HomeMy WebLinkAbout00342A Minutes of Aug. 7/28 continued. feet and a. garage 16 )r 24 feet on Lots 1 and 3, Block 81, Original Toinsite- Both buildings of wood. structure. Costl2800.00. F. E. P?ovotny. Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman La!muers, permit was granted. From Clyde L. Peach, to -wit: Port Townsend, Wash., July 26, 1928 To the Honorable City Council of the City of Port Townsend. Gentlemen: I'ern!ission is hereby requested to construct a frame building for a summer caum. costing about ;400.00, on hots 6 and 7, Block 102, in Pettygrove's 2nd Addi- tion to the City of Port Townsend. Yours very truly, Clyde L. Peach. Unon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, permit was granted. From Edwin Ingrahamn, to -wit: Port Townsend, Trash., Aug. 7, 1928 To the honorable Mayor and Councilrien of Port Townsend, '.gash. The undeioigned requests a permit to build two cottages to cost about Three Thousand Dollars (;p3000.00), on the corner of Maple Avenue and Garfield St. :Edwin Ingraham. Uron motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, hermit was granted. Fro:n Fred C. Aldrich, to -writ: Port Townsend, ',lash., AugusL 7, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council., _ort Townsend, Wash. Gei;tl.ermc:n : Permission is requested to make general renairs to my dwelling at 907 Pierce Street, at. an ezt. i!aated cost of )100.00. Respectfully submitted, Fred C.. Aldrich. Unon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman L'a!:uners, permit was granted. 'Miscellaneous Com„!unicati.ons• From Patrick H.'reartin.. Communication from Patrick H. Martin :.,as presented and read as follOws,tO-wit: Port Townsdnd, ','ash., August 7, 1928 Honorable Liayor -,ind City Council: It is hereb}( requested that the owners of the small shack situated on the street (Fra!lklin Ave.) by my property 03lock 69 IIastinro2,,econd Addition to Port Tovrnsend) be ordered to move said building as it is too close to 'IT gasoline tank as installed, according to City Ordinance number 800. Very re--pectfully yours, I'atri clt H. Martin. 440 Scott St., Port Townsend. raid co:m"uunicat.on sras referred to the Co!mnittee on Streets and Sewers. Fran Jeffer::_on County Fair Associr_;,ion. Cos::unica.tion 1'ro:n Jefferson County Fair Association eras presented and read as follovrs, to -exit: Port Ta%rnsenti, ':lash., ,'august 7, 1928 To the Ma,ror and City Council, Port Tounse-nd, auhii.gto,l. =entlemae n : Ire ;:ould .like to have the use of the Scaler to t^ork on t'ae fair Grounds, s Ome, evenlnC; and sortie Sunday. 1r. Pollard leas kindl;r consented to donate his time, if the City Council t L P �� 'P' .a. all ;. P r F-e mould rr 1. 1� the 1. a.c_1 •:rottld be willing to have the Fair cin.m_��_e t..e � 1 penses nece: saris in u,,"= same. Thanl_in� you in •anticipation, we are, Yours sincerely, Ilr. Jack Carroll, Bldg. Committee ,.:r. ROy Dale, Grounds Con-imittee It :vas moved by CounciLma.n ::anz-on, seconded by Councilman :tiller to ;rant the use of the 'rrau.er, on eveninCs and Sundays, to smooth out the -.-ravel a.nd earth afte it has, been removed iron the bank. ul,,On 1`011 c.tl.l, E11.1 -ir council'ten )resent vo- ted: in favor thereof and motion eras declared ca -rigid. LP10 u; P v J f � iemle rFtl TIO-..}!i L?.1 . floss the Bayview General Hospital was presented and read as fol.- lnt,s, sort Townsend, asil., Au_;ust 7, 1923 Tile _ Ort `:Gl:nZE:i , '�a'Sllln�'t on ..]ii.� lil ,;tii:Ut102/ i.'. In i'eCe�-.t of ?. ..w a:r b111 fOr July lil t'.11° ^.1":10i nt Of U C I I z j II "I 59 Minutes of Aug. 7/28 continued. mill, W-101- .�. i "?6.83. ';re beg to enter herewith a protest on the following grounds: f 1. The bill is out of proportion with statem(nts for previous utonth:,• consid- ering the extrome %rater restrictions for July which was strictly complied 'with here during ]clay and June the consumption of water was 2. :lith outside sprinkling lower than ::hat is claimed by the water department for July. 3. 1,7e have asked the crater department to advide us when they make readings Monthly at this place }which request has been repeatedly been ignored. We desire that this be done in order that we may be able to check upon this meter and locate where the disc:repancy exist. 4. deter reading; for July has not been furnished so far. e are submitting this communication and request that it be made a matter of record prior to August loth in order that payment of this July account after the necessary checking has been made, be not subjected to the dollar fine for crater ac- counts paid after that date. Very truly yours, Bayvievr General Hospital Ry J. Velasquez De Leon f Sur;eon-in-cj}arge . {4 Said corn::munication was referred to the Committee on ':rater and Drainage. f From Cit _Treasurer, Re: J. Somers. City Trea user Grace Ditcher presented a statement of Local I!aprove.rment Dis trice A-seusments u»on Block 68, risenbeis Addition, and eubiaitted. a'.coFvnunication in relation thereto r,;lich was read as follows, to -writ: Iort Town send, '.7as1i• , Aug. 'J, 1928. '2o the Honorable Mayor and City Council, 'len tlemen : ,'Sr. Somers purchased the herein described property from Jefferson County Un Vcb. 21, 1920. The Local Improvement Dist. �8 included this description but il0. ing was ever paid. ",`lien the County sold to lair- SOtners he zup_aosed his title wras clear but now lie finds through the abstractor that, the L. I. D. Assess.nents are a blot on the title :which he must clear up before the man who purchased it from him ca.n ,make a lean on the property. ,,Ir. Somers lierewrith submits this situation for your consiuel•ation. Grace Ditcher. Uoon the advice of City Attorneir Scoi;t, no action was taken i'n the matter. Fro!p J. Sadler, le: flue Prints_ Cc!:1nLini-ca+ion from J. Sadler, City Eng. and 'rater Supt. , :vas presented and read as follovrs, to-wiL: Fort Tovrnsend, ','lash., Aug 6t11, 1928 To the MIyor and City Council, "entle:nei! : I -lace just ordered 2-doz Blue Prints of the City r,4ap, the requisition hav-1nS been pelt in sometime ago. This tracing is worn out gild not fit to make a decent blue rime from it any !more, This tracing 'ryas matte in 1909 and iS nst up to d`).te, f:here ila.ve been many cllan.rcz ]Wade since that time, ':3rnongst the ;..ort im_nor- tant :shicll s not ;,ho�wn on the present leap is the new State Highvrayr, Race Trach, th i. St=tndard Oil Dock, the Union Oil Dock; there are also sever_�.l minor alterations tha need to be mlde. I a!n brin�i."m� this to your attention so that you will 1-nowthecondition of the Tracing and be -overned accerdin.-ly- 3es:ectfully, `:r. J. Sadler, City Ejig. and 17ater Supt . No action rras al -,en on said coi;naunicat ion. ?ro!n Ca} Lain I :+. S�loi_s.•rood, Fort :7orden. Cony of approved contract for. su,•�11yin;; Crater to Fort .:0 teu ;vas cubmuitted by Ce.pt. Spots'rroed, uarte ,master, to�,etlher %'ith the .follo,.—;* Corn]:unication; to -exit: OFFIQr OD Fort ':Orden, l ash. , July 20, 1923 iLil", jsct : ::OTi1. r-ACC f Or '•di',e"t'. To: The ,aayor, The City of. Port Townsend, ';lash. Dear Sir:=_ c,nclosed here-%:ith is 10rour copy of approved contraOt for the wuislily Of ra^ ter ':o Fort "orden during the Fiscal Year 199-9 Spotsroodw Capl:c:in, ;.1.i.C. RE"UI =IT 70111S . Requisitions for supplies for various; de_aartments of the Cii:y •:;ere prF_-ented, react and di -,nosed of as follows. For the C_i_t"r -Vater De"lartmnent to -writ : 1 Tire gilt. jube 750 feet 3/4. inch Galvanized Pipe 250 It 1/2 inch It ::as :moved by Councilman Cojrne, secunucd by Courlc_1ae.n L:iller th-!t the recIul siLion be granted. Notion declared carried i r— n i, i . f• E f' i (i 1 k j