HomeMy WebLinkAbout00350_: 75 74 g t wiuhf 4 Minutes oSept. c f St. 4 2ontinued. ' Minutes of Se t. 4 2S continued. ^� hew"fSt;as+ - - - - _ `t''q >r 2 Bu ld ng Permit s Communications continued S w ,�r 4f'^ t# Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, the permit was From Henry J rdiller, to -writ: Port Tovrnsend, Wash. , August 22, 192��*tag € i granted. r= To the Honorable Mayor and City Council From J. J__Lafferty to -wit: Port Townsend, r� ` �v ` < +k vrnse nd, Wash., Sept, Wash. Port To 4, 1925 Gentlemen:' "'€ �" . € : Permission is reciested to remodel and repair a building on my premises,}�°r.r ,� , To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, %gwl { Port Townsend, Wash. Block 16, (Lots 1 and 2) 0. C. Hastings Addition, for dwelling house purposes, at an i ar`syI;f } Gentlemen: estimated cost of $500.00. Respectfully submitted, ���t^ t'.;k�x+U Permission is requested to extend and repair my garage o$ Lot 7, Block Y, ' Henry J. Miller. t a ; grZ.,�gt j-p P�"� Kuhns Ranch, at an estimated cost of 150.00. Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, permit was r�?rY{T ' Respectfully submitted, ���'� J. J. Lafferty. 11 ' �.a t,, €K '` Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, sLa.mmere, the permit was granted. econded by Councilman From E. E. Gleason to -wit: granted. Port Townsend, Wash., August 22, 1925 xis 4M'fb5r To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, - d Ek', <f;yf:�`=€r From Cal Thompson to -wit:_ °j Port Tovrnsend, Wash., Sept. 4, 1929 }� yk, Port Townsend, Wash.�� ; 5;s '; Gentlemen, �, 1 To the Pt: -:;Townsend; City:ICoizncily Permission is requested to make general repairs to my residence at the cor �`r""y yi . of°" ',r>,<(n, Gentlemen: ner of Adams and Taft Streets, at an estimated cost of3F,t f r F4,�� I wish to make repairs to the roof of my house and porch. This house Respectfully submitted, € R 4 s is located on the South end.-offSheridan Ave., on the Sanitarium property. Hoping k E. Gleason �} this will meet with your,approval, I remain, 'iti {}f1 Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, the permit was ssy�ta j r, •4� i Yours respectfully, �.. 4 granted. MIEN 'Ys,cf$''� (Estimated Cost,150.00) Cal Thompson s g r-•"q 14.E Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, the permit was to From Ira R. White, port Tovrnsend, Wash., August 27, 1925k'`5� granted. k ` Mayor and City Council, SN�� � Miscellaneous communications f To the Honorable y � ' t'{ E r is y�s�t`f a ��� df' �Si a. �� ` t Port Townsend, Wash. �rAa��Fv�a,€E`n f, �, '��I J. R. Pollard. Gentlemen:k<,{ru sYS ,t'kz y; i Communication from J. R. Pollard, Street Supt., was presented and read as fol- k Permission is reqiested to erect a three-roomI, frame dwelling on Lot 6, w�� lows, to -wit: f Eisenbeis Addition, at an estimated cost of 4750.00. h,1 Port Townsend, Wash. Sept. 4,1925 Block 2Q3, Respectfully submitted, Ira R. White. k „t To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, s� Port Townsend, Wash. r€f ,d , , Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, the permit wasa,,<<#}�,4! Gentlemen: ranted.` ', ; ; �` s ;, g°; I herewith make application to your honorable body for five days leave g "',��€'� "w�u of absence to be taken when most convenient for the City. From Alice Monroe, to -writ: �'9t1aY'�s"Respectfully submitted, " . ( 6.d+f.l.,tc. .., , , } L +'^ Port Townsend Wash. Sept. 4, 1929 �{ �ffw ,t „ f =� a J. R. Pollard. ` To the Honorable Mayor and City Council a;�;4, t` 1,{ Upon motion of Councilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Coyne, the applica- ' Port Townsend, Wash. is N ``s i tion was granted. Gentlemen: `�` � �' '1 Permission is requested to erect a small open shed on the rear of my lot r' �',�j Roy Seavey• ' at S1S Harrison Street, for a woodshed and to be used"twmporarily as a garage. Communication from Ro.y Seavey, Fire Truck Driver, was presented and read as Respectfully submitted, ;+`srfs`' , ~3`„ °'` Mrs. Alice Monroe. ��,, follows, to -wit: I ttcktr t x Port Tovrnsend, Wash., Sept. 4, 1928 } Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, the permit was ryv ;,ii! To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, granted. It Port Tovrnsend, Wash. t m From J E. Howland, to Gentlemen: Port Tovrnsend, Wash., Sept. 1, 1925 ���`aTrv�����3,' �Yt� �;`x �' I hereby make application for 10 days leave of absence. Roy Seave 1 y. ' F"w' ''� said appli- To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Upon motion of Councilman Chapelle, seconded by Councilman Coyne, f a III 4 Port Townsend, Wash. cation was granted. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to build an addition, about 12 x 14 feet in size, to my dwelling house situate on Block 35, Ca.lifornia Add. Cost is estimated at Leaa�ue of Yf�shin�ton "dunicipalities. A communication from Russell C. Peterson, City Controller of the City of Tacom (p150.00. Respectfully submitted, r addressed to the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend, advising that a meeting o J. E. Howland �, the Lea.mue of Washington Municipalities would be held in the City of Tacoma, begin- f; Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman.`Lammers, the permit was p ning Sept. 24-, 1928, was read for the information of the Council. Ordered filed. is granted. I j j ' Chamber of Commerce, re: sidewalks. From Guy Hunter, to -wit:- Chamber of Commerce rY, f Oommunication from the Board of Trustees, Port Townsend, + Fr y Port Townsend, Wash., Aug. 31, 1928 £1+ was presented and read as follows, to -wit: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash., Aug. 27, 1928 Port Townsend, Wash. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, " Gentlemen: City of Port Townsend, Permission is requested to build a frame addition, 12 x 16 feet, to my Washington. present building at 51S Willow Street, used as a radio and battery shop. Cost is Attention City Clerk. estimated at100.00. Also to build a fireplace in our residence at the above'1` Gentlemen: address. . The Board.of Trustees of the Chamber of Commerce respectfully call your Respectfully submitted, i attention to and reauest you to provide the necessary funds in the 1929 budget to Guy Hunter. i repair the sidewalk on the Washington Street Grade between Taylor Street and the Uoon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers,the permit was Post Office. Also to build new steps between 'rashington and 8efferson Streets, known as the Terrace Steps. granted. It is the o anion of the Board that this improvement will be necessary From !�rs. C. A._Dehn to -wit-: to protect life and limb and avoid possible damage suits against the City of Port i - Port Townsend, Wash., August 21 , 1925 i To msend. { To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Respectfully submitted by Port Tov:msend, Wash. Board of Trustees, Gentlemen: { Port Tocrosend Chamber of Commerce Permission is requested to erect a poultry house, 24 x 36 feet, on my prop. by J, 's. Kinkaid, Secretary. ertyin Block 15, Brackens Addition, at an estimated cost of $200,00. Said communication was referred. to the Finance Committee. `,. Respectfully submitted, c 11..rs. C. A. Dehn �: