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Minutes of Nov. 20 28 continued.
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Building Permits continued
From Puget Sound Pourer 4:Light Co., to -wit: Port Townsend, Wash., I•lovember 19, 1925
To the Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.
R Permission is requostc& to make repairs to the store building at 220 Taylor Street, eon-
°t'��` sisting of now floor, now partition and other minor alterations, at an es-timated cost of j`350.00-
Respectfully submitted,
I By Ted Marriott.
Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, said permit was granted.
� r
From Edw- Quenell, to -wit:
Port 'Townsend, Wash., November 20, 1928l,
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash. w
Gentlemen: r s
Permission is requested to move the garage on my property on Gnrfield Street, lVinslowlo
<, !i Lasterl from where the building now stands. Building will
Addition, a distance of about 14 feet y g
be located more Winn three feet from the street line. �4
Respectfully submitted, Yf .
Edw. Quenell.
Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lnmmors, said permit was granted.
From Rose Guisti, to -wit:
Port 'Poenaend, Wash., November 19, 1928
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.
Permission is requested to make repairs to the James Sims residenbo, situate on the Strait s
of Juan do Fuca and adjoining Fowlers Park Add. Cost is estimated at !�'100.00
Respectfully submitted,
Rose Guisti ,
yne, seconded by Councilman Laniunars, said permit was granted.
Upon motion of Councilman Co
From Starrett and Stevens, to-wit:k'.
3 Port Townsend Y
]III , Vasil. , November 16, 1928
To the Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.
We request permission to raze and remove.two fralne buildings at 929 and 931 Water Street.-
'< Work will be done in accordance with terms of City Ordinance. Our deposit for ? is herewith ; ys
tendered. We trust this matter will be facilitated to permit clearing the site for the now J. C. ex
Penney store building."`
E. I.'. Starrett
for Starrett and.. Stevens. d41,
P rovIt was moved by Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lnnunors, that the permit be granted)
ided that a deposit of ?10.00 be made. Motion declared carried.
Miscellaneous Coimnunications.
From W. J. Sadler, re V1,ater Line Patrolmen. '
Comunication frjJ, J. Sadler, City Eng. and Water Supt. was presented end read as follows,
Port Townsend, 'lash., ?•Iov. 19, 1928 a4
To the Mayor and City Council, n�
Gentlemen: 1 "
Pursuant to your instructions of Nov. 9th, I have employed ;rir. Steve Coyne to watch the 3 ''.
valve at tile Zollerbach connection, at the rate o£ 5.00 per day; this includes the use of his car ` ,4F��,;
and any ii!Zlit work that may be required of him in case of an accident on the pile line. �y
jj I have also made arrangements with Mr. Dick Guy of the American Wood Pipe Co., to lot me
have an experienced man from his crew to patrol the line three or four dnys a week as may be neces-
sary. His rate will be 6.00 per day. This arrangement will give ample protection on this end
of the line at a minimum cost- to the City.
Trusting that this arrangement will meet with your approval, I remain, i
Yours truly, 4
W. J. Sadler,
City Engineer and iVater Supt.
It was moved by Councilman ;.iller and seconded by Councilman Coyne that said report be adopted.
Upon roll call, all seven councilmen voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried.
From Jas. S. 7.00dman, to-vrit:
I To the Hor. ;:;ayor and City Council of Port Townsend, Viash. 'Y
I wish i;o draw your atLetnl;ion to the following facts;
That on the evening of the 3rd dny of November, 1928, there was a serious leak occurred
on the new Port Townsend iVater Pipe Line about a hP.IC a mile North of my home on Discovery Bay and
there being two very large bloviouts or relief valves which .,tore opened to relieve the pressure on
the main pipe which valves when opened nllon•s the full pr,asure of water through my property which
it did doi the northern blovrout making the following dmmg �es:
lst - It covered my ;;ardcii v;ith snnd and Gravel.
2nd - It has loosened the foundation of my house so thnt the floor is settling and v4iic}n has !,},
Lot to be attended to riht awny. i
3rd - It cut deep trenches in the bench nonr my hor.c.
4th - It has -:•.cakened the fill of Lhe State Highway v:hich is n source of danger to the railroad
fill which is also weakened. f J•
i.inutos of Nov -
In regard to the southern blowout or relief valve which is nearly as large as the main pipe
has made the following damages:
It has made numerous gullies in my clear back field besides covering other parts with sand and
gravel also washing a part of my meadow into Discovery Bay and is now covered with salt water at
high tide.
It has made the R.it. Culvert unsafe for the trains to go over it.
James S. Woodman.
Said communication was referred to the Water GOIrmli.ttee and the Plater Superintendent.
Requisitions for materials and supplies wore preoented,.read, and disposed of as follows:
For the Street Dept., 'to -wit:
tiros for gravel truck
4 or 5 grader blades, according as stock cuts to best advantage.
It was moved by Councilman hinnson and seconded by Councilman 1.Iillor that the requisition
be granted. Upon roll call) all seven councilmen voted in the affirmative and motion was declar
For City Water Department, to -wit:
2 largo socket wn enehes for 12" blow -off valves
1 key hole saw. 1 set caulking tools.
1 hammer. I long handled shovel.
The above tools are necessary for the maintennnee of the pipe line, Cortraet Pio-1, Big
Quilcene Water Project.
For the Fire Department, to -wit:
400 lbs, '10 Wcathor Proof Iron Wire
Approximutely 50 Glass Insulators and bruc'rets. Approximate Total Cost .. y85.00
It was moved by Councilman Lammers and seconded by Councilmen Chapelle that said requisi-
tion be granted. Upon 1.011 call, all seven councilmen voted in the. affirmative and motion was
declared carried.
Girs. Bennett Fine. NEW BUSINESS.
Councilman Coyne brought up the matter of the fine assessed against Mrs. L.L. Bennett for fail
ure to pay the water bill within the tan -day period, and asked for an expression of opinion from th
Council but no action was taken.
Van Ursdel teiill Co. Delinquent Plater Bill.
Councilman Coyno also brought up the matter of the delinquent water bill of the Van Orsdel Mil:
Co., stating that they had tendered payment for,one month only and that the City Treasurer had re-
turned the check because it was not payment in full. It was then,moved by Councilman Manson and
seconded by Councilman Gerson that five days more time be given said mill Co., to pay their total
indebtedness before water would be shut off. Upon roll call, all seven Councilmen voted in favor
thereof and motion was declared carried.
Old Pipo from Tunnel.
PIES Man Manson brought up the matter of the old pipe taken from the tunnel to City Lnke and
stated that it should be brought in to the City as it was just what the Street Depnrimient needed
for culverts. It was moved by Councilman Coyne and seconded by Councilman hianson that the Street
Commnittoe be empowered to have the old pipe from the City Lake tunnel hauled to town for use as cul
worts, provided there is Munds available to pay for salve. Upon roll call, all seven councilmen
voted in favor thereof and motion was declared darri.ed.
Morrison Street Improvement. Councilman Manson brought up the question of further work on the
Morrison Street Improvoment but no action was taken at this time.
To obtain prices on pipe. It- was moved by Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Gerson, that
tlue City Clerk be instructcd to ask for bids for wood pipe from 4" to 14" in diameter, and collars
in the same sizes; and galvanized iron pipe from �" to 2" in diameter; and that the City Clerk be
instructed to write to the Federal Pipe & Tank Co., and to the American ',Vood Pipe Co., for prices
to be submitted at the next regular session of the Council. Upon roll call, all seven councilmen
voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried.
Re: appointment of Acting City Attorney._ Councilman ;danson at this time, requested the Liayor to
withdraw the appointment of hr. Stevens as Acting City Attorney, as a favor to Mr. Scott.
CANVASS OF ELECTION RETURNS: Canvass of the returns of votes cast at the primary Election held
November GL•li, 1928, for nomination of officers, being now in order, the Mayor appointed Councilmen
Manson, Lanuners and Quenell to make said ennvass and upon the filidirgs of said canvass the follow-
ing statement of said findings wns presented and read, to -wit:
Statement of canvass made by 'theCityCouncil of the City of Port Townsend
of returns of the Primary Election, held in said City on the Gth day of November, 1928, for the pur
pose of nominating candidates for the following respective offices, nnmely: b:ayor; City Attorn9Y;
city Clerk; City Treasurer; Councilmen at Large; Councilman for the First Lard; Councilman for the
Second 14nrd, and Councilman for the Fourth Ward, to be voted for at the ;t,unicipal Election to be
held in the said City of Port Townsend, State of iVashington, on the 4th day of December, 1928.
Tile following is hereby declared to be the results of said canvass and a true statement of the
votes Liven at said Primary Election:
7 .
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