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Minutes of March, 19, 1929, continued.
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Permission is requested to erect a 4-room frame dwelling house on Lot 6, Block 90, Eisen- From Port Townsend Municipal Golf Club, to -wit:, i. A It�
beis Addition, at an estimated cost of $2000.00. #
Port Townsend, Wash.,March 19, 1929
oilRespectfully submitted, -
! To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
(Signed)' Elmer'Hel'gron. Port Townsend, Wash.
From F. J. Delaney, to -wit: Gentleman:
;li Permission- hereby asked for the construction of a clubhouse of approximately 501x509 t 1
Port Townsend,'Wash., March 13, 1929 -
t and &,garage and machinery building, 161x321, at a total coat of approximately-$3000., to
be located on the granite ridge above the ball park, on the property leased from the city by
Tol'the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash. a this club.
i Respectfully submitted,
Permission is requested to make general repairs to my dwelling house at corner of i - Port Townsend Munioipal Golf Club
Madison and Clay Sts- at an estimatedcost of $100.00- ,
tit By Geo. Welch, President.
Respectfully submitted, '' , 'n �N
111 p S f-,h rd ',
It was moved by Councilman Lammers and seconded by Councilman Peach, that the forego -
(Signed) F. J. Delaney ing ten applications for building permits be granted. Motion carried.
From Dorothy E. Jones to -wits i, �, From J. K. Metzger, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Wash., March 12, 1929 I r° ! Port Townsend, Wash., March 12, 1929
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council I w„'TM"¢T To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.' Port Townsend, Wash.
ca x Gentlemen: `
'Permission is requested to board up the basement under the frame building at 820 Wash -
Permission is requested to make general repairs to the dwelling house at 1208syn$ ington Street. Cost is estimated at $30.00. `
Blaine Street, at an estimated cost of $100.00.
Respectfully submitted,
Respeotfully submitted,
!zs7 (Signed) J. K. Metzger.
(Signed) Dorothy E. Jones.
K y t, I , Upon motion of Councilman Lammers, seconded by Councilman Peach, said permit was
From J. E. Myers, to -wit: yr`hxu'2 granted.
From W. A. Myers, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Wash., March 9, 1929
1w� Port Townsend, Wash., Mar. 19, 1929
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash. ! rk�k fwµy §rya To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
f, 4` zzxs +y Port Townsend Wash.
Gentlemen: Gentlemen:
Permission is requested to erect a frame dwelling house on Lot 1, Block 73, Eis-
enbeis Addition, at an estimated cost of $500.00. Also to build a garage 12 x 18 ft. vu)r`uw�,!! Permission is requested to remodel the front of the frame building known as the
on the same premises. Garage will be set back at least three feat from street line. "E" g, , y ,
5wg ! Thomas building, on the North side of Water Street between wuino and Adams streets 'Al
y .xayi repairs to consist mainly in changing the doors, Cost is estimated at $50.00. Doors to
Respectfully submitted, swing inward.
(Signed) J. E. Myers* ,+ *S4 4h I`I Respectfully submitted,
From Mrs. Lucy Somers, to -wits a f`" ��,s jl (Signed) W. A. Myers.
Port Townsend, Wash., March 8, 1929 }
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, i r is M.>w` �. It was moved by Councilman Lammers and seconded by Councilman Peach that the permit be
Port Townsend, Wash.
�:,� �, 4k , r , ' � granted. Motion carried.
Gentlemen: rr�t �.' From W. A. Myers, to -wit:
r Port Townsend, Wash., March 19, 1929
Permission is requested to re -shingle my dwelling house at 1222 Blaine street, ' To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
at an estimated cost of $75.00. $ij3.
� r w' Port Townsend, Wash.
a4 n tit -!. -
,� F
Respectfully submitted, _ ;f Gentlemen:
(Signed) Mrs. Lucy Somers. r ^r Permission is requested to enclose the space just West of the Zee Tai Co. building
4 ter
with stucco wall in front and concrete wall in rear and with composition roof in accordance
From N. Ordway, to -wit: } I, with the building ordinance and to construct a stairway within said enclosure to reach the
Port Townsend, Wash., March 6, 1929 It „ .; �, second floor of the Zee Tai Building. Cost is estimated at $350.00.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Respectfully submitted,
Port Townsend, Wash.
p` (Signed) W. A. Myers:
Gentlemen: 7
t Said application was referred to the Building Committee.
Permission is requested to erect a modern frame dwelling house on the North half of
at an estimated cost of $3000.00. Also to erect
Lots 3 and 4, Block 104, Eisenbeis Addition, ?
a modern, frame dwelling house on the North half of Lots 1 and 2. Block 120, Eisenbies Addi-
tion, at an estimated cost of $3000.00.
Respectfully submittted,
N. Ordway.