HomeMy WebLinkAbout00407i � 188 '. ' n� 4i a Minutes of March 6/29 continued. ��{ �, � � �!� - --- - -- ----- ---- - - - - - - - _ y■"j ��i' �' (Reports of officers cont1d) ® Bills and Claims continued lkv'`� ( ) +. �,,a�q� Chief of Police. t The report of the Chief of Police for the month of February, 1929, was presented, read and j ` Upon Librnr Fund to -wit:- ordered filed. fl Emil a A. Rmt sohild Librarian $ 75. 0 Hugh Richmond Janitor 17• II •Superintendent of Writer Dept. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Electric Light 4. 8 I' ; The report of the Water Superintendent ftirLthe:'mbnth.of February, 1929, was presented, read, PP Gaylord Bros. Inc. Supplies 5.15 and referred to the Committee on Water and Drainage. The H. W.Wilson Co. Periodicals and Books 9. 0 ) Frank Keso g Yaj,(rs2l COPNNUNICATIONS. Cleaning chimneys 8. 0 x"i The Lender Company Publishing 4. The Puget Sound News Co. Books 5.(6 ��{ T)i From National Paper Products Company. Total 9. i y g% A communication from Mr, 0. C. Sehoonwerk of the National an Paper Products C m P P P Y, was presen- ted and read as follows; (Aldrich and Robbins arrives) rut}Mx. Councilmen Aldrich and Robbins arrived while the foregoing bills were being read and took thei Honorable Mayor Bangerter, and City Council, Seattle, Wash., Faby 28th, 1929 res eotive chairs. s'.€rFj"'+ {t Part Townsend, Washington. p t. v z;,r. It was moved b Counoilmn Quenell and seconded b Councilman Miller that the laims as read, �'4 uosr?''st y Y �) �E Gentlemen:- er numerous discussions with yourself and the crater committee, I believe that all par - be allowed and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorised to draw warrants upo the proper fund §� 1, in payment of same. Upon roll call, all six Councilmen present, namely; Robbins, Aldrich, Peach, ;ilk5+ ate' ties agree that it is absolutely essential that something be done towards cutting y , quenell, Lammers2and Miller voted in favor thereof and motion was declared carried.+ City Lake innot 1� only as a safety reservoir, but as a settling basin and screening basin, so as to enable the Paper OTHER BILLS AND CLAIMS. Company to receive water that will allow them to operate. + a�t`sf';4 s � There have been various schemes proposed as to the proper method of doing this and the P P P P g �§ sera eta project roughly divides itself into three (3) parts; E. J. Norman Right-of-way claim. .��� t; r �; 1. The cutting -in of a 30" line to feed City Lake. A claim waa submitted by Edward J. Norman for purchase price of right of way of City pipe line i 2. The Development of some screening system that will adequately protect the Paper Company E z`t across his property, in the amount of 0275.009 said right of way being across the E� of the NEB,, 1 ir,� ' from the refuse that is now coming down. j and the &14 of the NE-4' of Section 1, Twp. 29 N., R.2, W.,W.M., in Jefferson County. �!; �r�, 4� 3. The clearing and raising of reservoir to the 120 million gallon capacity, as outlined un- it vias moved by Councilman 4uenell and seconded by Councilman Robbins that this parcel of righ - ;p hn'r,tr j a7 der your City Ordinance. of way be included in the right-of-way condemnation suit. Upon roll call, all six councilmen preyw)r„+,: eat voted in the'effirmative and motion was declared carried. }�tr '+ts'„ I believe that there is absolutely no argument or diversity of opinion among any of the h'i rtr„ i engineers as to the need of the 30" line, into the lake, and the proper method of doing it. Could Baer and Cunningham Claim., we hot, therefore, suggest that this part of the project be advertised and work proveed without any j A claim vms submitted by Briar and Cunningham, as follows:„� further delay. To expenses incurred to February 28th, 1929, Supervision of Construction after contractor's Could we not ask that the City of PoTownsend have Mr. Bear, or their own CityEngineer time limit ex�ired, not previously billed. Mr. Sadler, develop a screening propositiont and put same out for bids. T man va days k9 $12.48 68.64 _ We should be willing to have our Mr. Bennett develop this scheme and have had him working 1 man 36 hours t1 $1.00 36.00 • {irks,r'' ': on same so that he has at the present time .plans far enough along so that contractors' could bid on i Railroad Fare 14.03, same, should the City of Port Townsend be willing to accept his plans. s . Auto expense, 117 miles C 10¢ 11.70fry I have had Mr. Bennett and Mr. Baer together in conference and believe that Mr. Bear woul Long Distance calls and telegrams, October and November, 1928 ''� ".y,`ry }.s .,'� recommend to the City that the scheme as proposed by Mr. Bennett is feasible, especially in view U and January, 1929 .......................... 33.58I Tt'{ '( the need of keeping costs down. I believe that it might be well for the City pf Port Townsend to t Blue prints,.Oct. let, 1928 to Feb. 28, 1929 20.70 184.65 y gsk-Mr.;•Baarrto give his opinion on this and feel that he would do so without predmdice or without emberassing the City financially or otherwise. Said olalan was referred back to the Finance Committee. ` rtz I am asking Mr. Bennett to turn over to g your engineers his plans and would then bespeak action on same, as it is imperative that work be started at once and the Paper Company would like REPC€iTS OF OFFICERS. a , it �vs < � "; to be advised that same is under way. City Clark. ism y+ �< i , Y Yours very truly, The City Clerk reported that he had issued the regular monthly salary vrarr s under date of a sl Y.S. Plans enclosed herewith. 0. C. Schoenwerk March let, as follows: Councilman quenell reported that the water Committee had been in conference with Mr. Schoen- �t U on -the Current Expense Fund, to -wit: s'I"rl` work relative to the matters mentioned in the foregoing communication and that if the City desired 874 Grace Pitcher City Treasurer $1 0.00 to consult Mr. Bennett their engineer, relative to this development, that his services would be , g , P , 8742 C. F. Christian City Clerk 1 0.00 s� free to the City. 8743 Jos. IY. B .' Scott City Attorney 1 0.00� 3744 Earl D. Sturrock Police Justice 12.50 u { BUILDING PERMITS: 8745 Elmer Compton Chief of Police 1 4.77 f A licat Applications for Buildin Permits were resented read and disposed of as follows: t PP g presented, , P 8746 F. A. Polk Patrolman 1 4.77 4k e� 8747 LeRoySeave Fire Truck Driver 125,00 8748 J. J. Lafferty Chief of Fire Dept. 35.00,,�zF From Joel Edwards, to -writ: 8749 J. R. Pollard Street Supt. 114.74 3 g % Port Townsend, Wash., March 4, 1929 8750 Rollie Stahl Truck Driver 1 4.74 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash. ` Total ............ 911.52 Gentlemen: ; ; Permission is requested to re -shingle the dwelling house on Lot 15, Block 2, Columbia Ad- 7 I Upon the Olympic Gravity Water Fund, to -wit: dition, at an estimated cost of $80.00. 5183 Ben Green Superintendent 14 .77 T Respectfully submitted, 5184 Rita Vnutier Clerk Total ............. 2 71.00 1 Joel Edwards. 77 p 'r From G. S. Rothwell to -wit: Upon the Park Fund, to -wit: „ ' f Port Townsend, Wash., March 4, 1929 Hiram Y. Tuo er Park Gardener 9 00 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Total 90.00 r ! Port Townsend, Wash. r Other Warrants Issued. R =t 5 I Gentlemen:- Permission is requested to erect two 4-room frame dwellings on Lots 5 and 6,Bloek 79, {I The Clerk further reported that he had issued warrants under date of March 1 t, for the two t Eisenbeis Addition, at an estimated cost o8 $3000.00 each. claims allowed by the Council at the session of February 19th, ab follows: Respectfully submitted, Upon Water Extension Construction Fund, to -writ: G. S. Rothwell 193 Boar+and Cunningham, For shop inspection paid $ 60 .50 194 The Steel Tank & Pipe Co. Steel pipe (surplus) 31 .21 r From David White, to-Wit.i:- I n Port Townsend, Wash., March 1, 1929 } To the Honorable Mayor end City Council, Port Townsend, Wash., i a " Gentlemen: ?� �. Permission is requested to erect a frame garage, 18 x 20 feet, on Lot 6, Block 29, L.B.