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1:'finutes of Regular Session of August 14, 1928 i' Port Townsend,'flash. , August 14, 1928 ,";!. REGULAR SESSION OF THE COUNCIL. iThe City Council of the City of Port Townsend-,'ilashington, met in regular ses- ;i this 14th clay of August, 1928, at 8 P.m. in the Council Chamber of the City j lion Hall, idayor George Bangerter presiding. ROLL CALL. Upon roll call there were present Lia-ror George Bangerter, City Attorney JasX. B. Scott, City Clerk C. F. Christian and Councilmen Harry Chapelle, Max Gerson, P.A ix Idanson, ':+'illiom Lammers, Jacob Liiller and P. V. Coyne. I:iII1TITE5 READ AND APPROVED. The minutes of the Regular session of August /th were read and were approved as read. 'later Suxlt. Report, REPORTS OF OFFICERS. July ' t 1928,v:as - g y ,,ls , The report of the Water Superintendent for the month ending ? read and referred to the Conunittee on "later and Drzli.nage. presented, Cit:}r Clerk Re. Pollard instructions. that he had verbally n©tified Street Supt. Pollard of hi The City Clerk reported the order of the Council relative to cutting the grass on Calhoun Street. is RE"ORTS OF STAIMING CCIU..TTTEES. 'slater The co>.nmuni.cation of the Bay View General hospital, referred to the Coin- '%' mittee at the fact session of the Council, came up for 3eneral discussion but no ac ?4 tion was taken. ,7 Shack relnoval. Councilmen Laruners and Miller, renortin verbally on the request of Patrick H. Mntrtin to have a building ref:?oved, stated that the Poultry Association, owners of 4 the bui7 fin.- in question, had assured tlicin that the said building would be removed witiiin. two vici.ks. COI r :U:T I CAT IO]'IS . k! Communisations, all consisting; of ap_,lications for Building I'e_mi.ts, were pre- 's sented, read and dosi osed of as follows: FTOIa 3o Rllio}_t, to-_vii_ Port 'Townsend, Flasll. , Alxrust 8, 1928 ^' 1'o the honorable "aycr and City Council, Fort To'.:nsend, :asll. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to build a te;::_r,orary dwelling, 10 x 12, and frame R for tent, on jig property in the California Addition. Cost is estimated it r1C0.00 Respectfully submitted, Ross .11110tt. Unoi, of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lai.,,ners, hermit was motion r-•ranted Fro^_1 p J. '�cl:ainar , to--ait: Port Townsend, ':lash. !_u-ust 8, 1928 , V c V0non1 and:::c_;,'OT nd 1.J.�-r '�OlUiC11, .rab: Fort Tc•::nsend, 'lash. Gentlemen: req e o 5-r m r n u L ° Block rs-._s.,ion u.,..t_d �,o erect a oo_ �ra.le ci•:•rellin„ o.l o; ,, of T.lii::?ors Addi�.ion at anc;,'.1'Iatr;il cost Of •?2''00.00. ?e.;pectfnily Uhtl. ed, �,. J. tic:Tit:nara C' on !-notion of Cc:rnc'_i'.r.n Cone, :, ecotlued l;;r Councilman L=per_-, -fermi' was IT. "^2:16•I, _tC Fort TO';•nisen_id, .,ass-, iLug. 14-, 1928 :s ';Ile Ho. t o =uyor and City Counui; 1, Port Gentle :eft. I n_ ion is reT <, to 3rect e. fra^,., arag , 12 .. 24 fist, on Lot 8, i'; 31oc1: 6, ii,_ ni_eis ':rlditio,i, _ . � n cost of 2j.00. Buil(li:ic ;.i]_1 be set aC?: tll rC6?et O-1 `.1Cre fTOm the Ctref'; lip i 3e-2r)octfully subsaitted, J. H. IOsley lipOn ?notio?; of Co�)..ricil,Lan Co_,ne, se Conded by Co-, ?iC117L i Po_ "i-' ns n-../_, '1as11• v 1', 7.9�f• ,-i.i��'L1E: HonoT t ,lc" Ira or an,; Ci',y Ccnnci.l, •e-1-,C •.ter .- itui_(3 a ad, llt_On tC Store Luil''.'_'-1T ua?_e �`�. ... :''-C CL. 'i1 �10L tC l,c, i _ __ _ feet .ri t:: ?;i,e 00a✓1C CE- i �i } I i f i i 4 11 1linuteo of Aug. 14//28 continued timated at ;N250.00. Additional Space will be used as a wa.cellouse. Respectfully submitted, B. F. Palmer Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman 1,oximer-, permit was granted, Frolr: IT. Ordv•'ay, to -,:,,it: fort. Townsend, '•lash. , August 9, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Tovrnsend, 'flash. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to erect a frame dwelling house on Lots 2 and 3 Block lo4, Eisenbeis Addition, at an estimated cost of $1500. Also to erect two frame di, -jelling houses on Lots 1 and 2, Block 121, Eis beis Addition, at an estimated cost of q'2000.00 Respectfully submitted, IT. 0 rdvray ., U-,,on rndtion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, perrui.t was granted. Trorn A. ..Ofthus to -wit: z� Port Townsend, ';lash., Aug. llth, 1928 To the Honorable .Mayor t: nd City. Couricil, 'ort Townsend., Flash. ventlemen: I'ernlission is requested to erect a four-rooln, frame dwelling house on Lots 5 and 6, Bloci: 42, Eiaenbeis Addition_, at an estimated cost of .150U.00. Respectfully submitted, A. Loftlus Upon motion of Councils?fall Coyne, seconded by Councilman Larnmers, permit era granted. 63 s t , , en t ' i i i• ORDINANCl S AND RESOLUTIONS . Resolution to levy 18 mills. CounCi11!1':11 Gerson presen Led a resolution ':which was read as follows, to-',"' "'lesolved by the City Council of the City of Port To':;nsend, that a levy of eiZhteen (18) mills, be wade and levied upon and collected from, all taxable l:roper ! ty 'aitIlin tile said City, on the asse::sed valuation for the year 1928, for the our - rent expense i^und of said City. for the -rear 1929.11 _eforc arid, action ;iaz: taken on the resolution, the City Attorney advised the Council that the unanimous vote of all of the counciilmen vas necessary to adopt the resolution and Councilman 2uenell being absent, the Iaat:er ,-,as laid over to the next session of the Ccuncil.j. ._,_ Ordinance to ::.et salaries Councilman GerCon presented a l:J'OT,Osee1 Ordinance '.!'_rush ,-.,as read in full as the �• first reading, as folloers, to -exit: ORDIINAITCE No. Vf j, An Ordinance fi:_ink the salaries of the CityTreasurer, City Clerk, and City Attorney, for the 11-vv0 year term of office, beginning on the first day of January, 1928. �} The City Coui?cif of the City of Port Tovrnsend, 'rashington, do ordain as fol- lo•r;s : Sec};iol? 1. 1'ilat ;Tle laollt]llyr salaries to be ':aid file City 'treasurer, City Cler] , a.I;d City :`.ttol'ney, for the trio year tern of office, be�i"nning on the fir t clay of Janu.ary,l-,29, are heroby fixed a:: fc110as The City Treasurer, t'le montilly salary in the sut�, of 100.00; the City Clerk, ; . the fonts salary in the sum Of '100.00; and the City Attorney, the mol,i]hly salary ly y in the cum of 100.00. Section 2. Tha.t t11iw Ordinance be publiziled Once i:i the fort 1o,.jnsen(1 Leader, Januar ?O"9• £;2?d t0 -ct:C e-1 U anC'L LC infOTCe on first l.ct day Of y+ la tcd -y the City Cc,"ncil ,1928 t' " 10J t ,ro'red ly ne uyor 2 Atto_i Z-all or —_— y _e' 1tF i Cl COLP.IG l'L'_'-C.ri Gerson, Ct_C21 oil -,,is _'roi o:)ed. ol•.Unancc .,az 1_tid 7e tc 1:]:c II^_Y_t ._..LiOil of the Council. L_..r :IS LED PL'SI::. 3S. {;ityr _.t ipr}1ey oCCtt brow. t�]lt Al? t]1e 1'i�.t i%el' of ::E CL'.T 11:S 1'1,r',]it-Of :rayr S:CrOL:. l".1'Op ertyr 1017 ?le pi ,o linc f rmn the City Late to Port• Discovery_ gay e:nd cu",uestcd the I":i!lane I. Of _ _'OCCc.uJ e for the Council. 91s11t-_Of-::a'r oVer T'i'TL:ay. t1 t rJ?cd b-Y .C;,,un.ull^an Boyne, t-econded byr Cot:?.cll::-a ]1 :,_'11eT, flat the :.ad- /. r +- n e,, a iT 'i Tr. _,. r•r-T be :e,1, seed t0 O _', ',�i t'sl fast Sl:i t. Cl]:Ce O1 the Olt,;* .>t1%Cris ..,, I"iC�- t_.e c._ty o 1 , a' -,1% to " u to ';r,},;, y Department for Tight -of -way ^.here t',ie plu? 1i?.e OF] 1;17c Lc- c..o...-ec_ the C '.+"' -'•q �11^ .:r -:'O :;lUIi dC'.^.l:--2Q Cc._T1e C.. J b 6