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Minutes o
(canvass of election returns continued)
The number of votes given for any one person for the office, and the
name of the person elect-
ed as nominee and for what office -
For MAYOR, Citizens Party
Total number of votes cast ...........................•
Number of votes given to George Bangerter .,�..•.•. ••••••a. ......
Number of votes given to Ernest E• Gleason .......................
For CITY ATTORNEY, Citizens Party
Total number of votes cast ...... •. ......................•.......
J B. Scott
Number of votes given to Jas. �. •••••••••••••••
For CITY CLERK, Citizens Pnrty
Total number of votes cast•....................................
Number of votes given to C. F. Christian .........................
For CITY TREASURER, Citizens Party
Total number of votes cast ......................................
1 038
45 64b
Number of votes given to Grace Pitcher ...........................
Number of votes given to Lhsna Peach Chandler .....................
For COUN C I LMAII-AT -LARGE, Citizens Party
Total number of votes cast .......................................
Number of votes given be Harry Vl, Robbins ........................
For COUNCILMA14 for FIRST WARD, Citizens Party
Total number of votes cast ...........................•........
Number of votes given to Clark, Aldrich ...........................
For COUNCILMAN for SECOND WARD, Citizens Party
Total number of votes cast ......................................
Plumber of votes given to Max Gerson ... ..........................
Number of votes given to S• V. Peach .................••••••••••••
For COUNCILUAN for FOURTH WARD, Citizens Party
Total number of votes cast .................................••
Number of votes given to William Lammers Sr. .......•••.••.•..•••
The following are the names of persons nominated and the office for which they are nominated
under designation of citizens Party, namely:
George Bangerter, for the office of Mnyor
Jan. IN. B. Scott, for the office of City Attorney
C. F. Christian, for -tile office of City Clerk
Grace Pitcho;,for the office of City Treasurer
Harry ''l. Robbins,for the office of Councilman -at -Large
Clark Aldrich, for the office of Councilman for the, First Ward.
S. V. Peach, for the office of Councilman for the Second Ward.
William Lammers, Sr. for the office of Councilman for the Fourth
tho City Council
In Witness Flhereof, I, George Bangerter, Mayor, and presiding
officer of
of the City of Port Townsend, State of Washington, hereunto set my hand
and the seal of said City,
this 20th day of November, 1926.
Dr. George Bangerter
C. F. Christian, City Clerk.
Resolution Declaring Result of Primary Election.
The follow) _ resolution was than presented and read in full as follows, to -wit:
Resolution Declaring.Result of Primary Election.
VIHEREAS: The returns of the Primary Election held in the City of Port Townsend, State of Wash
intton, on the 6th day of November, 1928, for the purpose of nominating persons for the offices of
Mayor, City Attorney, City Clerk, City Treasurer, Councilman at Large, d Councilman for the First
Ward, a Councilman for the Second ilard, and a Councilman for the Fourth Ward of said City of Port
Townsend have been duly and regularly filed with the City Clerk od said City, and by him presented
before the City Council of said City:
AND WHEREAS, The said Primary Election returns on this 20th day of November, 1928, at a regula
meeting of the City Council have been duly and regularly canvassed and the accompanying statement
of daid canvass, containing the whole number of votes cast for any person for any office and for
what office has been duly made and signed by the prediding officer of L-l:e City Council, namely,
George Bangerter, Mayor, and attested by C. F. Christian, City Clerk,
AND `+HEREAS, By said Statement and 6anvano aforesaid it appears that for the nomination for th
office of Mayor, Citizens Party, George Bangertor has received a majority of the votes cast, namely
G9G out of n total of 1089 east for the nomination for said office of L:ayor.
That for the nomination for the office of City Attorney, CiL-i.zons Party, ins. 'R. B. Scott has
received a majority of the votes cost, tlwnt is to say he has received 823 votes out of a total of
823 cast for the nomination for said office of City Attorney.
That for the nomination for the office of City Clerk, Citizens Harty, C. F. Christian has re-
ceived a majority of all votes cast, that is to say he has received 910 votes out of a total of 910
cast for the nomination for the office of Cii;y Clerk.
That for tiwe nomination for the office of City Treasurer, Citizens Party, Grace Pitcher has rcI
ceived n majority of all the votes cast, that is to say she has received 645 votes out of a total
of 1038 cant for the nomination for the offirre of City Treasurer.
Tint for the nomination for the office of Councilmnn-at-Large, Citizens Party, Harry ';l. Robbim
has received a majority of allthe votes cast, that is to say he has 829 votes out of o total of
629 cast for the nomination for the office of Councilmnn-nt-Large.
That for the nomination for the office of Councilmnn for the First Ward, Citizens Party, Clark
Aldrich has received n majority of all the votes cast, that is to say he has received 139 Voter out
of a total of 139 cast for the nomirotion for the office of Councilman for the First Uard.
That for the nomination for the office of Councilman for the Second '.yard, Cii-.Izens Party, S.V.
Peach has received a majority of all the votes cast, that is to say lie has received 122 votes out
of a total of 202 cast for Lite nomination for the office of Councilman for Second Ward.
I , I
i.Anutes of November 20/28 continued
That for the nomination for the office of Councilman for the Fourth '!lard, Citizens Party, ',•lil-
liam Lammers Sr. has received a majority of all the votes cast, that is to say he lino received 196
votes out of a total of 196 cast for the office of Councilman for the Fourth �Ilard.
THEREFORE: By -the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, ',4ashington, this 20th day. of
November, 1928, it is RESOLVED AND DECREED, That the said George Bangerter has been duly and regu-
larly nominated for the office of Mayor of the City of Port Townsend by Citizens Party.
That Jae. IN. B. Scott has been duly and regularly nominated for the office of City Attorney
for the City of'Port Townsend by Citizens Party.
That C. F. Christian has been duly and regularly nominated for tlwe office of City Clerk for th
City of Port Townsend by Citizens Party.
That Grace Pitcher has been duly and regularly nominated for the office of City Treasurer for
the City of Port Townsend by Citizens Party.
That IIarry W. Robbins has been duly'_ and reggularly nominated for the office of Councilman at
Large for the City of Port Townsend by Citizens Party.
That Clark Aldrich has been duly and regularly nominated for the office of Councilman for the
First Ward, City of Port Townsend by Citizens Party.
That S. V. Peach has been duly and regularly nominated for the office of Councilman for the
Second Ward, City of Port 'Townsend by Citizens Party.
That William Lammers Sr. has been duly and regularly nominated for the office of Councilman
for the Fourth Ward, City of Port Townsend by Citizens Party, and that said persons are entitled
to have their names placed upon the official ballot to be voted at the Iviunicipal Election to be
held in the City of Port Townsend on Dec. 4th,1928.
Adopted and Passed by the City Council Nov. 20th, 1928.
Attest: Approved,
C. F. Christian, George Bangerter
City Clerk. Mayor
Resolution adopted.
It was moved by Councilman Quenell, seconded by Councilman Lammers that said resolution be a-
dopted as read. Upon roll call, all seven Councilmen voted in the affirmative and motion was do-
clared carried.
Officers for Municipal Election.
To serve as eloction officers for the Municipal Election to be hold on the 4th day of December
1928, the following persons were appointed as Inspectors and Judges respectively, in their respec-
tive Wards, to -wit:
First Ward: Inspector, G. A. Ruehle; Judges, Mrs. Ella Brown and Mrs. Nel McLarney.
Second Ward: Inspector, J. E. Fuge; Judges, MYs. Mary Lt. Larson and Mrs. Lucinda A. Fritz.
Third Ward: Inspector, Mrs. Carrie F. Pil.lep; Judges, Mrs. 1:11argaret SL•urrock and Iirs..Addie B.
Fourth Ward: Inspector, C. L. Intermela, Judges, C. L. Reed and 1.5-s.Fannie G. Brown.
Fifth 'hard: Inspector, Gco. 11. Manchester, Judges,;Srs. Hilda S. Jorgensen and Mrs. May II. Gay.
It was moved by Councilman Manson and seconded by Councilman Coyne that daid appointments be
confirmed. 1%',W.on declared carried.
Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Gerson, Council adjourned.
ATTEST: --C A \/ _
Ivinyor. .
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