HomeMy WebLinkAbout00343Minutes of Aug. 7/28 continued.
For the Police Department, to -Wit:
1 Ford Battery "v9.50
(Approved by Harry Chapelle, Edw. Zuenell)
It was moved bar Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Lammers that.the
requisition be granted. Upon Roll Call, Councilmen Coyne, Gerson, Manson and I,4f1- �I
ler voted in the negative and. Councilmen Zuenell and Larmners in the affirmative.
Potion declared lost.
For the Fire Denarrlmnent, to -writ:
New brake linin;s
Clutch adjusted on Fire Truck
It was moved by Councilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Laimners that the
requisition be granted. Upon roll call, all six councilmen present voted in favor
thereof and :notion etas declared carried.
For the _olice Department, to -twit:
1 - 32-5:20 Tire ;v23.10 (By r.A.Polk, Acting Chief of Police)
It was moved by Councilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Gerson that the re-
quisition be granted. Councilman Coyne was excused from voting and Councilmen Ger-
so;:, Manson, ';uenell, .Lammers and I1iller voted in favor of the motion. Motion,
declared carried.
To re -consider vote.
It ?vas moved by Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Laimners to re ---onside
the vote on.the requisition of the rolice Dept. for. 1 lord Battery. Upon roll cal.
Councilman Coyne, y,uenell and La:uaers voted in the affirmative and Councilmen Gerso
Manson and':4iller in the negative. I.iotion declared lost.
,,`here to purchase vfood_;ft)e.
Council.nail {:erson,brought up the matter of purchasing pipe for the water de-
partment and moved, seconded by Councilman Coyne, that the Water Superintendent be
instructed to buy pipe from the American Wood Pipe Co., of Tacoma, provided all con
d.itions and »rice-- are equal to Seattle prices. Upon roll call, Councilmen Coyne,
"Gerson, Manson, La mers and I.Tiller voted in the affirmative and Councilman quenell
in the negative. ITotion declared carried..!
Matter of ester for tern);* ne,r pir?e line.
Councilman ' 1n--on brought up the ;'Patter Of �rra :;er 'or testing the new pipe line
and asl:ed Contractor Coyne, Nho was present, if the pi!e on Contract !To. 1 was laid
by Ilay l9th and 'Tr. Coyne replied that it eras.
Councilman i:Tanson stated that he brought up the matter of failure to furnish
water :for testing the pipe line because someone was to blame for the delay and he
requested that the action of the A--st. `later Superintendent in refusing to furnish
water for said testing be riade of record.
:Lr. Baar was called upon for information and in stating the conditions, said
that the Acst. Sugt. :vas makinc an effort to keep the City suj;plied and also found
that if water for te•zti.n.- was taken froa.i the main beyond the Irondale-lradlock con-
nection, no crater could be forced into thhat line. I.r, Baar also stated that when
they tried to use vrater for testing, the :rater line in the reservoir vrould fall and
';'.ze :':ate: `%ulerintendent would refuse to furnish further vfater. Councilman I.Tan-
son :ranted to know ally deiaand was, not made fo-r more water before the latter _Part of
June. I •
f 0 5lurchasin� jo-nd for street Cur Jo -es.
Cntj.n-ciL an iF` `Son up the matter of acquiring certain property in Pet-
ty roves first .'Addition for Street purposes and it v;as moved by Councilman Manson,
seconded by 0ouncilnan Gerson that the matter of !urchasing land from F. Schla.�er
for street pur.;oses be referred to the rinance Co::aittee. Upon roll call, all six
Council �-.n oresent voted in favor thereof and :motion ras declared carried.
".atter of 'i- 9uilcene '+later Shed.
;; ni " -r `r-' e patter r `F ,- ', ,ater shed on the
own. 1 n ;. :. anscr, brow„) � ui: the t r o� '�,ro �_ c tin t,_e :•.�.
� i]11Ceae ^i VCr ad i:r. i;aar w "coed that a coLt.oa iical;ion be sent to the Fores
ur:rviaor, requesting that the Cit;/ be advised if and when t irmber is to be Sold fi]
that ?;art or the Fore-; :ieserve.
t J.i. , LI ne i:., City.
'. Bar i _ou�it u1, h _, `Pi o" cone uc i-: tnc cul. ly line fro!:. the City
t•iat Conti act Jc..s. H. Coyne vfould do this„ork
L, .nLs to lu re e; !oir arld sta f r
.f Cotiat e unit )ices o. .tile i+me li::;it could be worked out later.
Int l:e and O e fro':!.
Conn iL .n I.an on '.s :ed +.`_out thu plans for. tlhe_r:L l:e ::nd ovcrflo?r to an from
'.ity Lal:c and the .at',er is e::_,laineJ by ILI•. Baar, ::lio reported that the cost
the I
of the 2411 s;tr,ly line to the City Lake ::nd the 1'0" and 1211 vfasee line fray the Cif
Lake to be e and recor:nae:;1 ';' ?.t this r;ork be executed by
Jontracto Ja::.e� H. _' ne undei the ue tei'ris as Contract lac. 2, I:Tr. Coyne to ad-
;ia at an early 6-+. t/e, his oo.;o--ed ti,+e o;' co :: let ion. It ffas ;moved by Councili!ia
Y n:;on, un ied. T)Y Councilra,:.n L ...lets that aid r- iport be adopted. I::otion car-
^Ird, upon roll call, all ::ix c)uncilif.e„ ,^esefit voLi:ig in favor thereof.
Minutes of Aug.
Putters relating: to City Pound
Councilman Miller brought up the matter of the condition of the City Pound and
said that the pouncbnacter ?ranted to knout if the Council would have the City Pound
repaired or if lie should take stock to his own place for impounding.
It vras moved by Councilnan.Coyne, seconded by Councilman Miller that Poundmas-
ter Myers be authorized to impound stock on his own premises without cost to the
City for the use of said premioes. Upon roll call, all cix councilmen present vo-
ted in favor thereof and motion war, declared carried.
Re: Grass on Calhoun. Street.
It was moved by Councilmali Manson, seconded by Councilman Gerson that Street
Suet. Pollard be ordered to grade the grass off of Calhoun: Street to the parking
strip and to haul the. grass away as soon as possible and that the City Clerk be in-
structed to so notify 1.1r. Pollard. Motion carried upon roll call, all sir. coun-
cilmen )resent voting in favor thereof.
Matter of burnin;..*, grass.
Councilman Coyne brought up the matter of danger of fires.from dry. grass in
the City and desires to go on record as favoring ±hx burning the grass on the stree
in the Original To•arisite.
Sueedin� un nitre line construction.
It was moved by Councilman Manson and seconded by Councilman Miller that the
Council --o on record as requesting Contractor Jas. H. Coyne to speed up completion
of the pipe line and delivery of water to the paper mill as early as September 15th
if possible. Lotion declared carried.
Upon motion of Councilman Gerson, seconded by Councilman Manson, the Council
,,.ay o r .
City Cleric