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Minutes of Dec. 4/28 continued
(Great Western Eleotro-Chemical Co. continued)
J. F. Smith, Sales Manager.
Said communication was referred to the Committee on Water and Drainage.
Resignation of Jacob Miller.
d read as follows, tO-Wit:
Communication from Councilman Miller was pros ontedPort
Tovmsend, Wash., December 4th, 1928
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
in as Councilmanofthe Fifth Ward, to take effect,immediately.
I hereby send my resignation
Councilman of the Fifth Ward.
It was moved by Councilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Coyne that the resignation be not
voted 1nthe Notionfdeclared affirmative,Councilman
and lYtfrom
Goraoa aofusedntoovotedand Councilman Millersirusyexc eodvoting.anson
Requisitions for supplies were presented and disposed of as follows, to -wit:
For City Clerk's Department:
100 stamped envelopes, two sizes
It was moved by Councilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Miller that the requisition be
granted. Upon roll call, all !'ive Councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motion was declar-
ed carried.
For Police Department:
Four blankets for City Jail
It was moved by Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers that the requisition be
granted. Upon roll call, all five councilmen present voted in favor thereof and motion was declar-
ed carried.
For the City Water Department:
6 - 3 inch Stop Cocks
2 - shovels
500 ft. - 3/4 inch Galv. Iron Pipe
It was moved by Councilman Manson and seconded by Councilman Miller that the requisition
be granted. Upon roll call, all five councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motion was
declared carried
For City Water Department:
Letter heads and envelopes.
Copy paper. Scratch pads.
It was moved by Councilman Manson and seconded by Councilman Lammers that the requisition
be granted. Upon roll call, all five councilmen present voted in favor thereof and motion was de-
clared carried.
Call for Garbage Bids.
It was moved by Councilmen Lammers, seconded by Councilman Coyne, that the City Clerk be in-
structed to advertise for bids for garbage collection for the year from Jan.1,1929 to Deo.31,1929,
inclusive; bids to be opened at the session of December 18, 1928, at 8 P.M. Upon roll call,
declared carried.
all five Councilmen present voted in favor thereof and motion was
Proposals for Gasoline and Oils.
It was moved by Councilman Manson and seconded by Councilman Lammers that the City Clerk be
authorized to write to the V+holesele Oil Companies, operating in this district, to submit proposals,:,
at the session of January 8, 1929, for furnidhing the City with gasoline and oils for one year, be-
ginning Jan. 16, 1929. Upon roll call, all five councilmen present voted in the affirmative and
motion was declared carried.
Pie Proposols and Prices Submitted:
Pursuant to notice, the Tmerican Wood Pipe Co., and the Federal Pipe & Tank Co.,submitted 'coin-
munications and price quotations, the communications being read as follows;
From American Wood Pipe Co., to -writ:
Tacoma, Wash., December 4, 1926
To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council,
Port Tormsend, Washington.
In response to your call for bids for furnishing of various sizes of wood stave pipe for
j the yearly requirements, we are pleased to offer the following prices:
For sufficient quantities of pipe to make a minimum carload, f.o.b. Port Townsend, deduct 5
and 2 per cent from the attabhed price list.
For small lots of pipe not enough to make a carload but delivered by auto truck to Fort Term-
send, deduct 2 percent.
Delivery of pipe can be made in two to five days after the receipt of order.
Thanking you for the valued business received from the City of Port Tocrosend and trusting that
our bid is such that ice may be favored with your business, we remain,
Yours very truly,
American Wood Pipe Co., by A. L. Watkins.
Communication was accompanied by a price list of seven or eight pages, which were not read by
y the clerk.
1r1inutes of Dec. 4/28 continued
(Pipe proposals continued)
From Federal Pipe & Tank Co., to -wit:
Seattle, Washington, December 3, 1928
Mr. C. F, Christian, City Clerk,
Port Townsend, Washington,
Dear Sir: -
In response to your letter of November 23rd, we are pleased to submit the attached list
of prices on Federal wood pipe. The prices are for pipe delivered f.o.b. Port Townsend in Carlo
lots of 30,000 pounds minimum weight, and also in less than carload lofts. All of the prices are
for pipe having wire wound creosoted collar couplings, and we have listed also the deductions in
case you should use inserted joint pipe for the lower heads.
All of the prices are subject to 2% discount for payment within ton days from date of o
invoice. Vie hope that we may have the pleasure of furnishing the pipe that you require.
Yours very truly,
Federal Pipe & Tank Company, ,
It. D. Coale, Chief Engineer.
Said communication was also accompanied by a price list which was not read to the Council.
Both of said communications and price lists were referred to the City Engineer and Water Suy
intendent to report back to the Council next Tuesday night, Dec. llth.
Request to clear certain streets.
.r. J..O. Bear presented a request from the National Paper Products Co., for permission to
clear a certain portion of Cosgrove Street, and of Madison Street between Cosgrove and Taft Streets
Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, said permission was granted.
Mr. J. U. Baar, Enginoer, made several reports and recommendations at this time which are sum-
marized briefly as follows:
Schoenwerk and City Lake.
Mr. Bear stated that he and Mr. Schoenwerk had visited City Lake and that he had suggested to
Mr. Schoenwerk that the Company clear part of the site of the City Lake reservoir to make the water
more desirable for domestic use but that Mr. Schoenwerk took the attitude that the Company was not
Recommends provision for maintenance.
Ir. BaO recommended that provision be made for the maintenance of the pipe line after it is
accepted from the contractor.
Request of Coyne for part acceptance. He also brought up the request of Contractor Jas. H. Coyne
for acceptance of that part of 8ontract No. 2, covered by the section between Camp Talbotand the
Little Quilcene River.
REQUEST OF IRED WILSON: By permission, Mr. Fred Wilson now addressed the Council, stating that he
had laid , feet of 1-,ri.- inch pipe at his orm expense to supply his houses with water and that the
Water Superintendent had tbldf:Him that the rate as set by Ordinance was $13.00 for each bonneetion.
He further stated that he had made provision for taps'.by putting in a tee for each proposed service
and he asked for some relief since he had furnished and laid the pipe at his own Goat.
It was moved by Councilman Manson and seconded by Councilman Coyne, that the matter be refer-
red to the Wafter Committee. J Upon roll call, all five councilmen present voted in the affirmative
and motion was declared carried.
BAAR FURTHER REPORTS. Mr. Bear again took up matters relating to the now'pipe line, and quoting
from a letter from the National Paper Products Co., he presented the wishes of the Paper Company in
relation to further work on the new line including additional screens at the dam, the falling of
trees considered dangerous and danger from falling rooks. Ir. Bear took up and explained these
matters and also other problems arising along the line.
Decision re: falling Tree.
After considerable discussion relative to a certain tree considered especially dangerous to th
pipe line, it was moved by Councilman Pbanson and seconded by Councilman Miller that Contractor Jas.
H. Coyne be instructed to take a good faller up to the tree in question and to get his opinion as
to whether the said tree could be felled witbaut damaging the pipe line. Motion carried.
Amended Plat of National City Addition.
An amendod and corrected plat of National City Addition he. 1, was now presented and it was
referred to the City Engineer for further investigation and report.
Morrison Street Fill.
Councilman ;::anson brou;.ht up the matter of the Yorrison Street improvement with the statement
that a fill was needed to put:- the street in safe condition for travel. After some discussion,
it was moved by Councilman M-,cr and seconded by Councilman Coyne that the City make the fill on
the Morrison Street improvement project. Upon roll call, all five councilmen present voted in
favor thereof and motion was declared carried.
Upon motion of Councilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Coyne, Council adjourned.
Mayor per, . ice... .
City erk