HomeMy WebLinkAbout00341n �...,_...��..._...._.. ice. .�......._...s.�-_....�_....,__ ....•v ... ...__. _.�...:... .__ ....�. ,. ...-s�•._�.L.......--^--"-•. r,.__. .. t -r`, �• 56 Minutes of August• 7/28 continued. From Hugh IT. Zei be, to -wit: Wort Townsend, 'lash., July 20, 1928 To the Honorable Iriayor and City Council, Port Townsend, ',lash. Gentlemen: IWWW■ kerwission is requested to build a small addition, about 7 a: 12 feet, to my residence in the 0. C. IIastings Addition. Cost is estimated at ya100.00. Respectfully submitted, Hugh H. Zeits Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, permit was granted. From Joe I:Gorello, to -wit: Port Townsend, Flash., Aug. 6, 1928 To the Honorable Mayo-• and City Council, Port Townsend, 'lash. Gentlemen: 1'e:riis::ion is requested to erect a frame garage, 12 x 15 feet, on my prem ises at 1038 }aonroe Street. Building will be set back 3 feet from the Street lin and•the cost is estimated at •;v100.00. Respectfully submitted, Joe Morello. • upon lrlotion of Councilman. Coyne, Se0o11(ied by Councilman Laininers, permit was granted. From C. F. Christian, to -wit: Port Townsend, 1,7a2h. , July 30, 1928 "_'o the Honorable 11:3-or and City. Council, fort T(rinsend, + asil. Gentleine n Pe_•lnission is requested to repair the front porch to my dwelling at 835 Harrison Street. Also to tear down and rebuild two sheds on the rear of said prem.; ices. all s+.t in estimated cost of ;`v100.00 Al:ao to move a small building from a the tract of land just ','etit of the City warehouse on Harrison Street, to my residence pr, perty at .,rriSol, St, The street vril.l not he blocked at any tinie as one team or truck can easily move the building. Respectfully submitted, C. F. Christian.I Upon motion of CounciL.^.an Coyne, seconded by Council!n=tn Laucmers, permit was granted. , From Ha -rry Olsen, to-vrit Port Townsend, `'lash., July 30, 1928 To the Tonorable I.Tayor;nd City Council, Port To-.-alzend, 'lash. r; Gentlr-:nen: Pe.ria}.ssion is requested to stake genc3-al rcnairs to my duelling at 734 Fillmore -Street, at a.n estitated cost of '50.00 Respectfully submitted, Harry Olsen Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Cc uncili!ian Larrlmero, permit r:as granted. From 7.'. :,T. Simeoe, to -exit Po.r.t. Townsend, ''Dash., August 6, 1928 the Honor-zhle :ayor and City Council, Port Towrnsend., '7ash. Gentlemen: Perutic:,ion is re:juested to erect 3, 3-room fra.iue cottages on 1:ijr property in the Phillips Addition, at an estir:r.ted cost of '800.00 tc r1000.00 each. :respectfully sai.:::itted, l7. 'i. Simcoe. Upon r.:otion of Councilm:_,n Coyne, ceeornuud cvv Codr,cil:aan LamnerE, permit .;as grtnt,ed. Fort Townsend-, 'lash. July 27, 1928 ^o the Honorable "ayor and City Council, Port Townsend, '::ash. Gentlemen : it . e'l: is=ion is requested to erect two frune rlaellings on Lots 3 and 4, Blk 7, fountain, '/;ev: %.ddi;.ion, toSether :wiuh a gara_e with each dwelling, at a cost of a,.r, oxiratel `32:0.00 for each dwelling. Garages will be set back 3 feet or more - �I from the street line. ?ezpecTfull}r -U1•:,1lt.1ed, C.ie ,ci llc ?� I 1.� Unen ::�oticn of Gounoil�ran Coyne, :.econded b;;r t:ouncilrr�.n L_:, �i•s, ue'•!:: t ryas --- Pore. Toxins en d, •,la::}l., AvL,1-.St 1t,1928 157 I;Iinlates of Aur'ust 7/28 continued uentilemen: Permission is requested to erect a frame dwelling and a garafr•e on Block 21, PettyYroves First Addition, at a cost of approxi-msttely ;p1500.00. Garage will be set back three feet from the street line. Respectfully submitted, Geo. F. Pears. Upon motion of Counci•.;man Coyne, seconded by Councillna.n Larvners, peL•rni.t �•ras granted. From Joel Ed'rrards_, to -wit_ Port Townsend, 'I1ash. , July 31, 1928 'Po the Honorable- Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Gentlemen: Permission is requested to partition a room in mar dwelling on Lot 11, Blk 4, Columbia Addition, to make provision for a bath room. Cost is estimated at r20.00. Respectfully submitted, Joel hdvra,rds Upon motion of CotnlciLri<an Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, permit was granted. From H. 2. Durst, _to_ -wit: fort Townsend, 'Wash., Aug. lst, 1928 To the Honorable Mayoe and City Council, Pori; Townsend, '.''ash. Gentlemen: Yermi.<;sion is requested to erect c. frame dwelling house at 326 FilLriore St., :t an estimated cost of. 'P2000.00. Also to erect a building, about 16 20 feet, on rear of lot, for :cork shop and tool shed. 3espectfully submitted, H. E, Durst Upon motion of Councilman Lammers, seconded by Councilman Coyne, permit was gra.nte.d. From Geo. 'A. Henninrrs, to -'^it: Port Townsend, 'lash., Aug. (th, 1928 To the Honorable M.).yor and City Council, Port Townsend, '"ash. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to make general repairs to my residence at 11114 Garfield Street, at an est;ilflated cost; of ;>100.00 Respectfully subinii;ted, Geo. 71Hennin, s Upon motion of Councilman Coyne; seconded by Councilman L•u:nners, pen:ii.t was granted. , From John Il. '�latkins, to -writ: "- Fort Townsend, 'Hash. , Aug. 6th, 1928 To the honorable Mayor and City Council. Port Townsnnd, ';lash. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to build an addition, 12 z 12 feet, to my resides on Block 279, Eiseni,eis Addition, at an est.ir .ted cost of 31:i0.00. �Iespectfully submitted, John D. '^at3,ins Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman La=.viers, Permit vla.s nted. From_ 0. M. Thomnsen, to -wit: -- Port Townsend, '.lash., August 3rd, 1928 To the Ilonort)'.•e Yayor and City Counvil, Port Townsend, 'las}l. Gen I;_eruen : Permission is requested to erect three dwrellin houses in Eisenbeis Addi- tion as follows: 1 - 4-room, frairic dvrelling on Block 95. Estimated cost, 32000.00 1 - 5-room, frame dwelling on Block 95. Estimated cost, 2500.00 1 - 5-room, frame dwelling on Block 104. Estimated cost, 2500. 0 Also to erect a Garage for each 1r1i.1,;;tag, to be set back three feet or more from the street lisle. Also to make alterations .and repairs to the old tlov; situate on :'lock 95, 'licenbeis Addition, at an estimated cost of ?1000.)0 Respectfully submitted, 0. :S. Tilanj,sen U;,on j:lo'.ion of Cou.nci.11nan Coyne, seconded by Council:an Lammers, jcerrtit was granted. From!". jrovotny, to -wit.: Port Townsend, ';Dash., Aug. 4th,1928 To the Icon. '.---a.yor and City Council, rGn{;lC',et1: I llereb,r stake aI _rlicatioil for perl.l_CSion to erect a Jr room house 28 3: 30 I i