HomeMy WebLinkAbout00332:3 8 wxr PIK I Minutes of June 26/28 continued. ME ...__._,.__ ...F. T,,"a i(,/'i0 continued. >w ;oo }'i; i 'rx �.. Councilman Gerson, chairman of. the Finance Committee, reporting verbally, s thta- New York to ted that after the committee had had a consultation with the City Treasurer and the of irsttake upataterB Interest lBank, they haCoupolnslpresented stheregfor payment,00 to Sunnlemental bid on Dam. opening of Reverting back to bids, Mr. Jas. H. Coyne now presented a supplemen ows, to -wit: tal bid, as requested by the Council, as follPort Townsend, Wash., June 26, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash. Gentlemen: Supplementing my proposal of this .date to construct the Big Quilcene v- er Dam, I agree to furnish the materials called for under item r'r14 of my proposal at cost to me. Respectfully yours, James H. Coyne. Acceptance of bid. ilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Gerson that the bid It was moved by Counc and supplemental bid of James H. Coyne be accepted and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to enter into a contract with Mr. Coyne for the construction of ect to the said dam on the Big Quilcene River, in CO. dance with said Upon roll call,ball seven councilmen proval of the Natio8tal Paper Products voted in favor thereof and motion was declared carried. Time extended on Contract I7o. 2. Councilman Chapelle, that the It was moved by Councilman 1.4anson, seconded by Project, be given an ex- contra.ctoron Contract No. 2, Big quilcene tension of 20 days on Contract No. 2, on account of construction of the dam on the Big quilcene river. Motion carried. To furnish list of material.' Councilman Lammers, that Baar It -was moved by Couulcilman Chapelle, seconded by and Cunningham be authorized to furnish the contractor, Mr. Coyne, with a list of materials called for under Item No. 14 of the proposal to build the dam on the Big quilcene River. Motion carried; all seven councilmen voting in favor thereof. coy-,,r:UNICATI0IIS BuildinF, nezmits. Applications for building permits were presented, read, and dispomed of as fol- lows: From B. F. Palmer, to -exit: Port To•:msend, ,'lash. , June 22, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council., Port Tovrnsend, "'lash. , Gentlemen: o small porch or wooden awn - permission is hereby requestedto coist''ddition, at all estimated cost of ing to my store building on Block 257, .�20.00. Respectfully submitted, B. F. Palmer Upon motion of Councilman Coyne,-econded by Councilman Lammers, permit was granted. From J. R. Dalgardno to -wit: port Townsend, Flash., June Q6, 1928 To the Honorable -Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Flash. Gentlemen: Permission is requested to re -shingle my dwelling house at 1427 Clay •, at an estimated cost of p70.00 Respectfully submitted, J. R. Dalgardno. Upm Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, perit was granted. From llrs 7 G. Bonney, to -wit: _ Fort Townsend, `dash, , June 26, 1928 1. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, kort Townsend, Wash. Gentlemen: iermission is requested to erect a garage, 16 x 20 feet, on Lots 2 and , Block A, Kuhns Ranch, at an estimated cost of $80.00. Building trill be set back three feet from the street lin�cspart`.ully submitted, Mrs. %7. G. Bonney seconded by Councilman Lammers, permit was Upon :aotion of Councilman Coyne, granted. ?'. Y. Hall, for elmonico Hotel, to -writ: rorr. DPort Townsend, 'lash., June 25, 1928 l`! To the Honorable 1`uyor and City Council, \ Port Townsend, '::ash. u I 39 Gentlemen: Permission is requested to make alterations to front and change partitio on main floor of Delmonico Hotel, and other repairs. Estimated cost ,$450.00. Respt. yours, F. 11. Hall Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, permit was granted. From J. R. Heath, to -wit: Port Townsend, 'rash., June 25,1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, 'Nash. gentlemen: Permission is requested to make general repairs on house No. 329 Benton St., house No. 123 Lincoln St., to cost a500.00 each or p1000.00 for both. Very Respectfully, J. i1. Heath By t't. J. Heath Upon:.motion of,;- Councilman Coyne, -seconded by Councilman Lammers, permit was granted. From "'rank Marshall, to -wit: (To install toilet fixtures). fort Townsend, bash., June 19, 1928 To the Mayor and Council, Port Townsend, 'Nash. Gentlemen: L hereby ask that I be granted a permit to install toilet bowl and sink in the dwelling on lot 5, block 45, original townsite, Port Townsend. Respectfully submitted, Frank Marshall. Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Gerson, said applica- tion was referred to the eater Committee. From Patrick H. Martin, to -wit: (Building permit and to tap sewer.) 440 Scott St., Port Townsend, :,ash., June:26, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash. Honorable Sirs: Mould you kindly grant permits on the following: First, to build suitable bmildings for a super service station on hots 6 and 8, of Block 69,Hastings.Second Addition to Port Townsend. Buildings will cost ap- proximately $1500.00. Second, Permission to tap the Gaines Street sewer adjacent to this property. Hoping this will be in order and that we may hear from you at your earliest convenience, I am,. Yours respectfully, Patrick lI, Martin. It was moved by Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers that the per- mit for the building be granted, and that a permit to connect with the Gaines St. sewer be granted for sewerage from Lots 6 and 8, Block 69, Hastings 2nd Addition, under the supervision of the eater Superintendent and upon the payment of assess- ments of a like sum assessed against similar property in said sewer district. Motion carried, all seven councilmen voting in favor thereof. 11iscellaneous communications From F. A. folk. Communication from F. A. Polk, patrolman, was presented and read as follows: Port Townsend, Nash., June 26, 1928 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Gentlemen: I -wish to make application for ten days leave of absence to begin as soon as we can get a man to work in my place. Respectfully, F. A. Polk Upon motion of Counci,22nan Chapelle, seconded by Councilman Manson, said appli- cation was granted. From Robt. Warrack Supt. of Li;;hthouses. Portland, Oregon, June 19, 1928 i'o the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Fort Townsend, 'Nash. Gentlemen: 1. As, with working arrangements existing, you are practically the care -taker of the Point Hudson Light and :signal, this office desires to know if you can arrang to take complete charge of the above aids, you to detail your Chief of Police or so other individual as the party in charge and with authority to communicate with this office in connection with reports, supplies, etc. 2. The compensation for the care of the aids is ;P30.00 her month. Respectfully, Robert '�`arrack Superintendent of Lighthouses. It was moved by Councilman 1-anson, seconded by Councilman Gerson that the City Clerh notify the Superintendent of Lirhthouses that the City does not desire to en- ter into a contract for the care of these aids owing to the lie.,ility entailed and the resi�onsibi.l.ity of a contract. kiotion carried, upon roll call, all seven coun- i