system shown in red can be properly supplied by the system. Should it
be desired to extend beyond these lines, extensions should be so arranged that dead ends are avoided.
Two courses are open to us. One, the location of a single main extending
fkom the new pipe line at the City limits directly to the reservoirs on Morgan Hill; the other is a
division of the main supply line into two or more pipe lines intersecting and girdling the oocupiod
territory within your City limits, all feeding into the reservoir but so arranged that they can be
utilized as a part of the distribution system. After carefully weighing the two plans we decided
that the latter is to be recommended because it meets the requirements fully as well as the former, s
the same time contributing materially toward the needed replacements of the now largely wornout distr
bution system. The plan we propose when completed will divide the entire system into a series of
small units which can be isolated quickly in case of necessary shutdowns due to repairs or new con-
struction with the least inconvenience to the preponderance of users. The effect of the distribution
system as proposed will be that the reservoirs "float on the line", that is, the draft may come eithc
from the mains or from the reservoirs but any surplus vrill flow into the reservoir and will be
wasted from there.
We are submitting this plan to you iii accordance with the discussions had with
some members of your Committee, and would suggest that you gentlemen and the Council as a whole, the
City Engineer, the Water Superintendent, and perhaps interested property owners, scrutinize it; de-
termine first whether further distributaries should be eolisidered in certain localities as for in-
stance in Eisenbeis Addition, and second, the portions of the system you would like to have included
in an immediate construction program. With respect to the latter, that is, the portion you wish to
replace now, it would be well for you to work out alternate schemes, one perhaps embracing the most
urgent work only such as the main on Water Street and others that are in such disrepair that they are
dangerous, second a moderate program embracing one or two lines to the reservoir and the third one
that would meet all reasonable requirements of the near future, If you settle some of these matters
between yourselves, I shall be very glad to confer with you the next time I come to Port Townsend,
which will be not later than Monday and Tuesday of next week, and then estimate for you the coat of t
various programs, with the cost figures before you, 1 am sure we can work out a compromise program
which will meet the purse of the City and be of material benefit.
'4e are now completing our plans for repairing the reservoir on Morgan Hill
and have estimated its costs, so that we can decide whether you desire to include that work into the
From the studies we have made of the financial situation of the City, but not
knowing the program you desire to carry out, we nevertheless have reached the conclusion that any
major project would require the authorization of a General Obligation Issue, supplemented either by
Local Improvement District Bonds or some special financial agreement. "a can readily determine the
amount of money that can be secured from a general issue and the residue from the $600,000. Water Boni
Issue, after all present obligations are met and you have been reimbused by the National Paper Pro-
ducts Company for the amounts that have been advanced by you for the operation and maintenance of
the system since October 1st, 1928. After you have decided what the immediate opn'struetion program
shall be we can estimate its cost and determine the amount necessary that must come wither from Local
Improvement Districts or special financing. The method to be followed will depend entirely upon the
amount required and we feel confident that any reasonable program can be worked out properly. After
we have at least informal assurance that the financial program we propose can be carried out, we
:ill prepare for you the necessary plans and specifications so that you can call for bids. If the
project is postponed, we will prepare for you all necessary forms of contract and specifications whit',
of necessity however, would have to be slightly modified when you come to carrying out a definite
In conclusion we would like to suggest to you that you take this matter in hand
thout delay and you may be assured that we will cooperate with you to the fullest extent. We
rther wish to advise you that while the supplemental agreement between the City and ourselves ero-
des for a termination of the contract by July 1st, 1929, we will, as a matter of course close the
ty Lake work and the matters presented by this letter without further expense to the City other the
at provided in our agreement.
Respectfully yours,
By J. 0. Naar