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I;linutes of July 3, 1928 continued.
did not recommend the development of the wells at present as it would be better to
supply these communities from the gravity pipe line when compl ted. A discussion
followed relative to the manner. of supplying Hadlock and Irondble until the new pips
line is completed. Mr. Baar made other recommendations relative to the supply an
regulation of the' use of crater and that if the ester supply run short that sprink-
ling should be curtailed to the minimum. He also stated that it might be neces-
sary to furnish the Paper I.Sill with large amounts of stater at certain times and be-
lieved the matter could be arranged. Mr. Baar, speaking of a temporary supply
from the little Quilcene River,estimated that the cost.would amount to approximate-
ly 15,000 to ,'20,000 and that Mr. Schoenwerk had advised against 'the expenditure.
Mr. Baar believed that the Paper Company would be satisfied with conditions as be in
now worked out. He further stated that'the big problem at present, is to fill th
new pipe line again after it is flushed out.
S-irinkling hours.
Councilman Manson brought up the matter of using water for sprinkling and wan-
ted to know the present status of same, as it appeared that a notice had been put
on the Bulletin Board without authority of the Council.
"later Committee authorised to govern snrinklin� hours.
It; was moved b y Councilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Coyne that the mat-
ter of the use of water for sprinkling be left to the Water Committee and Mr. Green
Motion declared carried.
1lotice on Bulletin Board. notice of sprinkling
Councilr.:an Coyne asked Mr. reen if he had placed the
hours on the bulletin board and Mr. Green replied that he had not done so. Coun-
cilman Gerson then stated that he had ordered the sign put up because Mr. Baar had
authorized him to do so, but Mr. Baar disclaimed any desire of intention of inter-
fering in any way with the operation of the water works.
Cuincy Street Sidewalk.
Councilman dewalk brought up the matter of the dilapidated sidewalk on Quincy
Street befween "Vashington and Jefferson Streets and asked for the sentiment of the
Council as to what action should be taken.
It was moved by Councilman Zuenell, seconded by Councilman 1:iiller that the
matter be left to the Street Committee, to repair the walk if it could be done at
a reasonable cost and if not, to have the walk closed to use by fencing it off.
Motion declared carried.
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Upon motion of Councilman Quenell, seconded by Councilman Gerson, Council
ATTEST: owe o�
City Clerk.
Minutes of Session of July 17th, 1928
Port Townsend, Washington, July 17, 1928.
The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, 'lashington, met in regular ses
sion this 17th day of July, 1928, at.18 P-7., in the Council Chamber of the City Hal
Councilman Edw. Quenell, Mayor pro tem. presiding.
Upon roll call there were present City Attorney Jas. 11. B. Scott, City Clerk
C. F. Christian and Councilmen Jacob Miller, P. 11. Coyne, I&Ix Gerson, P. A. 1,4anson,
Edward Quenell and Williarn Lammers. Mayor George Bangerter and Councilman Harry
Chapelle arrived during reading of minutes and took their respective chairs.
The minutes of the regular ses^ion of July 3rd, 1926, were read and approved
as read.
City Attorney.
City Attorney Scott reported having met Mr. `./.J.?lorthington, Secretary of the
Quilcene Irrigation District and found them to be willing to do all they possibly
could to assist the City in its present water shortage and suggested that as the
district was now using the maximum amount of w! ter required at any time during the
year, that arrangements be made to measure the water used by the district at this
time. City Attorney Scott presented the followring letter from Mr. R. K. Tiffany,
State Supervisor of Hydraulics and requested that it be read and incorporated in th
records, to -writ :'
Olympia, 'lash., July 7th, 1928
Mr. Jas. W. B. Scott,
City Attorney,'
Dort Townsend, ',lash.
Dear Mr. Scott:
Your letter of June 27th, enclosing completed application of the'City of
-Tort Townsend. to ahprohi•mate waters of the Little Quilcene River, is before rne. I
have also a letter from .. J. „orthinvton, Sec.-Treas. of the Quilcene Irrigation
CompanSr, of which cony is enclosed for your information.
You stated. when in my office recently that diversion of sorle water from
the Little Quilcene during the months of July, August, and possibly September of
this year would materially expedite the construction and beginning of operation of
the paper mill now., under construction in Port Townsend, as your construction on the
Big Quilcehe River cannot be completed in time to serve the first needs of the paps
mill. You expressed the view that you could probably arrange with the Quileene
Irrigation Company for diversion in such a way that it would not interfere with ir-
rigation. The Quilcene Irrigation Company has rights, :rhich. during, lour eater take
practically the full flow of the stream.
There remains the protest of the U.S. Bureo.0 of Fisheries th,.Iough Ir. Kern-
merich, Superintendent of the local hatchery. Mr. Kemnerich in his protest sta-
tes that the taking of any :eater from the Little Quilcene River by the City of Port
Townsend would "result in the decrease of our source of egC su,)ply for the Zuilcene
hatchery to such an extent that to continue fish cult.ural'opera.tions mould not be
(iarranted and the station would have to be Closed."
These two streams are the only available source of gravity water supply
for the future needs of municipal industry and agricultural development of Fort Ton]
send and its tributary territoyy and I am inclined to think that the use of these
streams for these purposes is of more importance to the State than the maintenance
of the fish hatchery and rearing ponds. `'e will not, however, issue a final _.er-
mit: from the Little ui.lcene until we hear further from the representatives of the
State and Federal Fisheries Departments.
This letter may be considered, a tcm JOrapj 1)e rmit, under 'r:hich diversion
of water from the Little Zuilcene 'liver may be made during the.months of July to Oc
toter inclusive of the present year, subject to existing ri.-hts. It is understood
that you will get in touch with the Zuilcene Irrigation Company and r:.ake no diver-
sion of crater that ti:ill interfere with the needs of that company and that you will
also accommodate yoUr diversion so far as may be done to the needs of the Quilcehe
Fish hatchery.
Copy of this letter is being sent to Idr. Kemmerick, Superintendent of the
_;ui.lcene Hatclery for his infor:ation, and to others noted. below.
Yours very rely
R. K. Tiffany
State Supervisor of Hydraulics
c.c.-. U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Seattle, 'lash.
Cl}as- R. Pollock, State Supervi:,'or of Fisheries, Seattle,
Joe Ke!., ile ^ich, : ui,t.. Quilcene '.river Hatchery, Birdsview, :`ash.
Zuilcene Irrig_--tion District.
l,tr. Scott 'su -_Zted tha.t a letter of thanks be sent to each Ii_r. Worlihington
and 1Ir. Tiffany, .nd it was so ordered by the Mayor.
: a.ter Sui:,erintendent.
The report of the ".:atex• Suye-rintendent for the month of June, 1928, was presen
ted, read, _.nd refe;•rcd to the Coiiotittee on iJater and Drainage.
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