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Minutes of. July17,/28 continued.
Miscellaneous communications,
From C. F. Christian, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Slash., July 17, 1928
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Vash.
I am the owner of the block in Kuhns Ranch, immediately North of Garfield
Street, between Harrison and Van Buren Streets, and I find by reference to the City
records that the westerly half of the block was included in the Southerly Sewer Dis-
trict, was assessed at the same rate as all the other property in Kuhns Ranch, the
records show that the assessments were 7Mid in full, but the sewer was not extended
Northerly beyond the Southerly line of Garfield Street.
�I This leaves me in the peculiar position of having property upon erhich the
All full sewer assessments were paid but have no - sewer available.
t I[ respectfully request that you refer this matter to a committee and the
City Attorney to ascertain if I may be granted relief in the premises.
Respectfully submitted.
�I C. F. Christian.
Said communication was referred to the Committee on Streets and Sewers and the
City Attorney.
From R. S. Y%ennner, to- vrit:
Port Townsend, Wash., July 17, 1928
To the Honorable mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, "ash.
Application is respectfully made for ten days leave of absence, to be taki
en when rnodt convenient for the City.
Respectfully submitted,
R. E. Appner
It was moved by Councilman Chapelle, seconded by Councilman quenelle,that the
alplication be granted. iriotion•carried, upon roll call, all seven councilmen vo-
ting in favor thereof.
From J. B. Van Sice, to -writ:
�j Port Townsend, wash., July 9,,1928
{ To the Ionorable Mayor and. City Council,
111 of the City of Port Townsend.
i Gentlemen:
This is to notify $cep that on the 22nd day of June, 1928, between the ?
houe's of 9:30 and 10:30 a.m., I was coming from my residence at 716 Jefferson Street
and while walking over the Quincy Street sidewalk I met with a very painful acciden ,
which accident for two weeks disabled me in such a manner that I was unable to atte d
to business of any kind, and that in lieu of same I tender this claim for comnensa-
;`j tion in the suln of One Hundred Dollars (j100.00) for which I ask the early consider.
41 1 ation of your most honorable body. This accident might have been far more serious
1 and probably would have caused a lawsuit against the City. This sidewalk had been i
+ a dangerous and unsafe condition for a long time and some action should have been
taken by your honorable body to repair the same and put it in a safe condition.
�I Very respectfully submitted,
(signed) J. B, Van Sice.
City Attorney Scott stated that the claim was not in form and that if he was
asked to rule upon it at this time he would have to report adversely on account of
the claim not beinC presented in legal form. By permission, Mr. Van Sice address
ed the Council relative to the claim and requested permicsion to withdraw the com-
munication to put his claim in legal form for re -presentation to the Council.
Upon motion of Councilman juenell, seconded by Councilman L:,imners, said permis
lion was granted,
{ From Paul Hinton (resiEnation) to -wit'.
Port Townsend, Clash„ July 174 1928
To the "ayornnd the City Council,
Port Townsend, •gash.
I, Paul Hinton, hereby present my resignation from the position of Clerk
of the Water "epa.rtment; for reasons well known to all of the members of the City
Council and to the 2 yar.
this resiEnation is to take effect i:nmediately or, this date, July 17,1928
1 Yours respectfully,
maul Hinton.
It was moved by Councilman Hanson, r.econded by Councilman Miller that said res
ignition be accepted. Upon roll call, a'1 seven councilmen voted in favor thereof
' and -notion was declared carried.
� t f m• n 1 ��� miss i
� r Clerk.
C 't'1 11ll _er � ate l
�� �' 17t C. Rita .� 1 Oln e
- • that _., C,
+. � , Miller �. r a ,i �.�,a1 il.
I� was moved by Councilman �:'n.,oi,, ��econded t,� Col n� 1 Rit
Vautier be a_i'cinted to the position of Clerk of the rater Der.artment to begin July
lotion carried, upon roll call, all seven councilmen vo`,in;'_•; in favor
and of thy_, Prong Jacob 'Tiller, e` alo as follows, to -writ:
-� Port Townsend, Wash., July 5, 1928
P city of ioi! '..n:1 Rmfloyees:
:E . ish o thank Volt for _ .i:y-..1:,1 b':aui.lfU.L flowers. given US dta,ri rig
'd J
� a
Minutes of Jul ,-17 /28 cent
the burial of our beloved wife, mother, grandmother anJ. sister. Your kindnesses
will always be remembered by us all.
Jacob Miller
Mr. ;: Mrs. Walter Studerus &. family
It. & Mrs. Henry },filler E: family
Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Caller Fi family
Mr. & I,'rs. Walter Miller
Hr. & Mrs. Geo. Reineck
Proposal to furnish water to Coast Guard, Base Ten..
An advertisement and proposal form, dated July 12, 1928, signed by the Execu-
tive Officer of U.S. Coast Guard, Section Base TEN, was presented and read, invitin-
the City to submit proposals for"futnisliAg water, as. follows:
"Furnish fresh ;rater for shower baths and toilets in recreation room, Tyler St.
Wharf for the period 1 August, 1928 to 30 June, 1929"
Said proposal was referred to the water Committee.
Requisitions for supplies from varieus departments of the City were presented,
read and disposed of as follows:
I'rmn the Water ferartmentt .to -wit: (1)
1 spring for Ford truth
It was moved by Councilman I:Ianson, seconded by Councilman Miller that the
requisition be granted. Upon roll call, all seven councilmen voted in favor thereo
and motion was declared carried.
.From the "ester Department, to -wit: (2)
2 doz- 3 x 3 " Rods
2 doz. 3/8 x 42'' Rods
100 feet of 14" wire wound wood stave pipe for use in connecting steel pipe to
City Main and to meet emergencies on Nain within the City limits.
It was moved by Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Coyne, that the
requisition be granted. Motion carried, upon roll call, all seven councilmen votin,
in favor thereof.
From the Ylater Department to -wit: (3).
2 doz. Maps of the City Blue Prints)
6 Blue Print Maps of the Eastern Sewer District
6 Blue Frint Maps of the Southern Sewer District
It was moved by Councilman juenell, seconded by Councilman Lannnerz, that
the requisition be granted. Upon troll call, all seven councilmen voted in favor
thereof and motion was declared carried.
From City Clerks llepartmcnt to -writ:
0 Blanks for eclaration of Candidacy
50 Blanks for Statement of Expenses
2 Small Rubber Stamps
50 Large Otamped Envelopes
It was moved by Councilman Zuenelle, seconded by Councilman Manson, that
requisition be granted. lotion declared carried.
Councilman Coyne stated that while looking over the site of the Martin Gasoli.n
Storage Tank, he found that the old depot extended approximately 35 feet into the
street. City Attorney Scott stated that it was his belief that they had been gran
ted a franchise, in years past, to use the street.
Matter of burning dry grass.
Councilman Coyne also brought up the matter of the risk of fires from dry Gras
and believes: it :could be good policy to have the Fire Lepartment burn the grass.
A general discussion relative to burning the grass followed, Councilman Gerson sug
gestinj that the drivers of the Sheet and Fire Departn;enLz do this work without h'
ring outside men but Councilman Manson stated that there was so much work to be dor
in the Street derattment that the driver could not be spaied for other duties.
Matter of Eradinf; street in isenbeis -ddition.
C�.uncilman Manson stated that Mr. E. R. Holbrook had made a request that the
street in front of the property in the Bsienbeis Addition where he is en�•af.�'ed in
buil6ing dwellings, be Graded to give them access to the property. Councilman
Ianson stated that in his opinion, the work should be done as these !parties were
making good their agreement tc erect new residences.
Matter of dilapidated sidewalk on 7asnin(=ton St.
Councilman Manson also brought up the matter of the dilapidated sidewalk on
nchingten Street between lolls aria Harrison Streets, :tatino that many Complaints
had been made and suSgestcd that the old ':calk be taken up and that the situation bs
taken care of for the present by making the walk passable with a small amount of
"'ester for Le t '•:orden Golf Links.
Mayor B_.ngorter reported th"t he ::as in receipt of a request from the Officer;