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Minutes of October 16/28 continued
(Communication from W. J. Sadler continued)
this plant will require a building to protect the plant from the weather. This building can be of
similar construction as the one built at present on the old line, it must be damp proof and also pro
vided with some means to heat it 'to prevent the apparatus from freezing in cold weather. The buil-
ding should have larger floor space than the old building, about 81 x at, cannot tell definitely un-
til I hear from Wallace & Tiernan in regard to this.
There must also be some provision made in regard to a road forlmking in and out the tanks of
Chlorine. There is at present a logging road used by Mir. Lindstrom that goes right to the pipe Lin
right-of-way. The.use of.this road could probably be got from Mr. Lindstrom providing the City
would help in its maintenance. Mr. Norman is also building a road from his place down to Camp Tat
bot, but so far he has only got it slashed out; he would probably be willing to let the City use thi
road providing they would help him to finish it.
The plant will use a tank of Chlorine every few days according tb the amount that the City Heal
Officer will require to treat the water; this moans tlsat.every few days the tanks will have to be
changed. They run about 150# not.
nytime the weer plant is installed, or it can be cut
The new lino is ready to cut into the City a
ough the present Chlorination plant until such time
over into the present Snow Creek line and fed thr
as the new. plant will be ready. The present Snow Creek line, however, is leaking badly and if you
desire any repairs made the water will have to be shut off to do it.
I would also like to know what your desires are in regard to the Snow Creek line when the new
line goes into coimnission, whether it is your intention to cut it off at the Snow Croak. Dam or Blow
off at Crocker Lake or at other points along the line, if you do this there would probably have to
be come ditches opened up to drain the water off without damage to property. Also it is my opinion
that when the water is shut off the pipe will collapse on account of being rotten; all that is hol-
dingr.it now in many places is the water.
The check valve requisitioned some time ago will not be here for about five weeks, but can be
installed anytime the water is shut off. I have received letters from the Crane Co., also Wallace
& Tiernan, stating they have received the orders and they will have their immediate attention.
Yours truly,
W. J. Sadler
City Eng. and Water Supt.
Location of Chlorinator.
yx. Boar then stated that he believed the Chlorinator could be installed very near to the road
o the pipe line.
Chlorinator House to be part of Contract No.2.
It was moved by Councilman Quenell and seconded by Councilman Lanmers that the erection of the
building to house the chlorination plant be included in Contract No. 2. Upon roll call, all seven
councilmen voted in favot theroof.and motion was declared carried.
Letter from Bear and CHnL,sgham to National Paper Products Co.
A copy of a Lotter from Boar and Cunningham to the National Paper Products Co., was presented
and read as follows, to -wit: , m ... a wow:,- nntchar S. 1928
National Paper Products Company,
720 15bite Building, Seattle, Wash. Attention Mr. 0. C. Schoenwerk.
Mr. Coyne is now delivering through your connection some fourteen million gallons of water
per day. For the time being, it has been arranged to have some one at the valve to your connection
both day and night so that if is is required that the water supply to the mill be decreased or cut
off, this attendant will do so when notified by your company.
As you no doubt appreciate, the opening and closing of the entrance valve to your pipe lin
must be handled with great care, especially at this time while the pipe line is being tested and is
not as yet fully adjusted or back filled and this valve must never be throttled or closed without
first opening the blow off nearby.
In order that there may be no mis-understanding, please advise all parties concerned in
your organization that at the present time, the water supply line is still in the hands of contrac-
tor Coyne, and under the terms of his contract with the City of Port Townsend, no one has a right to
operate any valves.
I suggest, therefore, that if it becomes necessary to regulate the flow to your plant at
the entrance valve, the instructions be communicated to the attendant there and confirmed at once or
preferable before, to Mir. Coyne and myself.
I am writing this letter for the protection of all parties concerned.
Baer and Cunningham,
By J. 0. Boar.
cc A. Lowenstein, Port Townsend
James H. Coyne, Port Townsend
Frank Christian, City Clerk, Fort Townsend
F. S. Zeidlhach, Quilcone, Washington,
Said copy of letter was ordered filed.
Comriunication from John A. Cable.
Comnw-- ion from John A. Cable vras presented and read as follows, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Wash., October 9, 1928
To the honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Push.
I call your attention to the condition of Willow Street in front of my property. The
street slopes toward my house so that the drainage of the entire street flows under my house and has
caused considerable- damage. I ask_ that early action be taken to change this situation.
Respectfully submitted,
John A. Coble.
Said communication was referred to the Street Committee.
(Communications continued)
From School District No. 43.
Cosrm:unicat on from the Board of Ditectors, School District No. 43, was presented and read as
follows, to -writ:
Port: Townsend, Wash., October 15, 1928
To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council,
City of Port Townsend, Washington,
We desire to call your attention to Article 23, Section 420, page 166 of the 1923 School Code
of Washington, relating to the regulation of traffic in the vicinity of public school buildings of
this State.
We find that in some instances safety signs have been displaced over a long period of time,and
whore signs still exist they are flagrantly violated by 99 per cent of the drivers.
With our increased attendance the disrespect of motor vehicle drivers to this section of the
School Code creates an ever growing menace to the public safety of the school children of this city,
particularly at the Lincoln school, where the present rpadway closely parallels the playground.
We respectfully ask your co-operation in seeing that the safety of the pupils is properly
Board of Direotors, School District No. 43.
By Goo. Welch, Chairman.
It was moved by Councilman Manson and seconded by Councilman Quenell, that the City.Clerk orde:
four street signs for school protection purposes. Upon roll call, all seven councilmen voted in
favor thereof and motion was declared carried.
From R. W. Butler, re Gas Tax.
A circular letter from R. W. Butler, Commissioner of Finance of the City of Spokane, relative
to the distribution of the State Gasoline Tax, was read at this time and the Council taking no ac-
tion on some, it was ordered filed.
Sadler reports chlorinator and valve ordered.
The following communication from IV. J. Sadler, City Eng. and Water Supt., was also presented
and read, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Wash., October 8th, 1926
To the Mlayor and City Council,
As per your instructions of Oct. 2nd, 1928, I have this date ordered from Wallace & Tier-
nan Co.,Ine. 1 - Manual Control Direct Feed chlorinator, 'Typw MDPM Orifice type, $823.00 F.O.B.
Port Townsend, to be erected under the supervision of their engineer, as per quotation in their let
ter to Mr. J. 0. Baer of Bear and Cunningham Sept. 22, 1928
I have also ordered from Crane Co., Seattle, Wash., as per your instructions of the same
date, 1 - 14" ,f374, Hub and Swing Check Valve with 3" by-pass, 3242.00 as per their quotation #2232
Very truly yours,
W. J. Sadler
City Eng. & Water Sept.
To fence street to gravel pit.
Councilman Monson brought up the matter of taking gravel from the streets in the Pottygrove
Addition without either permission or payment and said that a dangerous condition existed because
of the deep pits resulting from the removal of gravel by the County and other parties, and believed
that the street should be fenced off to prevent accidents. Councilman Coyne stated that he was
also familiar with the situation and concurred in the opinion of Councilmon Monson.
It was then moved by Councilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Coyne, that the roadway, at the
present time leading to the gravel .pits, be fenced off in order to protect the Cityts Streets and
because it is unsafe. Upon roll eall;;•all•severi councilmen voted in the affirmative and motion
was declared carried.
To inspect pips lino Contract No. 1.
After some discussion relative to completion of the pipe line, it was moved by Councilman Cha-
pollo, seconded by Councilman Quenell, that the Water Comnsittee and Mr. J. 0. Boar go over t]io pipe
line to inspect Contract No. 1 and snake their recommendations to the Council relative to its accep-
tance. Upon roll call all seven councilmen voted in favor thereof and motion declared carried.
Budget again read.
At the request of Councilman Gerson, the budget adopted at the preceding sossion was again ren
itom by item.
Election Boards.
In the matter of the coming primary election, the following named persons were named in their
rospective wards as election officers, to -writ:
First V:`ard: Inspector, Ii.O.Slayton; Judges, E. Hart and Mfrs Fay Smith.
Second Ward: Inspector, John E. Fuge; Judges, Mrs. Lucinda Fritz and Mfrs. Mary M. Larson.
Third 'hard: Mrs. Carrie F. Pillep, Inspector-, Mrs. Margaret N. Sturrock and Mrs. Addis B. Stool.
and, Judges.
Fourth 17ard: Inspector, C. L. Intermela; Judges, C. L. Reed and Mrs. Josephine Pollard.
Fifth 7iurd: Goo. H. Manchester, Inspector; Mirs. May H. Gny and Kra. Hilds S. Jorgensen, Judges.
Upon motion of Councilman Gerson, seconded by Councilman Manson, Council adjourned.
ATTEST: /L,h p
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City Clerk