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(Miscellaneous comunications)
i� Deoartment of Public Works re: Telephone rates.
,,: Communication from the Department of Public Works, State of Yashington, was prrxai>,�j
rented and read as follows, to -writ: "
Olympia, Wash., August 17, 1925
Honorable Mayor and Council,
Port Townsend, Wash. �r .....
tl: r r aLu`1 "n
<. You are advised that the Citizens Independent Telephone Company has filed,
with this office, anew tariff, which is designated as W.D.P.W. N0.4, and which con-
tains rates, rules and regulations governing telephone service at Port Torwnaend,Wash
ington.��,��„�? s}t) r
This new tariff is dated to become effective on September 10, 1925, and isrs r;
designating as concelling and suon that date, the present effective tarif
I of the utility.l
" A comparison of the new tariff with the present effective tariff, shows
that the two differ as follows: ' '4 N
The new tariff contains new and revised rules governing service. Yr r.z„ {a a+r%
{{ The new tariff contains rates for exchange service, private btanch exchang
Y�+°`;# ri,.3
,f service, and hand telephone sets wthe same aso
which are those now in effeot. 5 ? r'33 t
3I The new contains revised schedules of directory listing charges, moves and
{i changes charges, service connection charges, and suburban service rates. �' ran
The new tariff contains a rate for vacation service that is specified as -
being a 50� discount on the total exchange service charge. The present effective to
riff contains a vacation rate of1.00 per month for residence telephones. The new
vacation rate therefore constitutes an increase to subscriUers having a total ex-
change service charge of more than ;$2.00 per month.
44 The new tariff contains new schedules for extension station service, far-
,;�,, x tit w•, ,ry i r�,k+.
mer line servile, joint user service, service on a mileage basis, private line ser-
vice, public pay station service, and supplemental equipment.`E!
A copy of the new tariff should be on file in the office of the utility,All
subject_ to public examination.
Very truly yours,
C.Rea Moore,Supervisor of Public Utilities SFr,
By F. Harper Craddock, Chief Engineer.
Said communication was referred to Councilman Chapelle.
5 , ,
Clyde L Peach re Vacation of Street. r F"„ '
Communication from Clyde L. each as presented and read as follows, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Wash., August 27, 1925
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, ' ST ' , Yk j f 4 vl• ,
' Gentlemen:
The undersigned, being the owner of Block 102 in Pettygrove's Second Ad-,+'
dition, and having erected a fraine dwelling on or near the South line of said Block,
respectfully petitions your Honorable Body for the vacation of "T" street (formerly
14th Street) between Walnut and Oak Streets in said Addition. The portion of °T"
street to be vacated extends from Walnut Street East for a distance of approximatel
140 feet to the edge of a bluff, having an elevation of more than 100 feet, and the j
nce continues 60 feet to Oak Street about half way between the edge of the bluff an :�k t „
the beach. The portion of 'IT" street to be vacated serves no public purpose as a
thoroughfare, and its vacation is applied for as accruing to the public interest in
enhancing the value of the abutting private property. �kl.
Respectfully submitted,
Clyde L. Peach.
yf P¢ Upon the statement of City Attorney Scott that the petition wae':ncit in form be-
cause it did not contains the names of ire abutting owners, the communication "
3 was referred back to the petitioner for completion in that respect.+'�duir
Mayor Banzerter.re City Lake 1Yater.
Communication from Mayor Bangerter was presented and read as follows to wit:
Port Townsend, Wash., Sent. �F, 1928 �
Water Department and City Council,
� Y
i Port Townsend, Washington,
Dear Sir:-
I :;ish to draw your attention to the condition of the water in City Lake.
1, The rater is not fit for domestic purposes, owing to the polluted condition of the
water. r
I nould urgently request the Water Committee to take steps to arcs] sin
the water that is contained in City Lake, and give the desired information to the t
Health Officer, so that he can make provisions to treat the water, so that we may b
in a position to utilize it at a moments notice, should the necessity arise.
Yours sincerely,
# Dr. George Bangerter
"Mayor, i
It was moved by Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman _anson that the Water
Superintendent be instructed to inform Dr. Delaney, City Health Officer, of the es-
timated amount of water in the City Lake; the City Clerk to so notify the Water Su- rv;
perintendent. Motion carried. f� !
y ,
Wallace & Tiernan Co. re Chlorinator.
Communication from Wallace & Tiernan Co., was presented and read as follows:
(Wallace & Tiernan Co.)
Seattle, Wash., August 24, 1925
Mr. 0. F. Christian, City Clerk,
Port Townsend, Wash.
Bear Sir: -
We have Your letter of the 22nd inst. in which you say you have been instructs
by the City Council to ask for a price on a chlorinator to be used in relation to y
your new water system now being completed.
We recommend for the sterilization of the new water supply at Port Townsend
that you install the type 1+1SVM chlorinator, described in the enclosed publication.
This assumes that there will be available, water service at about 30 pounds pressur
and that the back pressure will be practically zero. If the back pressure should
be of some moment, then a water supply of at least three times the back pressure
should be arranged for.
The cost of the Vacuum Solution Feed chlorinator (MSVIA),F.O.B. Port Townsend,
would be $1450.00. This includes our services in supervising the installation. If
it is necessary to locate the chlorinator at a distance more than 25 feet from the
point of application and less than 100 feet, then the cost of additional solution
hose may be assumed at 50 cents per foot. a motor operated
If it becomes necessary to provide an auxiliary water supply, P
pumping unit would have to be installed at an additional cost of approximately 9$500
that is, if the back pressure would be less than 30 pounds.
The chlorinating equipment can be shipped within ten days and approximately
three weeks should be allowed for time enroute. If the pump and motor should be
necessary, then an additional two weeks should be allowed for shipment.
We wish to thank you for your inquiry, and assure you that if we are favored
with your order it will receive our prompt and careful attention..
Yours very truly,
0. G. F. ldarkhus
District Manager
By J. Nein
Said communication was referred to the committee on Water and Drainage.
P. M. Coyne resignation.
Communication from Councilman P. M. Coyne was presented and read as follows,
to -wit:
Port To%,nsend, 1Yash.2 Sept. 4, 1928
To the Mayor and Council of the City of
Port Townsend, Washington.
• I hereby resign the position of Councilman at Large of. the City of Port
Townsend, this resignation to take effect immediately. P LiCoyne feist oo short.
It was moved by Councilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Miller that the res-
ignation be not accepted. Motion declared carried. Councilman Coyne was urged
to finish out his term and he agreed to re=consider his decision to resign if there
would be less controversy over the affairs of the City.
Requisitions for supplies for several departments of the City, were presented,
read, and disposed of as follows:
For the City Water Deoartment to-wit'for City Treasurer's Office.
12 Water Receipt Books for 1929, y
Upon motion of Councilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Miller, said
requisition was granted.
For City ClerkIa Office, to -wit:
300 Or 500 Current Expense Vouchers
Clean, Oil and Adjust Typewriter
It was moved by Councilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Lammers, that
the requisition be granted. Upon roll call, all six Councilmen present voted in
favor thereof and motion was declared carried.
For City Treasurer's Office, to -wit:
Safe Deposit Box rental beginning Sept, 6, 1925`3.00
Upon motion of Councilman Gerson, seconded by Councilman Coyne, said re-
quisition was granted.
For Park Department, to -wit:
1 Pruning Shears $ 2 25
1 mattock and handle
1 1-man cross -cut saw 4.75
It was moved by Councilman Manson and Seconded by councilman Miller that
the requisition be granted. Upon roll call, all six -Councilmen present voted in
favor thereof and motion was declared carried.
'Mayor's Veto of Salary Ordinance_
Referring back to order of °Communications," a communication from Mayor Ban-
gerter, vetoing Ordinance No. 964, was presented and
Wash., August t302 1928
Members of the City Council,
Port To•:.nsend, Washington.
Gentlemen: 964. the Ordinance passed
I am withholding my approval from Ordinance No. ,
Y '