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(Minutes of Regular Session of City Council, Feb. 81 1929 Cont'd)
(To Lease Benton Street Cont'd)
Port Townsend, Wash., February 7, 1929
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Washington
Application is hereby made for a renewal of the lease I now hold, for one year from July
lot, 1929, for the South and of Benton Street, being that part of the said Benton Street lying
between Water S+rest and Port Townsend Bay.
Respectfully submitted,
James Briscoe
Said application was referred to the Street Committee.
Permit To Cross R. R. Right of Way:
City Attorney Scott now stated to the Council that a permit to cross the Port Townsend
Southern Railway by the City Pipe Line had apparently not been granted. Submitting a letk0t
from Mr. Stoltenberg to Mr. Tibbals, it was read for the information of the Council. Copies
of the proposed right of way agreement were also submitted , which were referred to the Water
Blue Prints For Survey of Pipe Line;
City Attorney Scott requested that three copies of the complete pipe line survey bj secured
for court exhibits in condemnation prodoedings. Upon motion byeCouncilman Quenell, seconded
by Councilman Manson the request was granted.
R. R. Right of Way:
The City Clerk was requested to acknowledge receipt of the proposed agreement for right
of way across the railroad property, and the matter of the said agreement was referred to the
Mayor and the Council as a whole. Councilman Aldrich asked for a legal opinion from the City
Attorney on•the said proposed right of way agreement.
Telephone Permit Granted:
The City Clerk reported receipt of special use permit for telephone on the Foroct Service
Permit On City Attorney's Bond:
In the'mattar of the bill'for premium on the City Attorney's bond, it was moved by Councilman
Manson and seconded by Councilman Miller that the City pay the premium on said bond in the amount
of $5 to the American Surety Company. Upon roll call, all seven Councilmen voted in the affir-
mative, and motion was declared carried.
Lease of Calhoun Street:
Communication frcm Tony De Leo relative to leasing a portion of Calhoun St. was presented
and read as follows:
To the Ionorable City Council,
City of Port Townsend
Port Towns end,%Yash.,
February Sth, 1929
(Minutes of Regular Session Of City Council, Feb. Be 1929, Cont'd)
(Lease of Calhoun Street, Cont'd) '
I beg leave to submit a proposal for leasing that portion of Calhoun Street, Port Townsend,
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lying between Water Street and Port'Townsend Bay on the following terms:
Lessee to have privilege of removing sand and material therefrom to any depth, providing
r csa` I that at termination of lease, the surface of street be refilled with waste gravel, and material
to such grade as shall' be satisfactory to the City.
Payment to be made the City for sand excavated and removed from premises at rate of tvrenty
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five cents per cubic yard and for other material removed and hauled from premises at the rate
of ten cents per pubic yard.'
I. �h��The City to retain privilege of removing any sand for its own use, and all payments for sand
4F31t1; and material under lease to be made by lessee on the, lat'day of each month of lease.
This lease to run one year.
Tony LbLeo ,
Proprietor Key City Brick &
Tile Company Port Townsend, ,
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Said communication was referred to the Street Committee.
+ + Application To Store Water:
�Anl11 vt� In the matter of storing water in the City Lake, it was moved by Councilman Quenell and
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n,a•I�'k�„ !sy seconded by Councilman Miller that the May
and the City Clerk by authorized to draw
k'.... in the amount of $5 in favor of -the Superintendent -of Hydraulics for a permit to use the City
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Lake for water storage purposes. Said warrant to be drawn.upon the Water Extension Construction
Fund.- Upon roll call all seven 9ounoilmen voted in favortthereof, and motion"wae declared carried.
pj R; For City Water Dapt.: t
f r Requisition was presented by the City Water Dept. as follows:
m :? 500' ft. 1je Pipe
1 Reducer from 3" to 1"
iy c. y,kit, }ir 5 5 Elbows 1°
3 Teen lg"
It was moved by Councilman Quenell, seconded by Councilman Lammers that the requisition
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be granted. Motion carried upon roll call, all seven Coanoilmon voting in favor thereof.
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Liens filed Against Contract No. 2:and Percentage Due:
Mr. Bear now addressed the Concil in relation to lien claims filed against Contract No. 2,
and said there was no'"":question of the validity of the olaim filed by the Pacific Coast Forge
Company. As to the claim of J. E. Berkheimer Manufacturing Company, he was not so sure of the
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fr validity as it was/Creosote Sagtl(5h4%. lie also quoted the terms of the contract relative to the
contractor releasing the City from all claims. City Attorney Scott stated that the city had
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knowledge of the validity of these claims. Iie believed that a certain percentage could be re
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tained from the amount flue the contractor to pay these liens, the amount to be a matter for court I
decision.. In reply to an inquiry, Mr. Bear stated that the total amount of retained percentage }
on contract no. 2 is $44,082.13, which is the total amount due on contract number 2. Mr. W. J.
Yf1 Daly on behalf of contractor Coyne stated that the figures as read by Mr. Bear represent the true
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[ and correct amount of money under contract number 2, all as shown by estimate number 10 of con-