HomeMy WebLinkAbout00445Minutes of May 28/29 continued.
Claim of Jae. H. Coga for retained sum, ranted.
Taking up he a m o arras Coyne for the amount retained under Contract No. 2 to cover
the liem claim of J. E. Borkhaimer Mfg. Co., and it appearing that said liefii.was now outlawed, it
wan moved by Councilman Quanell and seconded by Councilman Robbins that said claim bf_Jss.%H.uobyne
in the amount of $3900.00 be approved and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to draw
a warrant upon the proper fund in payment of said claim. Upon roll call, all seven councilmen
voted in favor thereof and motion was declared carried.
Salary of inner.
The ty Clerk called the attention of the Council to the fact that no salary had been act
for the City Engineer and it was moved by Councilman'tluenell and seconded by Councilman Lammers,
that the salary of the City Engineer shall be set at $250.00 per month beginning June 1st, and
that said salary shall be paid from the funds provided by Emorgency.Ordinanoe No. 972. Motion
declared carried.
In Relation to proposed Local Improvement District.
In relation to a proposed Local improvement District, it was moved by Councilman Robbins and
seconded by Councilman Peach that the City Engineer be instructed to return to this Council the
estimated cost of concrete sidewalks, 12 feet in width, of standard construction, for phoposedF•oon-
btruotion on the following Streets: On Adams Street, on both sides from Washington to Water; On
quinoy Street (10 ft) on both sides, Washington to Water; On Water Street on both sides (14 feet)
from Qunicy to Madison; Also that the City Attorney return to this Council the assessed valuation
of the abutting property described above. Motion declared carried.
Discussion relative to Fire A paratus.
Councilman each, ;Fs of the Fire amd Light Committee, suggested that the City should
obtain a 1000 gallon capacity fire engine of a type to meet the present needs of the City.
Mayor Bangerter then called upon several citizens present for an expression of their views,
as follows: Mr. J. J. Lafferty, Chief of the Fire Department stated that such equipment was ab-
solutely,neeessary at the present time to give proper protection. Mrc Roy Dale, Captain of the
Volunteer Hose Co., expressed the same sentiments and was in favor of securing the very best equip-
ment that could be had. Mr. Roy Seavey, driver of the fire truck, stated that the present appa-
ratus was wholly inadequate because of lack.of power and consequent waste of time in responding to
a fire alarm. Mr. C. Marc Miller, Insurance Agent and as representative of the Chamber of Com-
merce, stated that unless ar•rangerpents are made for b6tterr•equipinent for fighting fires and for re-
pair of the alarm system, that it was a foregone conclusion that insurance rates would be raised.
Mr. Max Flint complikented the Volunteer Fire Department but expressed no opinion as to equipment
as he was not informed in that respect.
Motion to secure equipment.
It was then moved by Councilman Peach and seconded by Councilman Smith that the City procure
suitable standard fire fighting equipment to meet the present needs of the City. Upon roll call,
all seven councilmen voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried.
Motion to ascertain preference.
It was moved by Councilman Quenoll and seconded by Councilman Peach that a poll be taken of
the members of the council to ascertain the preference of the members as to the make of the appa-
rates to be secured. Upon roll call all setren councilmen voted in favor thereof and motion was
Poll of members.
The yor then called form poll of the members and a roll call showed the following result:
In favor of the La France - Councilmen Aldrich, Lammers, Miller and Robbins.
in favor of the Mack - Councilmen Peach, Smith and Quenell.
Motion to contract for La France Fire
It was moved by Counc lman Peach end seconded .by Councilman Lammers that the Mayor and the
City Clerk be authorized to enter into a lease -contract with the American La France Company to pro-
cure said fire apparatus provided said lease is satisfactory to the City Council and the City At-
torney. Upon roll call, Councilmen Aldrich, Peach, Smith, Lammers, Miller and Robbins voted in
the affirmative and Councilman (Zusnall.in the negative. Motion declared carried.
Upon motion of Councilman quenell, seconded by Councilman Aldrich, Council adjourned.
Attest; 1
City Clerk. Mayor
_ -
t Port Townsend, Washington, June 4, 1929 i
The Cit�Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 4th
day of June, 1929 at,8 P. M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Mayor Bangerter presiding.
¢ ...ROLL CALL '
Upon roll call, there were present Mayor George Bangerter, City Clerk C. F. Chris-
tian, W. J. Daly, Jr, representing City Attorney Scott, and councilmen S. V. Peach, Edward quenell,
I William Lammers, Jacob Miller, H. W. Robbins, and Clark Aldrich.
It was.moved by Councilman Quenell and seconded by Councilman Peaoh to dispense
w .•i . with the reading of.the minutes, and that they be approved as recorded. Upon roll call, all six
e councilmen present voted in the affirmative, and motion was declared carried.
Approved bills and claims were presented and read as follows:
7 Upon the Current Expense Fund, to -wit:
Sara H. Voss Savices, 'Treasurer' a Office $ 5.06
Lawman & Hanford Co.,Blank'Warrants 25.00 or
R.• T. greenwood, Office Supplies 4.50
"Pioneer" Inc. " 9.10
Marion Nisbet Typing for City Clerk 2.50
;< C. F. Christian Cash advanced 14.50
4{a,rt Maryland Casualty Co. Premium on Bond 5.00
Volunteer Fire Dept. Services at Fires 182.00
t. 23.94 0. R. Mitten Special Patrolman Police De
xis`, r ,•��. r �P P
P. T. Steam Laundry Laundry for Jail 2.40
Olympic Hdwe & Furn. Supplies Police Dept. .65
fiz Howard -Cooper Corp. Supplies for Sewer Dept. 10.2E [
�3 2 N. L. Short Motor Co. Parts and Repairs 3.22 I
Standard Oil Co. Gas and Oils. 56.11 r
, Olympic Machinery Co. Skid Chains for Grader 32.15
b.>¢ j1 �ly�rti
�tX} ` a "t` City Transfer Co. Oiling Streets 70.75
f�v ' r W. L. Studerus Tools and Repairs 10.00
Frank Buohillo Labor - Street Dept. 5.98
x� t;,• � Qt� ,d, Gardiner -Beatty Hdwe. Tools Supplies Street Dept. 7.65 �
k Pearson Auto Service Engine Oil & Repairs 5.25
" W3•�, h � t'a; Puget Sound 16ver & L. Street Lighting for Apr & May 365479
l'' e. gyp';t Union Dock Co. Rent of Mooring Space May 15.00
�$� rt r, ��,��t?c,s'�'� Chas W. Hinton State Treasurer, Indus. Ina. 19.98 4
Total ..............$ 885.62 „
'.✓"'�Wyr.'�= c Upon the Olympic Gravity Water Funds to -wit:. t, 1
W. G. Potter Wages for Labor $121.30
Rita Vautier Stamps and Postage 1.77
Pacific Coast Stamp Works. Rubber Stamp . 1,35 x
Lowman &Hanford Co. Blank Warrants 25.23
4r a ,
� h> y�'rµ• ,_ :_, Standard 011 Go. .Gasoline 15.68
Standard Oil Co. " 70.00 =
N. L. Short Motor Co. Repairs and Parts on Ford 15.46 f
Pearson s Auto Service Auto Repairs 1.50 Pj
Great Western Eleotro-Chemioal Co. Chlorine -cylinder rent 6.00
Olympic Hdwe & Furn Co. Supplies 1.13
s4; A. R. Strathie Pipe Bands 5.90 I
Palmer Supply Ca. Wiping Solder 7.34
Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Reducing Staves .76
s Hiram Wingate Office rent and collections 5.00 4
Chas W. Hinton State Treasurer, Indus. Ins. 5.70
Total ............$284. 12
Upon the Water Extension Construction Fund to -wit:
W. J. Sadler Services as Engineer $ 267.60
Roy Weppner 'f with car 128.27
Bear & Cunningham Second payment on extra service 1000.00
James H. Coyne. Estimate No. 2 City Lake Appur. 7236.10
James H. "oyns Rental of Camp Equipment 15.50
Jae. W. B. Scott Cash advanced for Court Costs, etc.25.57
Citizens Ind. Tale. Co. L. L. Tolls 1.00
Layman & Hanford Co. Blue Printing .33
Steve Coyne Wages 154.77
G. A. Rose Salary, mileage & cash advanced 264.51