HomeMy WebLinkAbout0034666r,lV Minutes of. the Regular'Session of the Oouneil, August 21, 1928 Minutes Minutes of Aug. 21 28 continued. qu ng Pfielschiefter, to -wit: Port Townsend, Wash., August 21, 1928. From Jos. Port Townsend, Wash., August 21, 1928 REGULAR SESSION OF THE COUNCIL. ` F" F To the Honorable Mayor and City•Council, i Port Townsend, Wash. ' The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, met in regular sae- �I •J� Gentlemen: i of August, 1928, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, sion the 21at day Mayor 7��:ltp,,�,x' �j Permission is requested to erect a garage and woodshed and to repair and Y��> Bangerter presiding. re shingle my house at 303 J Street. Garage will be set.. back three feet from the ROLL CALL. ` } s' j street line and: the cost is estimated at $200.00. Upon roll call there were preeent�Ma Mayor George Bangerter, City Attorney Jas. WF�7` �;�.I Respectfully submitted, k�f�°'ems, Jos..Ffeilschiefter B. Scott, City Clerk C.. F. Christian and Councilmen Max Gerson, P.. A. Manson, Edw. A y ;s 'I Quenell, William Lammers, Jacob Miller and P. M. Coyne: Councilman Harry Chapelle Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Laamners, permit was Y read of the minutes. � �", �� °• ' granted. i arriving later during re g t� j� ;� rM* �" READING MINUTES. a�> ��i 4,�zis { "r i j From Port Townsend Mortuary, to -wit: The minutes of the regular oY August 14th were read and approved as ryu,�r; _ Yort Townsend, Wash., August 20, 1928 session To the Honorable Ma or and City Council, o y read. • BILLS AND CLAIMS. ��`��k r�(Y�,r�q;,; { Orr y Port Townsend, Wash. 4r , Gentlemen: The claim of the Robert W. Hunt Co., 18.ahs amount of 8236.01, upon the Water htti+', rt Mr `'i+� r Permission,.;is requested to build an approach over the gutter for entrance Extension Construction Fund, laid over since the first session Co the month, was <i`%th,r rt, ,`ti;1,� to our garage on Adams Street. Material will consist of 3 - 2 x 12" x 201. planks, u ,,5h^ s,`'y ' Y !- and 3 pieces, 4 x 6" x 3�, and, the cost is estimated at $12.00. again read and it was moved by Councilman Quenell, seconded by Councilman Lammers s,r+`"{ rG�'-" that the bill be paid. Councilman Coyne requested information before voting onY1$ Respectfully submitted, the motion and City Attorney Scott made a statement of the status of the claim. ;i 1, >c��� Port Tovmaend Mortuary, Councilman Quenell, with the consent of his seaond, Councilman Lammers, then with- By Edw. Quenell•. drew his motion. a> 4 fF\ { Ma wTs�x+t „r jx,zµt�h m�,fr i� Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, permit was Op_= RELATIVE TO SHOP INSPECTION. fl.yypp 3'= granted. 7iby9`}ii sa i4��ii,j rat" i,I. It was then moved by Councilman Lammers, seconded by Councilman Coyne, that _ °e,r ax , y sz �j From W. B. Smith, to -wit: the following order be entered: That Saar aid Cunningham.as engineers for the= Port Townsend,- Wash., August 15, 1928 City on the construction of the eater Extension Project, under the terms of the 3= t5�lt wl r to'rf� :ll the City t* , t '�,f. �� 4, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council contract be released from all liability for all monies paid directly by Y t;yr;� Port Townsend, 'dash. for shop inspection of pipe used in construction of Said project, the wording of �" _',fr;, ;i!I Gentlemen: the order being dictated by City Attorney Scott. Upon roll call, all seven Coun- r` Permission is requested to re -shingle my residence situate at corner of cilmen voted in favor thereof and motion declared carried. 5ie'1r4 rirrt ,4 ;_ U and Willow Streets, Pettygroves First Addition. Cost is estimated at $100.00 ROBERT W. HUNT CO. BILL ORDERED PAID �y', ,_ % '' �er< �_;' Respectfully submitted, that ' 4°: W. B. Smith It was then moved by Councilman Quenell, seconded by Councilman Manson,, �, �. a� Upon motioh of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, permit was d+ ' the bill of The Robert W. Hunt CO., for shop inspection in the sum of $236.01, be, k{� ,1 granted.: paid and that the Mayor and the City Clerk execute a warrant upon the proper fund in payment of same,; Upon roll call, all seven councilmen voted in they"affirmativ From E. Hart (for the Owners) to -wit: and the motion was declared carried. ��'r vz '" , ,> ° rf�r I Port Townsend, Wash., August 17,. 1928 City Attorney. REPORTS OF OFFICERS To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City attorney Scott reported having met Mr. Stoltenberg oY the Port•..Townsend+V•• �d= ;r u Port - Townsend, Wash. „}1, Gentlemen':. and;PugeE Bound Railway Co., and that Mr. Stoltenberg had stated there would be no Permission is requested to rebuild the sidewalk in front of Lot 3, Block objection to the pipe line crossing the railroad right-of-way if care was taken no rr,`r,r;r a;l: +,,, 57, Original-Townsite, same being on the. North side of Washington Street, between to obstruct the passage of trains at any time. Mr. Scott also advised that Mr. Er r j Yr ti l Taylor and Tyler Streets; and to use wood in said construction. ickaon had stated that he, as lessee of the road would have no objection to said Respectfully submitted, crossing. ;',r v , ,.� 'y E. Hart, for the owners. easurer. Upon mo.tion:nfICouneilmari Coyne, seconded by CityTrCouncilman Lammers, permit was The City Treasurer's report for the month of July was presented, read, and re granted. ferred to the Finance Committee. r From W. L. Studerus, to -wit: ! August 20, 1928 REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES Port Towtisend;Wash., On Treasurers Report. t', To the Honorable Mayor and City Council The Finance ommittee presented the following written report: Port Townsend, Wash. 8 Port Townsend, Wash. August 21, 192�° t Gentlemen: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council is ;` Permission is requested to erect a building, 30 x 60, for a machine shop, of the City of Port Townsend. '< on Lot 8, Block 14, 0. C. Hastings Addition, at an estimated cost od $2000.00. Gentlemen: k Material will be concrete foundation and corrugated Iron construction. Also to Your Committee, on Finance and Claims, to whom was referred the matter Is i move my gasoline tank to the same location, to be installed inside of the building of Treasurer'a Report for month of June, would respectfully report as follows: 11 for.my own use.. _ We find same to be correct. Edw. Quenell ''_ I Respectfully submitted, kc,S W. L. Studerus. Peter A. Manson ,4 Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, permit was granted. On Van Sice Claim. Councilman erson, Chairman of the Finance Committee, asked for further time4� From Frank M. Conn, to -wit:_ to consider the damage claim of J. B. Van Sice. „ ,,, Port Townsend, Wash., August 18, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council On Bad* Veviiospital Claim. Port Townsend, Wash. latiive Lv cue m of the Bayview Hospital, of an overcharge for water, ! Gentlemen: Councilman Miller, -chairman of the Water Committee stated that he understood that Permission is requested to erect a frame cottage on Lots 7 and 8, Block matter had been turned over to Mr. Green for 71 settlement. 00.00 the ma 1. 8, Pettygroves Second Addition. The cost is estimated at5 bill . 5 h d a i Councilman Manson stated that he believed the Hospital should pay Respectfully submitted, 1 ' Mrs. Frank M. Conn. ' Upon motio�b of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, permit was COMMUNICATIONS. granted. Building Permits. _• r Building Permits, from various persons and firms, were pre- a, From B. J. McNamara, to -wit: I ions for g wash., August 20, 1928 Applicat Port Townsend, sented, read, and disposed of as follows. o t Honorable r and Ci y Council, Port Townsend, ash. � j,'I I T heMayo _ 't i