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Minutes of Sept. 1E/2E continued.
A.H.Ywarsky Building Permits)
Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, the permit
From Alvin Schier, to -wit:.
Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. 14, 192E
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.
Permission is r.equested to build an addition, about 10 x 12 feerove'st in 1Ad�
to my dwelling.house situated at corner of Cherry and F Streets in Pettyg
dition. Addition will be of Frame construction and the coat is estimated at $250.
RespEectfully submitted, Alvin Schier.
seconded by Councilman
Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, Lammers, permit was
+>1 From James Dal ardno to -wit: 1928
Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. lg,
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.
Permission is requested to wreck and regtove the old barn on my property
at 1927 Lawrence Street, corner Scott Street.
Lumber and all debris will be removed in accordance with the City Ordi-
Respectfully submitted, James Dalgardno.
It was moved by Councilman Coyne, seconded by CouncilmOO Llotion carriedmers thate per-
mit be granted if the applicant would make a deposit of $�5.
Re Engervohl permit.
In the matter of the Engervohl permit for a building on Kearney Street, Coun-
cilman Coyne stated that he had been advised by Engineer Edwards, who had surveyed
the premises, that the foundation of the building was 26 inches.from the street lin
instead of three feet as mentioned in the application.
Miscellaneous Communications.
Copies of Lethi Letters filed by Mr. _Baas.
Copies of letters written by Engineer J. 0. Bear, and filed by m with the
City Clerk, were presented and read as follows:
To Mr. James A. Davin to -writ:
Port Townsend, Washington, Sept. 12, 192E
Mr. James A. Davis, District Engineer,
State Highway Department,
Olympia, Washington.
Dear Sir:-
We are enclosing herewith two blue prints showing the location of a pro-
posed pipe line across the Olympic Highway along Discovery Bay, and would like to
secure a permit for the City of Port Townsend to construct this pipe according to
the plan submitted herewith.
Thanking you for your courtesies in this matter, I am,
very truly yours,
Baar and Cunningham, By J. 0. Bear
To Mr E B Young McCormick Lbr Co.
to -,wit: Port Townsend, Washington Sept. 12, 192E
Mr. E. S. Young, Supt.,
Chas. R. McCormick Lbr. Co.,
Camp Talbot, Wash:
Dear Sir:-
Mg. Coyne has called my attention to your letter of the 4th instant addre -
sed to him regarding the burning of slashing on territory traversed by our pipe lin .
As I discussed erith you yesterday, our darn and pipe line should be comple
tedsometime next week and we propose to turn the water in immediately thereafter.
until we can give the pipe line some sort of a test, it 1s beat not to back fill,
and should you burn slashings before the pipe line is filled':with water a serious
fire hazard might be created. The whole pipe line is under the control of Mr.Coyn
Damage by fire would, of course, delay comple
until it is completed and accepted.
II the City of Port Townsend and the National
tion, which vrould be a serious blow to
Paper Products Company.
We trust it will be possible for you to postpone the burning of slashing
until the pipe line is filled with water and partially back filled.
Very truly yours,
Bear and Cunningham 3y J. 0. Ba.ar.
City Attorney Scott reported that he had requested that burning of slashings
be deferred until the pipe line is protected and Councilman Manson stated that Mr.
Young had assured him that they would not set out fires until next week.
�I miss Sherlock's Protest.
tl.iss Sherlock was now given permission to address the Council
oa d stated
she desired to enter a protest against the Cityand oisher parties p g gravel
pile adjacent to her property in Petty�;rove's Addition because of the damage by e-
precia.tion to her property. The matter was referred to the City Attorney and the
Street Committee.
. i
Requisitions for supplies for various departments of the City, were presented,
read, and disposed of as follows:
For the Cit tiVater De rtment to -wit:
1 doz. ' K.D. Collars Complete
2 Doz. 3/4" Corporation Cocks
2 Doz. 3/4" Stop Cooke
36 ft. of 3/4" Lead Pipe
15 lbs. Wiping Solder..
Ford Battery.
It was moved by Councilman Coyne, Seconded by Councilman Miller, that the
requisition be granted. Motion declared carried.
For the City Clerks Departments to -wit:
250 sheets typewriter paper.
It was moved by Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Manson,that the
requisition be granted. Motion declared carried.
Report of City Engineer W. J. t5aaier.
City Engineer W. J. Sadler prepared a report, as requested by the Counuil,upon
the cost of material that would be required for the water main extension petitioned
for in the Eisenbeis Addition, which was presented and read under order of "Reports
of Officers" as follows, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Washington, Sept. 14, 1928.
To the Mayor and City Council,
At the last meeting of the City Council, Sept. 11, 1928, a motion was mad
and passed that the City Engineer make an estimate for a Water Main extension in the
Eisenbeis Addition. The motion did not state what sheet this main was to be laid
on or the distance.
If the street or streets have hot been graded, some consideration will
have to be paid to the depth that the main will have to be laid so that when street
is graded the City will not have to go to the expense of relaying the main.
The size of pipe was not stated oit the number of patrons to be served or
whether you wish to provide Fire Hydrants for Fire Protection. A fire Hydrant can-
not be placed on less than a 4" main and should not be put on a 4" main unless it i
short and connected at both ends to other mains.
A 2" main will supply 7 -" taps
4" main will supply 2E - " taps
6" main will supply 64 - 4" taps
A 2" Galy. Iron Main can be laid for $$34.E0 per 100 ft., to which must be
added 1, 2" Gate Valve with the necessary fittings, the freight and hauling same,
A 4" wire wound pipe main can be laid for $y54.E0 per 100 £t., to which
must be added 1, 6" Gate Valve, 1, 4" saddle together with the necessary fittings,
freight and hauling same, $2E.E0. Fire Hydrant in lace, $100.00
A 6" wire wound wood pipe can be laid for $E0.30 per 100 ft. to which must
be added 1, 6" gate valve, 1 14x14x6l' tee together with the necessary fittings,
freight and hauling same, $6�.90. Fire Hydrant in place, $100.00.
If Main crosses Highway it would'have to 'bea. length or two of Cast Iron
or steel pipe and conereted. Concrete costs about $25.00.per yard and the iron or
steel pipe would add a little mote to the above prices.
W. J. Sadler,
City Engineer and Water Supt.
Said report was referred to the Committee on Water and Drainage.
Water Ratea for Sawmill.
The matter of water rates for the Van Orsdal Sawmill was nowtaken up, and Mr.
Daly, Attorney for the mill company, being introduced, stated that as a result of
an informal meeting of members of the Council and Mr. Van Orsdal, a tentative agree
ment to provide a rate of $60.00 per month for the first E00,600 gallons per month
or lesser fraction thereof and all in excess thereof at the rate of 210 per 1000
gallons had been proposed.
Motion pase•ed to provide water rates for sawmill.
It was then moved by Councilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Lammers that th
City supply water: to -the- Van:Oisdal.Lumber Company, beginning with August let, 192E
and ending December 31st, 192E, at the following rates: $�60.00 per month for the
first E00,000 gallons or lesser fraction thereof, and for all water supplied over
and above that quantity, be charged at the rate of 210 per thousand gallons; and th
City Treasurer is hereby authorized to accept payment for all water supplied to the
said Lumber Company at said rates. Payment to be made on or before the loth of
each month for water supplied for the preceding month. Delivery of water subject
to any accidents to or blow -outs of pipe line for which the City holds itself free
from all liability or damages. Upon roll call, Councilmen Lammers, Miller) Ger-
son, Manson and Quenell voted in the affirmative and Councilman Coyne in the nega-
tive. Motion declared carried.