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Upon the Public Library Fund, to-wwit:
Emilie A. Rothschild
Hugh Richmond
Puget Sound Power & Light Co.
City 'Transfer Co.
J. K. Gill Co.
Arthur A. ',romrath,Inc.
Salary and Exp.
Salary, Janitor
Electric Light
Total .................
Unon the Park Fund, to -wit: 1.80
Lofthu.s Lumber Co. Lumber
Beatty Hardware Co. Supplies 12.65
Total 14.4
It was moved by Councilman Gerson, seconded by Councilman Manson, that the
bills as read, eucept a bill from the Robert W. Hunt Co., be allowed and that the
Mayor and the City Clerk execute warrants upon the proper funds in payment of same.
Upon roll call, all Dim councilmen present, namely: Coyne, Gerson, Manson, ;,ue
nell, Lammers and I'Miller, voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried.
Bill. of Robt . .,.' . Hunt Cc .
The bill of the Robert W. Hunt Co., for shop inspection of pipe line material,
was laid over for later consideration.
The amended claim of James B.`VanSice, against the City for damages, was now
presented and road as follows, to -writ:
Port Townsend, .'Washington, July 20, 1928.
The City of Part Townsend,
To James B. Van Sice, Dr.,
To damages for the injury of the said. James B. Van Sice, 000.00
In support of the foregoing claim the following facts out of which it arises
is made.
That at and prior to the twenty-second day of June, 1928, the City of Port
•: TomAS has laintained on the Southerly side of juincy Street, between Tashington
and Jefferson Streets, a wooden sidewalk and for a long time prior thereto the City
had permitted said sidewalk to be and become on said date and long prior thereto it
was old, decayed, defective,and unsafe for travel, and the boards forming the sur
face.of said sidewalk was then and long bad been, lease from the stringers of said
walk., and defective, unsafe, and unfit for. travel. That the condition of said viral
was well known to the officers of said City, and to said City, on and long prior to
, said June 22nd, but that said James B. Van Sice did not, on said June 22nd., or at
P&Iany time prior thereto, know that said sidewalk was defective, unsafe, or uu.i'ii: for
travel. That late in the morning of said June 22nd, between the hours of 9:30 and
10:30 said James B. Van Sice was lawfully walking along said Quincy Street sidewalk
between Jefferson and Washington Streets, upon the Southerly side of said Quincy
Street and upon said sidewalk in front of said Block 55, original to:,'nzite, at ap11.3 -
proximately a distance of one hundred and fifty feet from the commanceulent of said
-sidewalk at Jefferson Street, without knowledce or notice of said defective condi-
tion -of said sidewalk that I, James B. Van Sice, stepped upon a plank of said side-
walk at or near the outer end of said plank, and said plank or board, beinS old, de
caged and loose as aforesaid, was dislodged from its proper position, and as result
I had a violent fall and fell a distance of about fourteen feet. Said James B. Vai
Sice-was painfully injured.
That said injuries was substantially as follows; and were wholly caused from
said falling and striking as aforecai&; to -writ: I -received a cut on my right leg awl
my lkG was badly bruised and sprained and the for a period of three weeks the inju-
ries received by said fall totally disabled me and I was unable to attend to busi-
ness of any kind. And also that the shock received by the fall to my nervous sys-
tem I have not recovered as yet.
.That prior to Hwy said fall, that I was a healthy and vigorous man and was able
to conduct my business in the regular way. And that the said injury has prevented
me from attending to said business and since my said injury I have been damaged in
-i my business by reason of my inability to give attention thereto, in the mum of .,j10G
and I will be further so damaEed. And on the same date and prior thereto for six
months I have resided at 716 Jefferson Street.
by James B. Van Sice.
�I State of `asliincton) ss.
County of Jefferson)
L That
t P
• 7 is Ll7e a-
n n' r. �• n• rlk.� I _
i _ n Oa��11 ,, a.
V. U' i first dui .,wrorn
Jun.e.. _.. Van ice, b. n� ., � ,
I} bone named claimant; that the foregoing account is just; and that he believes the
'I foreJ].ng date-"cias to be true.
James B. Van Sice,
�! Subscribed and sworn to Before me this 20th day of July, 1928.
l� N. A. IS.ldsell
i':otavy Public, Residing at Port To`:;nsend,,la:,?.
It.was moved by Councilman Gerson, seconded by Councilman Coyne, that said cla m
be referred to the City Attorney and t..'le Finance Co::Swittce. UI.On roll call, Counci. -
l�.en Coyne, Ganson, :.unnell, La_:.ia rs and '.filler voted i!1 ',he Affivnative and Council
Minutes of Aug. 7/28 continued
man 1.1anson in the negative. Motion declared carried.
Cit Attorney ,'i
City Attorney Scott stated that he
expected to take up the matter of the claim
of Allan
Trumbull, at this session, but
the ?Mayor being absent, it would be
to a
later session.
The City Cleric reported having issued the regular July salary warrants
of August 1st, as follows:
the Current Expense Fund, to -exit:
4 9
Jam. '.7. B. Scott
Grace Pitcher
City Treasurer
C. F. Christian
City Clerk
Earl W. Sturrock
Police Justice
R. S. Weppner
Acting Police Chief
F. A. Polls
LeRoy Seavey
Fire Truck Driver
J. K. Metzger
Fire Chief
J. R. Pollard
Street Suet.
Rollie Stahl
Truck Driver
Total ................
jinn the Olympic Gravity ','later fund, to -writ :
049 Ben Green Asst. Supt. 149•75
050 Rita Vautier Clerk
Total 1 3. 2
Upon the Park Fund, to -twit:
Hiram". 'Pucker Gardener 90.00
Chief of Police.
The report of the Chief of Police for the month of July was presented, read an
ordered. filed.
';later anti Drainage .
The follov.ing report from the Committee on 'rater and. Drainage was presented,
read and ordered filed:
Port Townsend, 141ash., Aug. c, 1928
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council.
of the City of Port Townsend.
Your Committee, on "later and Drainage to w:ho!n was referred the matter of
stew Supt's report for June would respectfully report as follows: We have checked
the report and find it correct.
P . I,t . Coyne
P. A.Manson.
"later for Coast Guard Club Rooms.
Councilman :: ncon, reporting verbally on the application of the U.S. Ccast
Cu.a-rd for water for their recreation rooms on Tyler Street wharf, moved, seconded
by Councihr_r.n Coyne, that the Mayor -and the City Clerk be authorized to execute a
contract for said service at the regular rates. Upon roll call, all six council-
men present voted in favor thereof and motion was der.laped carried.
Serer extension for C. F. Christian.
Councilman ]Manson, reportini on the application of C. F. Christian for an ex-
tension of the Van Euren Street sewer, stated that there slid not appear to be any
money available to build said severer. City Attorney Scott suggested that the City
TlnZineer be requested to ascertain the cost of the sewer.
'.7ashout by ] ci_rv. luenell's.1wrol_crty_.
Councilman "'uenell walled die attention of the Council to the damage to his
property from a leak in the ma er main and Councilman Manson a ccu-red him that the
matter :would be taken cave of.
Buildinn Permit for Ilia. Hattie Rogers.
Councilan Lammers reported that he had insjeci-.ed the premises in relation to
the build_in,; permit requested by Mrs. HattieRogers and .round that the bui.lAing had
been completed but not connected with the and that mrs. Rogers had sta0d tha
she would live in her other ]louse Pytil she was able to have a sewer put in. 000n-
cil ^n La..,ilers then ".loved, seconded by Counc lmnn Coyne the the building yc=it be
('ranted. Potion declared carried.
A ylicationv for Tuil:ing P3r:a:itz w:eie _iiezenwed, read, and dis_OGcd of As f'l