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Minutes of Dec. 11-14/28 continued
From 0. L. Allen, to -wit:
Port Tavnaond, Wasg., Dec. 10, 192E
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port'Tovmsend, Wash.
Permission is requested to build a porch to the residence of Mrs. Eronimo at 405 Willow St
at an estimated cost of $20.00
Respectfully submitted,
0. L. Allen
From O..L. Allen, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Wash., Dec. 10, 192E
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.,
permission is requested to move a dwelling house belonging to Manual Cadero from Block 7,
to Block 4, Littlefield's Addition. Time required is estimated at one week.
Respectfully submitted,
0. L. Allen.
From Louis Deleo, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Wash., Dec. 10, 192E
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Tovmsend, Wash.
Permission is requested to erect a 4-room dwelling house on Lot 1, Block 7, Kuhns Ranch,
at an estimated cost of $1000.00 Respectfully submitted,
Louis Deleo
From Albert Conklin, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Wash., December 10, 192E
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.
Permission is requested to erect a frame cottage, 14 x 18 Poet in size, on Lot 4, Block
256, Eisenbois Addition, at an estimated cost of $$200.00.
Respectfully submitted,
Albert N. Conklin.
It vies moved by Councilman Coyne and seconded by Councilman Lammers, that the foregoing permit
be granted. Motion declared carried.
From Norby Plumbing & Heating Co., to install oil tank, TO*WIT:
Port Townsend, Wash., Dec. 10,192E
To the honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Tovmsend, Wash.
Permission is requested to install a 1500 gallon tank in the basement of the Elks Building
for holding fuel bil to supply the new heating system now being installed in said building.
Respectfully submitted,
Norby Plumbing and Beating Co.
By Peter Norby.
It was moved by Councilman Coyne and seconded by Councilman Lammers that said permit be gran-
ted, the tank to be put in under the supervision of the City Engineer. Motion declared carried.
Requisitions for supplies from several departments were presented, read and disposed of as follows:
For Water Department; to -writ:
5 Padlocks
4 pieces of chain 3 ft. long
1 hasp and staple.
The above are for valves at City Lake and the now chlorinating house.
Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Quenell, said requisition was granted.
For '!rater De artment, to -wit:
L - 3 4 Curb Cocks
12 - 34" Corp. Cocks
6 - 3 4" Soldering nipples
15 lbs wiping solder.
It was moved by Councilman Quenell and seconded by Councilman Miller that said requisition be
granted. Upon roll call, all four Councilmen present, namely; Dialler, Coyne, Quenell and Lammers
voted in favor thereof and motion was declared carried.
For Street Dept. to -wit:
2 - rock. forks
It was moved by Councilman Quenell and seconded by Councilman Miller that the requisition
be granted. Upon roll call, all four councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motion was
declared carried.
For Sevier Dept. to -writ:
1 pair hip rubber boots. 2 pairs rubber gloves.
For use of City employees while engaged in sewer work.
Councilman :tuenoll moved that the requisition be granted but the notion received no second.
Bear called Sehoenwork.
At this time, Ifir. Baer advised the Council that he had called up Mr. 0. C. Schoenwerk and in-
formed him that the Council desired to meet him in relation to matters connected with the new pipe
Dundee Petition.
Councilmen Coyne brought up the petition relative to opening and grading a street in Dundee
Place and it was again referred to the Street Committee, together with the City Engineer and the
City Attorney.
Certificate of Completion:
Ns. Baar,of Baar and Cunningham, Engineers, submitted a Certificate of Completion off a portio
of the pipe line under Contract No. 2, which was as follows: Port Townsend, Wash., December 11,192E
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Port Townsend, Wash.
This is to certify that Mr. James H. Coyne has completed that portion of Contract Number
Two for the construction of the Big Quiloene River Water Supply Pipe Line extending from Station
Boo to Station 1225 in compliance with the plans and specifications therefor.
Acceptance of this portion of the contract should be contingent upon the Contractor re-
pairing all leaks that may occur between now and the time that the entire project is accepted, ex-
cepting leaks or breaks caused by acts of God. BAAR AND CUNNINGHAM
By J. 0. Bear
W. J. Sadler, City Engineer.
It was moved by Councilman Quenell and seconded by Councilman Miller, that that pert of Con-
tract No. 2 from Station SOO to Station 1225 be accepted subject to the qualifications outlined in
the Engineers' Corti£icatc dated Dec. 11, 1928. Upon roll call, all four councilmen present vo-
ted in thw affirmative and motion was declared carried.
Release of Contractor, Contract No. 3.
The following instrument, releasing the City of'P:T.under Contract No. 3, was presented and
read at this time, to -wit:
KNOW ALL MIEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Tha whereas James H. Coyne of Port Townsend, Vrashington,did
on the 30th day of June, 1928, enter into a certain contract in writing with the City of Port Town-
send, Washington, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
Washington, whereby the said James Ii.Coyne agreed to construct a diversion dam on the Big Quiloene
River, together with appurtenances, all as provided in said contract and the accompanying plans an
specifications, which contract is by this reference hereby made a part or this release.
WHEREAS said work has been finally completed as provided in said contract and has been accept c
by W. J. Sadler, City Engineer and by Baer and Cunningham, Consulting Engineers for the City, and
there is due the said James H. Coyne under said contract as a retained and unpaid balance the sum
of One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty -tyro and 82/100 Dollars ($1,782.82) said sum oonstiL-uting
all the moneys due under said contract.
NOW THEREFORE, the said James H. Coyne, in consideration of the premises and of the payment
of the sum of Ono Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty-two and 82/100 Dollars (01,752.82) to him in
hand paid at the time of the ensoaling and delivery of these ::presents, the receipt whereof is here-
by acknowledged, does hereby acknowledge full and complete satisfation and discharge of any and al
claims and demands, actions at law, suits -in equity on account of any matter growing out of or con-
nected with said contract and does hereby release and discharge the City of Port Townsend from any
and all claims and demands for all matters growing out of or connected with said contract or from
any money due or which may become due thereunder.
This release shall not relieve the said James H. Coyne or his bondsman of any obligation to
pay all unpaid bills or claims for labor or materials arising out of the said contracts, and the
said James H. Coon does hereby affirm his obligations and intention to hold harmless the City of
Port Tovmsend from all such claims as provided in the contract.
IN WITHESS WHEREOF the said James H. Coyne has executed this release in duplicate, this 5th
day of Dec., 1928. James H. Coyne
In the Presence of, J. 0. Bear.
Inquiry as to Liens and Claims.
At tho'.suggestion of the City Attorney, Councilman Quenell made inquiry of the City Clerk, if
any liens or claims had been filed against Contract No. 3, and the Clerk replied in the negative.
To pay bal. due on Cont. JR and release Contractor.
It Was moved by Councilman Quenell and seconded by Councilman Lammers, that James H. Coyne be
released from Contract No. 3 and that the retained percentage on said contract in the sum of
$'1752.82 be allowed and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to draw a warrant upon the
proper fund in payment of same. Upon roll call, all four councilmen present voted in the affir-
mative and motion was declared carried.
Lion on Contract Ile. 1 and allowance of retained percentage.
Itr. J. 0. Baar brought up the matter of the retained percentage nowdue on Contract No. 1, an
a lion for material having been filed by the Pacific Coast Forge Co., against said Contract Ddo. 1,
the said lion was novr presented and read ad follows,
December 4, 192E