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Minutes of May 21/29 continued.
To oil Water Street.
Councilman Robbins brought up the matter of oiling the remainder of Water Street and moved,
seconded by Councilman Peach, that the Street Superintendent be authorized to purchase two tanks
of oil and to have Ivater Street oiled from Tyler Street, westerly to the Olympic Highway, approxi-
mately at Scott Street. Upon roll call, all six.counoilmon present voted in the affirmative and
motion was declared carried.
Reports on referred Applications for Building Permits.
Councilman Lammers, Chairman of the Building Committee, stated that he desired to take up
certain applications for building permits, referred to said committee at previous sessions of the
Council and report on same.
Application of N. L. Short.
Counoilmnn Lammers moved, seconded by Councilman Peach, that the application of N. L. Short
be granted. Upon roll call, all six councilmen present voted in favor thereof and motion was
declared carried.
Application of R. 0. Lindholm.
In the matter of the application of R. 0. Lindholm, it was moved by Councilman Lammers and
seconded by Councilman Peach, that the application be not granted. Motion carried.
Starrett & Stevens Application.
Upon the application of Starrett & Stevens, the committee requested and was granted further
time to report.
Upon motion of Councilman Peach, seconded by Councilman quenell, Council adjourned.
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Minutes of
Council. Mav 28. 1929
Port Townsend, Washington, May 28, 1929.
The City Council of the City ofcPort Townsend, Wash., met in regular session this 28th day of
May, 1929, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Mayor Geo. Bangerter presiding.
Upon roll call there were present.— a�i yor George Bangerter, City Clerk C. F. Christian, Mr.H.U.
Daly Jr, representing City Attorney Scott, and Councilmen, S. V. Peach, W. B. Smith, Edw. Quenell,
William Lammers, Jacob Miller and Harry W. Robbins.
The minutes of the regular session of May 21st were read and, approved as'read.
The claim of Adam H. Wanamaker, amto 145.00, for damages to Auto, having been approve
for payment by a majority of the Finance Committee, was now presented and read.
Wdnamaker Claim Allowed.
It was moved by Councilman Quenell and seconded by Councilman Lammers that the claim be paid
and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to draw a warrant upon the proper fund in pay-
ment of same. Upon roll call,, Councilmen Peach, Smith, quenell, Lammers and Robbins voted in the
affirmative and Councilman Miller in the negative. Motion declared carried.
City Attorney re: Pipe Line. right of ".
Commun ca ion from Mr. W. J. Daly, Jr..' :was presented and read as follows:
Port Townsend, Wash., May 27th, 1929
Hon Mayor and City Council,
City of Port Townsend.
I transmit herewith agreement of license to be executed by the Port Townsend Southern
Railroad Company and the City of Port Tovmsend.
Mr. Scott advises me that this instrument has been referred to the attorneys for the
National Paper Products Company and the same meets with their approval.
W. J. Daly Jr.
Said communication was refereed to the Water Committee.
City Attorney re Lindstrom Mill Co. right of way
A fur her communication from Mr. W. J. Daly Jr was presented and read as follows, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Wash., May 27th, 1929
Hon. Mayor and City Council,
City of Port Townsend,
Gentlemen: -
The land thru which runs the overflow pipe of the city pipe line near the city lake is
owned by the Lindstrom Mill Company, a corporation.
I might say that from what I can learn from former members of the City Council and Mr.
Scott, it was understood by the representatives of the City that an easement thru the land in quee-
tion would be granted the city free of charge.
Both the writer and Councilman Quenell interviewed Mr. Lindstrom on Thursday last and he
now denies that this was his tender, but that he would want $50.00 for an easement thru the land in
Mr. Allen of Donworth, Todd & Holman has ordered a certificate of ownership from S. W.
Peach & Son and it seems that they are going to make a pretty thorough check before accepting the
I address this communication to your honorable body that you may govern yourselves so-
cordingly in the premises.
W. J. Daly Jr.
Said communication was referred to the Water Committee.
Motion to pay Lindstrom Mill Co.
It was then moved by Councilman Quenell and seconded by Councilman Robbins that upon the ten-
der of a good and sufficient deed or easement by the Lindstrom Mill Co., that the Mayor and the
City Clerk be authorized to draw a warrant in the sum of $50.00 in payment of title to said right-
of-way. Upon roll call, all six councilmen present voted in favor thereof and motion was declared
City Attorney_ re_ Abstract of Title for right-of-way.
A communication rom i W. J. Daly Jr, presenting copies of letters in relation to abstract
of title, was presented and read as follows:
Port Townsend, Wash., May 28th, 1929
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
City of Port Townsend.
I transmit herewith copies of eertain correspondence had between the attorneys forthe
Paper Company; S. W. Peach & Son, Title Abstracters,. and the writer relative to furnishingjindicia
of ownership to the various parcels of real estate along the route of the pipe line.
Mr. Clyde Peach told me this morning that in response to the letter of Donworth, Todd & Hol-
man of May 21st, a copy of which is attached, he wrote them and gave an estimate of the price he
would charge for the service requested and that the entire-�job would aggregate approximately 8525.01
I have just had a conversation with Mr. Scott and he informs me that Mr. Todd of the law firm