HomeMy WebLinkAbout0039616.6 (Minutes of Regular Session of City Coliucil, February 5, 1929, Cont't) (Minutes of Regular Session of City Council, February 6, 1929, Cont'd) (Senator Dill's Letter Continued) $' HILLS AND CLANS P' S. d� �+ Claiins.'of Baar. and Curiningiiasis. ` Referring. btlok'to lii1ls•,and olaima, bill of Bear and Cunning- I helped report this bill from the Public Lands Committee, and am anxious for it to be passed. ham,approved inthe amount of $275.00,was apt presented and read. Co Co D. A copy of the proposed bill mentioned in his communication was attached, It was moved by Councilman Quenell seconded by Councilman Lammers that said claim be allowed and the matter wash and that the Mayor and City Clerk by authorized to draw a warrant upon the proper fund in payment referred to the Water Committee. I e J� of same. Upon roll call all seven Councilmen voted in favor thereof, and motion was declared REQUISITIONS A carried. Requisitions from various departments for supplies were presented, read and disposed of as p yL k'k^tlyf irY Second Claim of Bear and Cunningham: t� follows: !I Another claim of Bear and Cunningham in the amount of $609.50 was presented,�read, and re - For the City Water Dept., to -wit; ferred to the finance committee- 8 4-0 Stuffing Box Corks for 1" Meter 2 '7-C Bottom Casing Gaskets " " " tv"'{ REPORTS OF OFFICERS 1 4-A Intermediate, Complete 6 G-10026 Soldering Nipples for 3/4 " Meter nyf. ,� � City Engineer's Reports 1 G-10257 Ground Key Curb Stop, without Stop for 1" Meter , Referrowt back to reports ofnofficers, the City Engineer reported upon proposed water ex - It was.moved'by Councilman Quenell, seconded by Councilman Lammers that said requisition �+ ( tension mains as follows: by granted. Upon roll call all seven Councilmen voted in the affirmative and moti6naoarried. s , '42r f On Third & Cleveland Streets, to -wit: For the City Water Dept., to-wit:Ga , City of Port Townsend 1" 1 1-Al Register Box Complete for Trident Breakable Bottom Motor �i office of 1" 1 5-A Disc Piston complete rvi's a��77. City Engineer and 'hater Superintendent It was moved -by Councilman Quenell and seconded by Councilman Lammere'that said requisition E rj� ,a s Port Townsend, Washington p;x i < �"' Bebruary-2nd-1929. be granted. Upon roll call all sever councilmen voted in favor thereof, and motion was declared larrs y, " m isf To ,tho, Mayor and City Council, carried =ri : sy;�rl•;;t� � , Gentlemen: For City Engineer's Dept., to -wit: 1-25 yda 36" old spoiled B. P. paper (for pencil sketches) I herewith submit plan and estimate 4" Water main extension on Third and Cleveland Ste, 1 Small bottle Higgins Black Ink �¢ v' s 1 Carmine " Y �s'tst' Eisenbeis Add. From a point about 100 ft, North on Cleveland St. to a point 20 ft. South of rF 3r III ,r3 Lt`,uS'I the North line of Third St., thence West to a point 20 ft. East of the We at side of Hancock St., 1 Bright Groan 3 yda 48" Imperial Tracing Cloth 10 It 36" It it ;4r`u;y+ Eisenbeis Add. The estimated coat of this improvement is as Follows: �y�y+cn..,� ^ .,,,W. iti. N. S1�Pipe, 1b0 ft. lid, Individual Collars $500.38 It was moved by Councilman Quenell seconded by Councilman Lammers that the requisition be 1450 ft-4II �'-* r+' xj x s • , ,y ;'=i 1-4" Gate Valve 11/462� Crane 17.10 n n u 11.20 ranted. Motion carried upon roll call, all seven Councilmen voting in favor thereof.� 6-4,yzlrsa,J,' is 2-4x4 x 4 Crosses 3.60 BPWooden Plugs For a 4, ,+ { t Hauling pipe and fixtures from the City Troasuser's Dept., to-wit:Dook to work 11.00 a > , Total $543.28 1 Facsimile Stamp 4.00 parties petitioning this main will be willing to dig the trench and 1 1 line stamp .50 I understand that the P g 1 #1 Purple,Pad .50E€; backfill the same, 1 Set W42 Dates .75 z 1Force 2aber .18 Attached to this report is a -form of agreement which Ithink should be signed up before nny Postage & Del sty �1 C40,`� sa work is started. It was moved by Councilman Quenell Seconded by Councilman Lammers that said requisition be Awaiting your further instructions in this matter, I am FY granted. Upon roll call all seven Councilmen voted in favor thereof, and was declareddoarried. �� a Yours very truly, RECESS �I ��!»,�� :,; �. i, � ; � � � iW. J. Sadler k1 ` City Engineer* It was moved by Councilman Quenell seconded by Councilman Peach to recess for fifteen minutos. s4 f �I Form of proposed contract was attached to said communication and all was referred to Water Motion carried, and recess was declared. -RECONVENED Committee. s Council reconvened at 10:00 pm and upon roll call there were present: Mayor Bangerter, r'x On Lawrence & Sheridan Avenue Extension: r, The City Engineer also reported upon the Lawrence Street extention as follows: City Attorney Scott, City Clerk, Christian, and Councilmen Quenell, Lammers, Miller, Robbins, Aldrich, peach, and Manson. F r. I ' , r , a=r i , i 11