HomeMy WebLinkAbout00335.•4.4 Minutes of July 3/28 con-,iinued. Applications for Building permits were presented, read, and disposed of as fol- lows: From R. T. Miakin to -writ: y 3; 1928 Port Townsend, Wash., Jul To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Clash. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to erect a two -room cottage, 14 x 24 ft on Lots 3 and 4, Block 106, Eisenbeis Addition, at an estimated cost of $100.00. Also to build a small chicken house.. Respectfully submitted, R. T. Miskin, by Geo. Miskin. Upon motion of Councilman Gerson, seconded, the application was refe.-red to th Building Committee. From. Carl B LaFrance, to -wit: Port Tor;nsond, ','lash., June 28, 1928 .. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council sort Townsend, 'lash. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to erect a. three-room dwelling. 22 x 24 feet, on sots 3 and 4, Block 41, Eisenloeis Addition, at an estimated cost of a750.00. Respectfully submitted, Carl B. LaFrance Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lwtimers, permit was granted. From ^1. T. Hinton, to -writ: Port Townsend, 'dash., July 3, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Fort Townsend, flash. Gentlemen: 1'ezvnission is requested to erect a three-room cotta;;e on Lot 5, Block 5, Broadway Addition, at an estimated cost of ;a800.00. Respectfully submitted, „. T. Hinton, by Paul Hinton. Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, permit was granted. Frorp M. J. McNeil, to -wit: Port Townsend, Wash., July 2, 1928 To the honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, 'Yasli. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to erect a. four-room,flY•ame dwelling, on Lots 3 and 4, Block 278, Eisenbeis Addition, at an estimated cost of a1000.00. Respectfully submitted, :;. J. McNeil Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Larmners, permit was granted. From d. H. Cox to -wit: -'' -- Fort Lewis, Wash., June 29 ,1928 The Hon Mayor and City Council of Port Townsend, "lash. City Hall, fort Townsend, 'Nash. uentlemen: I request that a permit be issued granting me authority to make general repairs and improvements on my property, known as "Park Place" at Port Townsend, 'Cashington. The wrorl: to be commenced immediately on receiut of !?errlit and to be com- pleted -within 30 days at a, cost of approximately1000.00 to ;91200.00. Yours very truly ". II. Cox Auditor, State Military Department. Upon motion of Joi)ncih!ian Coyne, seconded by Councilman Larvners, permit was �1•anted. To tap sewer. Perrus ion to tap sewer '::as requested by 'i. G. Bonney, as follovrs, to -writ: Port Townsend, "lash., July 2, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, =ort Tovmsend., 'lash. Gentlemen: Pen.iisc.ion is requested to tap into the Cass Street Seer for sewerage f:•om Trot 2, Block 4, Kuhns Ranch. Respectfully submitted, 'rc. ::'. G. Bonney. y perriissi.on, r. Bonne;; addressed tl:e Council, stating that lie wiould Lave to build a.*.nroximately 180 feet of sewer to re::ch the present serer n.nd that if he vias cY.li;;ed to ,x:.y t.lrc regular se•rrer assessment before ta,.,;ping the sewer, he vnl:ad aol: that, the ~--ewrer be e;,tended to his Pro-rty. ;e. T?i:: ar,t',licati on :.,a-_:.,a-_referre to tht. Co:::,ittee onStrect <-nd e..*xrs 11 j U F Minutes of July 1, 1928 continued. To Construct Runwa Permit to construct a runway from street to sidewalk was requested by F. U. Smith, as follows,to-vrit: Port Townsend., Wash'..July 2, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and Council Port Townsend, 71ashington. I hereby ask to be granted a permit to construct a runwa$r, connecting sidewalk on Taylor Street at the corner of the, Central Hotel Building, with the street driveway. F. U. Smith. Upon motion of Councilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Gerson, permit was granted. To install Gasoline Storage tank. Communication from Patrick in relation to installing a Gasoline Storage tank, was presented and read as follows, to -wit: Port Townsend, `.'lash., July 3,- 1928 Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dear Sirs: - It is my desire to place a 12,000 gallon gasoline storage tank on Lot four (4) of Block 69, Hastings Second Addition to Port Townsend. .,.*ill you please grant your kind permission and at your very earliest convenience. Hoping that this 'request is in order, I remain, Very sincerely yours, Patrick H. Martin. It was moved by Councilman L4anson, seconded by Eouncilman (,uenell that permi' to construct said storage tank be granted subject to all the conditions of the 0: dinance governing same and under the supervision of the City Engineer. Motion carried, upon roll call, all sir, councilmen present voting in favor thereof. Communication from Tiffany. Communication from R. K. Tiffany was presented and read as follows, to -writ: Olympia, Vash., June 29th, 1928 Ifr. C. F. Christian, City Clerk, Port Townsend, Washington. Dear Sir: - Thank you for your letter of June 27th, in which you express apprecia- tion of the City Council for our handling of your water right matters. '.S'e were very glad to give a little special attention to this matter, re alizing ho;:, important it has been to you in connection with the establishment of the paper mill, which means so much to the City. But it is very nice to reveice a bouquet now and then instead of after vie are dead and besides that might be a. long time. `,lith best Wishes for the cone ued growth and prosperity of your town and community, I am, Cordially yours, R. K. Tiffany State Supervisor of Hydraulics. REQUISITIONS. Requisitions for supplies for marous departments of the City were presented, read and disposed of as follows: For the Park Board_ to -wit: 1 wheelbarrow 15 5.50 50 feet of garden hose 4.50 1 plank, 3 x 12 x 20 ft 1.80 1 broom -75 It was moved by Councilman Manson, seconded by Councilman ?.filler that the rf uisition be granted. Upon roll call, Councilmen Lammers, Miller, Coyne and Irian: voted in the affirnutive,.Councilman 2uenell was temporarily excused and Counci.li Gerson refused to vote. Motion declared carried. For City Clerk, to -writ: 1 bottle office poste 1 typewriter ribbon -75 1 superior dating staml, with die 4.65 It was moved by Councilman :.filler, seconded by Councilman Coyne that t: requisition be 3ranted. Motion carried, upon roll call, Councilmen Lammers, Hi Coyne, Gerson and Manson voting in favor thereof and Councilman Q,uenell being tel orarily e1_cuced. Rev)ai.rs to City fIall. Councilran Coyne brou.ht up the matter of leaky fixtures in the city hall a it vra-- moved by C.uncilinrzn Manson, seconded by Councilman tailler that the Buildi Committee be authorized to have the necessary repairs !nade. I:otion deela_•ed ca 11151II,1I5I1ED APiD Y1171 BUSINESS. The matter of a, possible z;ater supply from certain, yells near Hadlock ..ras t up and upon request of the Council, I,fr. Baar stated that he had exa!-iined the vie and found that so::ie crater was now running out of the yells but that the 1�ump hoU Was in a 3.ila.ritated condition. Ile found the wrells to be writhin about 11 feet c the electric po,,er line and while the proposition had certain possibilities, he