HomeMy WebLinkAbout00357n • • LO Claim of J B VanSice allowed in sum of �50,00 Committee, reporting on the claim of Councilman Gerson, Chairman of the Finance the committee had interviewed two of the claimants wi Jas. B. VanSice, stated that Iie then moved, inthe im seconded b0Councilman anscwar, netses::in the case. o£ J. B."Van Sice be allowed in the sum of $500and that a call, ttbetdrawn all six councilmen that amount in favor of said J. B. Van Sice. Upon roll Chapelle, Gerson, Manson and Lammers, voted in fa- present, namely; Miller, Coyne, thereof motion was declared carried. vor and REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Clerk. elowsr salary warrants for the reahsa hCity Clerk monthofSeptember,underdate ofOctoberistasfol U on Current Expense Fund• to -wit: City Treasurer $ 100.00 �5 9 Grace Pitcher city Clerk y 100.00 8550 C. F. Christian Scott City Attorney 50.00 9551 Jas. W. B. 8552 Earl D. Sturrock Police Justice 10.00 9-75 85533 Elmer Compton Chief of Police Patrolman �9.75 8554 F. A. Polk Fire Truck Driver 100.00 8555 LeRoy Seavey Fire Chief 15.00 8556 J. K. Metzger Street Supt. 109.75 8557 J. R. Pollard Truck Driver 8559 Rollie Stahl Total.... 77 ,00 f; U on O1 Dic Gravity',dater Fund to -wit: Clerk 1 Rita Vautier 5092 Asst. Supt. 175,00 14}9.75 Ben Green Total .. 22 •75 UDon Park Fund, to -wit: 11 Hiram W. Tucker Park Gardener Total 90.0U VdATER SUPERINTENDENT. The report of the Water Superintendent for the month of September, 19282 was presented, read, and referred to the committee on water and drainage. Chief of Police. The reoprt of the Chief of Police for the month. of September, 1528, was pre- sented, read, and ordered filed. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Water and Drainage. The Committee on Water and Drainage prePoorted the Townsend, 1owing report: Wash., Sept. 18, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, of The.City Of Port Townsend, Gentlemen:. Your Committee on Water and Drainage, to whom was referred the matter of Water Superintendents report for the month of August, 19282 would respectfully re- port as follows: We have checked same and found it correct.. P, M. Coyne Peter A. Manson Finance and Claims: The Committee on Finance and Claims presportdTownsendthe 1oWas;inh.TeOctt 2, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Port Townsend. Gentlemen: Your Committee on Finance and Claims to whom was referred the matter of City Treasurer's report for month of August, 1928, would respectfully report as follows: Vie find same to be correct: Max Gerson Peter A. ?Manson. 0010UNICATIONS . Building Permits. Applications for Building Permits were presented, read, and disposed of as f ollovrs: From Fred Wilson, to -wit: Port Townsend, Mash., Oct. 2, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash. Gentlemen: "Permission is requested to erect a. I{ -room, frame dwelling house, and two garages about 16 x 16 feet in size, at a total cost of approximately $1800.00. Buildins will be rected on Block 222, Eisenbeis Addition and will be set back three feet or more from the street line. Respectfully submitted, Fred Wilson II c Minutes of Session of October 2/28 continued. Upon motion of Councilman Ooyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, said permit was granted. Blanket motion. Councilman Coyne, Chairman of the Building Committee, then suggested that in- asmuch as the committee had already investigated all of the applications on file that all of said applications be read and all included in one motion. There bein no objection, the remaining applications were then read as follows: From A. H. Ywarsky, to -wit: Port Townsend, Wash., October 1, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash. ; Gentlemen: Permission is requested to erect a frame dwelling, 18 x 24 ft., on Block ' 40, Pettygrove's Addition. Cost is estimated at 0500.00 Respectfully submitted, G A. H. Ywarsky. !. From Henry LaFrance to -wit: Port Townsend,Wash., October 2, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, leash. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to erect a garage on my property, Lot 8, Blk 36, Pettygrove's 1st Addition, at an estimated cost of $150.00. Building will be set back three feet from street line. Respectfully submitted, Henry LaFrance. From E. S. Johnson, to -wit: Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. 29, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, leash. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to erect a modern frame dwelling, 24 x 34, on Lots 4 and 5, Blk 16, California Addition, at an estimated cost of $2000.00. Respectfully submitted, E. S. Johnson From A. R. Strathie, to -wit: Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. 27, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to re -roof and make general repairs to my buil- ding ay 1126 Water Street, at an estimated cost of $400.00. Respectfully submitted, A. R. Strathie. From W. F. Foster, to -wit: Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. 26, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash. Gentlemen: �Permission is requested to erect a new frame garage, 14 x 16 feet, and to enlarge the old garage, all at 1741 Jefferson Street. Cost is estimated at $100.00. Buildings will be set back three feet from the Street line. Respectfully submitted, W. F. Foster From J With for Bishop Estate, to -wit: Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. 24, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, leash. Gentlemen:" Permission is requested to repair the roof 09 the Bishop Estate:Buildin€ on Water Street between Adams and Taylor Streets, with felt roofing and tar, at ai estimated cost of $35,00." Respectfully submitted, J. With. From J With, for L. B. Hastings,to-wit: Port Townsend, ''ash., Sept. 25, 1926 To the Honcrable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to repair the roof of the Hastings Brick Buil corner of Water and Taylor Streets, at an estimated cost Od p400.00. Material used will be asbestos sheet roofing and put on with a double coat of asphaltum. Respectfully submitted, J. With. �II