HomeMy WebLinkAbout00380, J, 135 MINUTES OF REGULAR 134 SESSION OF DECEMBER 18, 1928 Climates of Dec. 16 28 continued. •r S , di r Duilding permits continued Port Townsend, Wash., December 18th, 1928 I '�LC'rnJf �` a f�i4{, �' From Mrs. Ella H. Brown, to -wit: REGULAR SESSION. - � �,y ,,, � Port Townsend, Wash., December 18, 1928 4=this !. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend mot in regular session o�8t�day om £December �hr Ta the IIonorable Troyer and City Council, t Port Townsend, Wash. at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Councilman (uenell, y P presiding. I - t1"°f�,�a Ar,, r�r{ r� l Gentlemen: r I � 4fk I'j Permission is requested to make general repairs to the woodshed and fences on my property i ROLL CALL. t `i qr �I at 716 Jefferson Street, at an estimated cost of a50.00 Upon roll call there wore present City Clerk C. P. Christian and Councilmen P. M. Coyne, Max '' Respectfully submitted, Gerson, Edw. Quenell, Vlilliam Leumners and Jacob Miller. tk a^ Mrs. Ella Brown. j READING OF MINUTES. ; { {,2' t' From Mrs. Laura Peterson, to Port Townsend, Wash., December 17, 1928 11 h and 14th were read and approved as road. d The minutes of the regular session of Dec. ", r� x; ,� ;�3n, J*m�r p To the IIonorable Mayor and City Council, Port Tovmsend, Wash. Arrival of other Officers. Gentlemen: Mayor Goo. Bangerter and Councilman P. A. Manson arrived and took their chairs during reading ''tii4`krtS++rs �• Permission is requested to make general repairs to the dwelling house situated on Lots 6 of the minutes and City Attorney Jas. V1. B. Scott arrived soon after. £ i• KIf �avF,T a' j' and 8, Block 8, Kuhns Ranch, at an estimated. cost of100.00 Respectfully submitted Ass. Laura Peterson, REPOIUS OF OFFI(IRS. � 9' � ytir3"i?�r " i , 11 VA W 'i, By Carl Jorgensen. Treasurer's Report. ;z�','',=t, ;Jtv The report of the City Treasurer for the month of November, 1928, was presented, read, and ro-ye 't;,�sri 2 y�> From Erick Smith, to -writ: �, furred 'to the Finance Committee.(- ;`,tip* { i �x'r Port Townsend, Wash., December 12, 1928 4'rJ (a a4 t •{� Water Superintendent' a Spoaial Report on Prices. Po the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Tho Water Superintendent made the following report on the price lists submitted by the Federal14�. Port Townsend, VJaah. 2,1fiy" Y� Gentlemen: Pipe k Tank Co., and the American Woad Pipe Co., to -wit: s �, S,,s K'p garage Port Townsend, Wash., December 15, 1928 } ,,,ft,S., J-f; p Permission is requested to build a, 10 x 14 foot in size, in that tract o£ Kuhns x4�}15i'Fa` 4�wtf`P�i, Ranch designated on the Tax' Rolla as lax No. 84. Building will be set back at least 3 feet from To the Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: �l,tii`r °s, s the street line and the cost is estimated at $100.00 Respectfully submitted, I have compared the bids for wood pipe submitted by the American Wood Pipe Co. of Tacoma, hy34t;4',f ,� and the Federal Tank &Pipe Co., of Seattle, Vlash., submitted to your honorable body Dec. 4, 1928.IN ° a,'.},rl Erick Smith The figures showing comparison are attached to this letter. ,.. ,"�"�n,ZS.S r e' r .�� l The Faddral 'Dank Zc Pipe Co. give a further discount for cash 10 days from date of invoice +• �``+,xjr }y'tri it From Port Townsend Building Corp. to -wit: cPortrTawneond­:•Wash.,'peoember 15, 1928 they do not state in bid whether these prices are subject to change without notice. �q>r >� �` '' ��'; The American Wood Pipe Co- state that prices are subject to change without notice, but do ''5t t i rF' Honorable Mayor and City Council, not state whether these prices are effective 10,30, or 90 days from data of invoice. The prices '• {, ' �.n- A { .t,,i f,: Port Townsend, 'Washington. figured are for 4" to 14" untreated, wire wound wood pipe 100 to 250 foot head with individual wire nr r l y ;u Gentlemen: wound collars. The above heads being what we are using in the City Distributing system at they y(, ,,;' f`1 U�= �1 Permission is asked to construct a six -room frame resimicnae and a garage on Lots 7 and 8 present time. Comparison of prices, sheet ff2. �'r`= Block 9, Al Pottygroves Addition at the cost of7,000:00. The garage vrill be plaeed not closer Yours very truly, ,ti y't*".%e than three feet from the property line. V1. J. Sadler b�.n - u'' f1, ua, Yours truly, City Eng. &Water Sup " „ PORT TOWNSEND BUILDING CORP. Said communication, together with price sheet attached, was referred to the Water Committee. By J. 0. Boar. 't + i It was moved by Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers that said applications be REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. WO granted. Motion declared serried. Finance Committee on Treasurers Reports. �i • .y, The Finance committee submitted tho following written report, to -wit: zrr, ; fi rI From Elizabeth C. Sherlock,. Port Townsend, 1ashington, December 18, 1928 a�[ " S Communisation from E izabeth C. She was presented and read as follows: Port Townsend, Washington, Doc. 12, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the Mayor and Council: City of Port Townsend. y s r°r Gentlemen:y + The need of a street light at Thirteenth and Cherry is eiridont. Cherry Street is in con- > b a, 4• '., r r Your Committee on Finance and Claims to whom was referred the matter of City Treasurer's �.,=`j stant use to and from the Fort and th approach to that gravel pit is dangerous. I hope the Coun- reports for the months of September and October, 1928, would respectfully report as follows: Vlo � yti` ± oil will approve of a light and a fire plug,.as both are needed. find same to be correct.4% Elizabeth C. Sherlock. Edward Quonall, '>, No action was taken on the communication. Peter A. Manson. } Water Conmitto on Water Supt's Monthly Report, a�giai From Richard Reinertsen, City of Everett, to Mayor Bangerter. 1 Port Townsend, Wash., December 18 1928 " " " `I 1 za•, {r Catmnunication from Richard Reinertsen, Commissioner of Public Vlorks of Everett, Wash., address j To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the ad to Mayor Bangerter, was presented and read as follows, to -writ: City of Port Townsend. rcl;v as Everett, Washington, December 10, 1928 Gentlemen;I�r �'. Honorable Mayor, Your Committee on Water and Drainage, to whom was referred the matter of Water Superinten $ �`' Port ^lovnsond, Wash. Pik 6 dent's report for month of P;ovomber, would respectfully report as follows: Vie find same to be cow - Dear Sir: - end financed Nti. r rect. Our Council would like a resume of the deal whereby the City of Port Towns Jacob Miller s r and consumated their recent water improvement in conjunction with the Zellorbach Paper Company. P. IA. Coyne 1'6 We are especially interested in the method of financing and the particular scheme of un- COh4aUNICATIONS . Building Permit for 'Pony r derwriting which was used in your deal. If you will also give us the water rates charged, and DeLeo. the entire coat of the project we shall be grateful. If Yours very truly, y Application for building permit from Tony DeLco was presented and read as follows, to -writ: Richard Reinertsen follows, Port Tovmsend, Wash., December 18, 1928 "j Commissioner of Public Works. To the Honorable Mayor and Ci Council, yY j Communication vras ordered filed vrith the suggestion that he be accorded the courtesy of a repl Port. Townsend, Wash. w Gentlemen: _ i :a l Permission in requested to erect a frame building, 18 x 24 foot in size, on Lots 2,4, and Schoonwerk-Boar-Coyne Letters: 6, Block 16, Original Townsite, at an estimated cost of 200.00. Building will be used for manu- c 1s. J. 0. Boar, of Baar and Cunningham, Engineers, submitted copies of letters passing from j facture of cement bricks. and to his firm from Mr. 8ahoonwork of the National Paper Products Co., which were read asfollows: Respatfully submitted, From 0. C. Schoonwerk to J. 0. Baer and James Coyne,to-rrltt l Tony DeLeo COP Y Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilnen Lammers said permit was ranted, de NATIONAL PAPER PRODUCTS COMPANY ' p g 7,hite Building, Seattle, Wash. Applications Tor Duilding Pornits: { November 27th, 1928 Other applications for building permits vrero presented, read and all considered in a single t • Lr. J. 0. Baer, motion, as follows: Port James Coyne, fort Townsend, 'ashington. Gentlemen: In accordance with our discussions along the line of the pipe, 2 am assuming that additi