HomeMy WebLinkAbout0041614, Minutes of March 19, 1929, continued. Communication from National Paper Products Company was presented and read as follows, to -wit: Port Townsend, Wash., Mar. 22, 1929 Honorable Mayor and Council Port Townsend, Wash. Gentlemen: Screening device as outlined in Mr. Barre proposed plans and specifications as submitted, would screen water satisfactory'to the paper company. We are assuming that Mr. Barr will locate this at such a point and in such a manner so. that delivery of water to the city reservoir, to the National Paper Products Company plant, and to Irondale and Hadlook will not be interfered with and that it will not interfere with the,safe-operation of the line. Yours very truly, NATIONAL PAPER PRODUCTS CO. - (Signed) 0. C. Schoenwekk. It was moved by Councilman Quenell and seconded by Councilman Lammers that said com- munication be accepted and spread upon the minutes. Motion carried. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS. Plans and Specifications Adopted: It was moved by Councilman Quenell and seconded by Councilman Peach that the plans and specifications, notice to bidders and instructions to bidders for appurtenances to City Lake as presented by Haar and Cunningham be adopted. Upon roll call, all six council- man present voted in favor thereof and Motion was declared carried. Description of Appurtenances: Mr. Haar suggested that 'a more definite description of said appurtenanoes be made as follows "consisting of a-24" Supply Line and a Screen Chamber". It was moved by Councilman Quenell, seconded by Councilman Peach, to'include Mr. Haar's addition in the original Motion. Upon roll call, all six councilmen present voted in the affirmative, and Motion was declared carried. Request for Legal Opinion: Mayor Bangerter asked City Attorney Scott for a statement if this project is legal and Councilman Aldrich further asked City Attorney Scott if it was legal to spend water ex- tension construction funds on this project. -` City Attorney Scott's Reply: City Attorney Scott then dictated the following statement: "As City Attorney of the City of Port Townsend, I would advise the Mayor and the City Council that the City is legally authorized to spend and pay out of the Water Extension Construction Fund the work outlined by Baar and Cunningham, Engineers for the City, in their Plans and Speeifioations, adopted by the City Council for appurtenances to the City Lake, consisting of a 24" Supply Line, and a Screen Chamber. That by reason that such work and improvements are a part of the Big Quilcene River Water Extension Project, as provided by Ordinance 4947. To Advertise for Bids: It was moved by Councilman Quenell, seconded by Councilman Peach, that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids in the Port Townsend Leader and in the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce, in the issues of March 25 and March 28, and that bids be opened on Fri- day, March 29, 1929, at 7:30 P. M., in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. Upon roll call, all six councilmen present voted in the affirmative, and Motion was declared carried. Copies of Plans and Specifications: Mr. Haar advised the Council that the plans and specifications are in the local express office and will be available in the morning. APPRAISERS. To Employ Appraisers: It was moved by Councilman Quenell, seconded by Councilman Peach, that the Water Committee be authorized to employ three or four appraisers to appraise property under con- demnation proceedings and to include City Engineer Sadler. The Engineer to be paid from the Water Extension Construction Fund. Upon roll call, all six councilmen present voted in favor thereof, and Motion was declared carried. City Attorney Scott stated that it was necessary for the City to prove the value of the property sought to be condemned, and that it was necessary for the appraisers to be on the ground. r , 1 Ilmt� .�.+-.:.+.:.:_ul.:.,.,+.�._..ai.•.��u.liJ_La.,......l..w,.:.:.+u:�.�u.u:u:,...d ..��..__�.:>•....:_..i.........w_:,u.�.�.�._: �:1�� � � _..a _r.r�.....r..�.. 7 fl J. �r V, { 3f .jl r j i Minutes of March 19, 1929. continued. ' Special Features of Plans and Specifications: Mr. Haar addressed the Council, pointing out certnin features of the Plans and Speoifica- tions, in relation the the Screen Chamber, and that under the plans, the city would out and weld the steel pipe,'instead of the contractor. He stated that.he baougbt up,this matter so that no question would be raised as to the plans and specifications covering the entire project. ROSE ADDRESSES COUNCIL. Mr. Rose, Superintendent of Pipe Line 1Patrol/., who was present, was asked for a report. He stated that the work was going fine now, with very little trouble, and that he did not an- ticipate much in the future. Most of the trouble,in the past had been from ice and also from leaves and pine needles. He also stated that there was now about 13 ft. of water in the City Lake. The matter of ordering the supplies covered by requtstion for the pipe line was re- ferred to the City 1%ngineer. Maps to be Ordered: City Attorney Scott stated that additional maps of the pipe line would be required, and it was moved by Councilman Quenell, seconded by Councilman Peach, ftat.the City Clerk be in- structed to order three sets of profile maps of the right of vAy line of the,water system for Court Exhibits. Motion carried. E. J. Norman Hight of Way: Councilman Quenell brought up ti:e matter of the claim of E. J. Norman for right of way compensation, 'and moved; seconded by Councilman Peach, that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized'toldraw a warrant in the amount of 0275.00, upon the Water Extension Construction Fund, in favor of the First National Bank, for account of E. J. Norman, to cover claim for right of way of said E. J. Norman across the SE-1 of the NEh and the SW4 of the NE4, Section 1, Twp. 20 N., R. 2 r9.0 W. M. Upon roll call, all six councilmen present voted in favor thereof, and Motion was declared carried. Mayor Welcomes Schoenwekk: Mayor Bangerter in a short speech welcomed Mr. Schoenwerk, and Mr. Schoenwerk responded, urging speed in completion of the pipe line.' ADJOURNMENT. Upon motion of Councilman Quenell, seconded by Councilman Robbins, Council adjourned. ATTEST: yor. City Clerk. 207