HomeMy WebLinkAbout00368110Y, Minutes of Nov. 6-879-/28 continued y, (Reports of Officers continued) _• Water Suporintendent. tha Suporintendent of the Water Department, for the month of October, 1928, was The report. of presented, read and referred to the committee on Water and Drainage. �I REPORTS OF STANDING CONSTITTEES. Water and Drainage. on Water and Drainage submitted the following written report, to -wit: The committee Port Townsend, Wash., November 9, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Port Townsend. Gentlemen: Your Committee, on Water and Drainage to whom was referred the matter of verbal petition 0. M. Thompson and N. Ordto serve the now houses in the vi- Ordway fo r installation of water pipe We of recom- cinity o£ Lawrence Street and Sheridan Avenue, would respectfully report as follows: Cleveland and Grant Streets, mend that approximately 932 feet of 4" wood pipe be laid on Lawrence, distributed as follows: About 220 feet on Lawrence Street, easterly from the mnir..pipe line on Sheridan Ave. _•;! About 312 feat on Lawrence Street, westerly from the main pipe line on Sheridan Ave. About 200 fact northerly on Grtuit Street from the pipe line on Lam once Street, Street. About 200 feat northerly on Cleveland Street from the pipe line on Lawrence Peter A. Manson �¢ „ Jacob Millers It was moved by Councilman Manson and seconded by Councilman Miller that said report be adopts declared carried. sae Upon roll call, all six councilmen present voted in favor thereof and motion was Notice to repair sidewalks. Manson brought up the matter of repairing certain sidewalks and moved, seconded by; Councilman Councilman !r}filler that the Strout Superintendent be instructed to notify the ownJ.ers to repair the the built by Jefferso {. , ,y . sidewalk on the North side of Wator Strout between Quincy Street and now walk ide Quincy Street between Washington and Jefferson Streets. County, and also on the Westerly sof Motion declared carried. �r COhIh1UNICATIONS Building �ormits. for Building Permits were presented, rood, and disposed of as follows: `v Applications From Olympic Hdwo & Furniture Co. to -writ: Port Townsend Wash., Nov. 1, 1923' ts t` r To the Honorable hSayor and City Council, �r Port Townsend, Wash. Gentlemen:' Permission is requested to extend the baloony fir. our store, about 24 toot, construction t� to be the same as the present balcony. Cost is estimated at $100.00�t. �^ Respectfully submitted, Olympic Hdwre & Furniture Co. By Edw. A. Witherage. t. Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilmen Lnmmers, said permit was granted. , From '1m. G. Maplethorpe, to -writ: Port Townsend, Wash, November 3, 1028 , To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, ki Port Townsend, Wash. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to erect a frame dwelling of five rooms and bath on the corner of vr srP4 r3e n7 Blaine and Quincy Streets, at an estimated cost of i1500.00` Respectfully submitted, 71m. G. Mapl.ethorpe d by Councilman Coyne, said permit was grant Upon motion of Councilman Laamors, secondeed.'4s}i, x From'11. A. Myers, to -writ: Port Townsend, Wash., November 5, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash. Gentlemen:- anthree feet n sze, the is ouse c, cvrallalon +I+`F to be conereLoloor feet of the b�lancetto bolofhframe constriction rithlssbestonfroofingamater- ial. Cost is estimated at j'500.00- Respectfully submitted, r; IV. A. Myers. Upon motion of Councilmen Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, said permit was granted. tzti ` From Watkins Bros. Const. Co.,TO+YfIT: Port Tovmsend, 'Nash., November 2, 1928 I To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, flash. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to build a concrete end tile bol.ier room, for hosting plant in th basement of the Elks Building, corner of Washington and Tnylor Streets, and to mix the concrete in 1 front of building. Cost: is asl:imated is 050.00 i Respectfully submitted, l;atkins Bros. Coast. Co- r` By R. L. Watkins Upon motion of Councilman Co;no, seeondod by Councilman La:mners, said permit wren grtmtod. f I Minutes of Nov. 6-B-9/28 continued From 0. M. Thompson, to -wit: Pont Townsend, Wash., November 6, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to tear down and remove the old building on Lot 6, Block 95, Eis- enbeis Addition, and to orect on the same property, a six -room, modern frame dwelling at an estima- tad cost of $3800.00. Also to erect a fivo-room, modern frame dwelling on Lot 5, Block 80, at an estimated cost of $3500.00. Also to erect two, Sour -room modern franto dwellings on Lots 7 and 8, Block 121, Eisenbeis Addition, at an estimated cost of $3300.00 each. Respectfully submitted, 0. IG. Thompson Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, said permit was granted. From Port Townsend Building Corporation, to -wit: Port Townsend, Wash., November 7, 1928 IIonorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Washington. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to construct the following dwellings: Lots 2 and 4, Block W, Huhns Ranch Addition, 2 frame dwellings and 2 garages. Lots 2 and 4, Block X, Kunhs Ranch Addition, 2 frame dwellings and 2 garages. Lots 6 and 8, Block 129, Original Townsite, 2 frame dwellings and 2 garages. All dwellings will be of foul- or five room common frome dwelling, plastered and finished throughout and will cost from 33,000.00 to $3,750.00 each. Garages will be frame construction and will be placed not less than throe feet distant from property lines. Respectfully yours, PORT TOWNSEND BUILDING CORPORATION, By J. 0. Baar. Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilmen Lammers, said permit was granted. Miscellaneous Communications. From Mrs. L. L. Bennett, ro Fine. Communication front hIra. L. L. Bennett was presented and read en folash.,t43writ: Port Townsend, Wash., 430 Lawrence St. Mayor and City Council, Port- Townsend, Wash. Gentlemen: On the eleventh of Sept. I was fined one dollar for not knowing that my water bill had to be paid by the tenth of the month. I was informed by the City Treasurer that the notice had been published in the local paper the last week of July. I do not take the city paper so had no means of knowing about this law. I do not want to be unreasonable about this small sum but I do not consider this is a fair way of getting money out of strangers. All summer long I have paid for water I was not allowed t use and received a rebate of thirty five cents only out of the two dollars and twenty five cents paid for crater for sprinkling. I ant more than wrilling to do my share for the benefit of Port Townsend but expect from th City a fair allowing. I appeared before the Council regarding.this matter and the evening I appeal ed there was only an informal meeting. Very respectfully, I'ss. L. L. Bennett. Said communication was referred to the Cotrmittee on Water and Drainage. From Great Western Electro-Chomical Co. Communication from Great 'Nestern Electro-Chemical Co. was presented and read as follows,to-writ: San Francisco, Calif., October 30, 1928 City of Port To,�:nsend Port Townsend, Wash. Gentlemen: We tiro herewith enclosing acknowledgement of your valued order of Oct. 25th, for which please accept our thanks. Although we have had no reply to our letter of August 14th, you will note that on this order we have made a voluntary reduction in the price of Chlorine. Our offer of Aug. 14th, would, of course, give you a still lower price and if you wish to take advantage of this offer, it is re- quested that you advise us as soon as possible. Very truly yours, Great Western Electro-Chemical Co. J. F. Smith, Sales 1.1amager. Said communication was referred to the Water Committee. Certificate of Acceptanco, Contract No. 1. Conmtumeation from ➢air and Cunningham was presented and read as follows: IIonorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash., Novomber 2, 1928 Port Townsend, 'Nashington, Gentleman: This is to cortafy that James H. Coyne has completed that portion of the wester surely lie from: the Big Quileene River comprised by Contract No.l extending from Station 1225 to the City Limi in compliance with the plans and specifications therefor. Respectfully yours, Bear and Cumlingham, By J. '0. Beer. 17. J. Sadler City Engineer. _I ' F l i t f.